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Devi's Mount TBR List 2014


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Butterfly's Shadow - Lee Langley (this one is more for my mum, she said she would only get it if i would read it, and i wanted her to get it for herself, so said yes.)

Aww, what a lovely daughter you are. :)

Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov

The Messenger - Markus Zusak

Room - Emma Donoghue[/b]


Ooh, these are all excellent reads, and Lolita in particular is one of my favourites.


My aunt said my face is glowing up here and i seem so much better than i did when she saw me back home.

Aw, that's great. It reminds of those old books where ill characters are told to go to the seaside to recover. Try to hold on to that feeling when you get home! I look forward to seeing your photos too. :)
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Aww, what a lovely daughter you are. :) 

Ooh, these are all excellent reads, and Lolita in particular is one of my favourites.


 Aw, that's great. It reminds of those old books where ill characters are told to go to the seaside to recover. Try to hold on to that feeling when you get home! I look forward to seeing your photos too. :)

I couldn't believe my luck when i found a brand spanking new copy of lolita! I've been looking for it for awhile now, mostly in second hand places.


I've been posting tidbits already while i have been on holidays :) Some on here and fb.

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I just finished reading book 3 of the Ever World series Enter The Enchanted by K. A. Applegate. This one is being told from April - Senna's half sisters, point of view. I don't want to say to much as it is the third book in the series, but we do hear all about Galahads story in this one.


Next book in the series is book 4 - Realm of the Reaper, got to love that title!

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Realm of the Reaper sees us reading from Jalils point of view. Jalil is not an african name as the book leads you to believe up until now (he is afircan american), but its actually Hindi for "godlike" which is rather ironic ocnsidering the books subject matter.


I really do recommend this series for anyone who finda mythology rather interesting, its full of history, mythologies, facts and throws in a bit of fantasy to boot, and does it all rather well.


Im only three chapters in thus far so I am not totally sure who or what we encounter here yet.

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Yikes! Birthday coming up very soon, but I have already started receiving birthday books! I will wait till after my big day before i list them, in case I receive more from family and friends between now and then, but i have 8 so far. :)


I thi the book fairy has been at my list again!

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You like to torture us, don't you? :P

Well yes and no :giggle2:. It's more that I am ashamed to be listing them comsidering my reading is rather slow at the moment, stupid I know, I should be over it right? Its not like books have a use by date, or go out of fashion.


Least i can use my birthday as an excuse as to why i am receiving so many! Plus buying a few...

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Started reading a non fiction book called Gaddafi's Harem: The Story of a Young Woman and the Abuses of Power in Libya


Quote from goodreads:

Soraya was just fifteen, a schoolgirl in the coastal town of Sirte, when she was given the honor of presenting a bouquet of flowers to Colonel Gaddafi, the Guide,” on a visit he was making to her school the following week. This one meeting—a presentation of flowers, a pat on the head from Gaddafi—changed Soraya’s life forever. Soon afterwards, she was summoned to Bab al-Azizia, Gaddafi’s palatial compound near Tripoli, where she joined a number of young women who were violently abused, raped and degraded by Gaddafi. Heartwrenchingly tragic but ultimately redemptive, Soraya’s story is the first one of many that are just now beginning to be heard. But sex and rape remain the highest taboo in Libya, and women like Soraya (whose identity is protected by a pseudonym here) risk being disowned or even killed by their dishonored family members.




A harsh but insightful read into what he was really like. Reading 88 pages in one day is a good sign for me

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Just finished the above book, wasn't bad. First half was about the harem and their story - one in particular, and the latter half of the book contained more short stories of victims, and a bit of the history of the country and their thoughts at the time and now.


Pretty brutal in parts, it really hits you in some parts. Not for the squimish.


Non fiction

291 pages


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I am just letting you know I was meant to write what books I receieved for my birthday today - bth given and bought with birthday money! Alas I am exhausted after an eventful day so I am off to sleep. shall write one up tomorrow, in the meantime, night all.

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I am just letting you know I was meant to write what books I receieved for my birthday today - bth given and bought with birthday money! Alas I am exhausted after an eventful day so I am off to sleep. shall write one up tomorrow, in the meantime, night all.



