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Your earliest book related memory


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Just an odd thought I had, does anyone have an earliest book-related memory from childhood? It could be of reading with a parent, at school, going to a library or just a particular book.


I have two of them - The first is going to school and in my first week, being given a book to read with the same work 'Look' on every page. I thought they were crazy, as I could read full sentences...


Also sitting on my Grandad's knee having him read all sorts of books to me, particularly Enid Blyton's Mallory Towers books.

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The earliest specifically book-related memory is my first day of school where it was very quickly discovered that I would not deign to read the Peter and Jane books with the rest of the class because I'd read them all more than two years before. I was in class 1/2 and they had to get me books from the class 5/6 section to challenge me.


Earlier than that, I remember playing "flash cards" with my Mam.


According to Mam, even before I could actually read, I "read" to my teddies - I memorised all my favourite stories and would hold the book open, turning the pages at the right points (because I knew them so well). I probably learned to read by recognising the shapes of the words I remembered hearing. I don't actually remember doing that, but Mam assures me it's true.

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My earliest book related memory...


I was in kindergarten but can't read in English very well except for easy individual words. But I love books or looking at the pictures in books, rather. My parents, having never been to school before, speak only the Malay language. When my elder sister found out that I asked Mom for Jack and the Beanstalk (of the lady bird series, loads of pictures as well), she asked me to read it to her. Of course I couldn't but tried anyway. The words sounded more Malay than English. That was when I got a good thrashing from her. But that only make me more determined to be able to read.

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The first book I remember reading was The Cat in the Hat by Dr Seuss. I had gotten it out of the library at school and was reading it on the bus, and almost missed my stop! My older brother walked by and found me, engrossed in this book. I think it was clear at an early age that I was going to be a bookworm!:welcome:

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I don't exactly remember this, but my parents used to read to me; I had quite a few favourites I made them read to me :lol:


I remember once when I was small making my dad read "Daddy, will you play with me" to me when I was in the bath :lol::lol:


My other memory is when I was 5, it was my birthday and my parents organised for me and my sister to go pony trekking.

My birthday is in December.

It was snowing.

We were in a forest for an hour.


Freezing is an understatement.


So, yeah, I was on this horse, first time I'd been riding and I was talking to the girl leading me about this book I'd read. I couldn't quite remember what had happened in it, but I discovered later that it was a Saddle Club book, "Saddlebags".:welcome:


Finally, I remember that in year 2 I read so fast that my teacher didn't believe I was reading it properley and taking it all in, so she made me do a book review after every book I read.


Then she believed me! :006:

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Topsy and Tim from the library, reading a hardback book about the Halle orchestra.

Sitting under a weeping willow in the summer of 1977 reading

Falling off my bike and slicing my knee open then reading Oliver Twist to take my mind of the pain! (I was 11)

Wetting myself with fear when my dad chased us through Delamere Forest pretending to be Shelob from Lord of the Rings!

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Janet & John books from infants also The Wind in the Willows in juniors are some of my earliest memories. I also remember buying The Lion The witch and The Wardrobe when I was 7 instead of having fireworks and getting Black Beauty as a present when I was 8.

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:welcome: I remember my mother reading Enid Blyton stories to me. They were the books that had numerous short stories in each book and were usually about fairies or naughty pixies. Those and the Little Miss and Mr Men books were the first books I ever tried to read myself.
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Mum and Dad reading to me before I went to school. One of my favourite books was a book of my mothers - Nicholas Thomas the Naughty Kitten, which is still sitting on one of her shelves somewhere

Reading Peter and Jane at school and then Thumbelina from the school library when I was 6.

Buying every known Enid Blyton book from the age of 5 and receiving Rupert the Bear Annual for several Christmas's on the row

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Wetting myself with fear when my dad chased us through Delamere Forest pretending to be Shelob from Lord of the Rings!


I live near there , i used to go there all the time with my dad sorry slight deviation :welcome:


most of my earliest reading memories are centered around enid blyton books especially the naughtiest girl series and bein told off for trying to read in the car while it was getting dark


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I remember a book I had pre-school in the Dr Seuss range called "Bears in the Night" which I adored. I also remember being taken to a toy shop and saying I could have anything up to a certain value and choosing a book published by Disney full of pictures of a particular scene on each page e.g a farm or a school room and everything in the scene labelled - desk, chair, teacher etc. I loved that book and it was partly how I learnt to read.

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I also got busted for reading with a torch under the covers when I was supposed to be sleeping :welcome:


I don't have any very early memories of reading, but I have a lovely photo of my Mum and I sitting on a lounge and Mum is reading a book to me (not sure what it was). I look very engrossed and Mum looks thoroughly bored (although she assures me she wasn't!)


I remember borrowing Roald Dahl's poetry from the library and Mum would stand in the hallway and read it aloud so both my brother and I could hear. She did a wonderful job!


When we used to go on holidays, Mum would surprise my brother and I with new books when we got to our destination. I usually got a few Baby-Sitter's Club books but I remember getting a huge book of jokes once.


My Nanna had some Dr Seuss books that I would routinely pull out of her cupboard and read every time I went to her place. When she passed away I received most of those books, which I now treasure.


Oh, and getting the book club catalogue at school and poring over it, then placing an order and receiving a nice little bundle of books a few weeks later. :006:

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My Dad reading "Winnie The Pooh" to me and my sister.

He also read "Paul Bunyan" and "The Wizard of Oz" to me.

My Mom reading "The Secret Garden" to me when I was sick.


Staying up until 3am when I was twelve to read "Dune" and then discovering Terry Brook's "The Sword Of Shannara" a little later (those two will always be paired in my memory. Weird.)

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I was thinking a bit more about this, and I remember learning to read old hardback Noddy books. They belonged to my mother when she was young in the early '50s, so they still have illustrations of Golliwoggs in them.


I had a hardback Noddy book when I was little, but probably not as old as that. It is now in Katie's room.


I remember all my favourite books from being very small, but the only time I actually remember reading is in school.

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