Happy Birthday on here, too! :JC_cookies::sign0072:   Oh dear, I can't believe you left us in suspense... if that's the phrase :D But understandable bday celebrations can take a toll... :D I hope you have a good night's sleep, so you feel rested enough to post the new acquirements first thing in the morning :giggle2:

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Happy birthday  :smile:

Happy Birthday on here, too! :JC_cookies::sign0072:   Oh dear, I can't believe you left us in suspense... if that's the phrase :D But understandable bday celebrations can take a toll... :D I hope you have a good night's sleep, so you feel rested enough to post the new acquirements first thing in the morning :giggle2:



Happy Birthday , Devi


( little late )

Hope you had a big piece of cake .  :)

Thank you all!


Yes thats the phrase! I am afraid I will have to keep you in a little more suspense while I dash off to vote - election day here in Australia. I then have to do a photo shoot job for a friend of mine, nothing fancy, just her offices for their newsletter.


I had too much cake! Nearly exploded :blush:

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Election day! I voted below the line for the first time ever. Took me freaking forever! 110 numbers!! Just as I was nearing the end, a woman walked into the booth next to me and I heard her say aloud (to either herself or her baby daughter) something like 'as if anyone would vote below the line'. :blush2: And what the hell is the Pirate Party?! It's not really what I think it is, is it?  :o


I'm so sick to death of hearing about politics. Can't wait till it's over (although I'll be tuning in for all the talk tonight). My boyfriend is a member of the Liberal Party and he's going to be insufferable after tonight. :( I've actually just blocked him from appearing on my timeline for a while.  :giggle: I mean, come on, he changed his profile pic to a pic of him posing with Abbott. What's a girl supposed to do?


And sorry to all of my Facebook friends for prattling on about politics. I hate myself for it but can't seem to stop (I do a lot of it to stir my BF and try to convince him that his party is at least equally as awful as the one we currently have).

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Election day! I voted below the line for the first time ever. Took me freaking forever! 110 numbers!! Just as I was nearing the end, a woman walked into the booth next to me and I heard her say aloud (to either herself or her baby daughter) something like 'as if anyone would vote below the line'. :blush2: And what the hell is the Pirate Party?! It's not really what I think it is, is it?  :o


I'm so sick to death of hearing about politics. Can't wait till it's over (although I'll be tuning in for all the talk tonight). My boyfriend is a member of the Liberal Party and he's going to be insufferable after tonight. :( I've actually just blocked him from appearing on my timeline for a while.  :giggle: I mean, come on, he changed his profile pic to a pic of him posing with Abbott. What's a girl supposed to do?


And sorry to all of my Facebook friends for prattling on about politics. I hate myself for it but can't seem to stop (I do a lot of it to stir my BF and try to convince him that his party is at least equally as awful as the one we currently have).

I can't wait till its all over too, I don't really like any of the parties this year. I had a hard time deciding. One thing for sure, i dislike abbott so he definitely wasn't getting my vote.


Like you I will tune in to see who wins but I am glad I have pay tv! One channel is doing an election free thing. :giggle:

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Oh no, Devi, more suspense! :lol: But I understand. I think voting is obligatory in Australia, right? But try and hurry :D


Oh and have fun at the photo shoot! :)

Yes it is, once your 18 your classed as an adult. You then need to enrol to vote and if you don't you get fined. I'm going to have some dinner and then sit down and type up the list.

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Yes it is, once your 18 your classed as an adult. You then need to enrol to vote and if you don't you get fined. I'm going to have some dinner and then sit down and type up the list.


Oh wow... I don't think I knew about getting fined... Or maybe Kylie did explain that to me, but I'd quite forgotten. Enjoy the dinner, see you and your books in a mo ;)

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These are the books I have accumulated over the past week and a half, some were gifts, given or bought.





Apocalypse - John Michael Greer

Wolf Within - Shaun Ellis with Penny Junor

Giving Up the Ghost - Hilary Mantel

Manson: The Life and Times of Charles Manson - Jeff Guinn

Falling Through the Earth - Danielle Trussoni

Crime Scene Investigation: Gripping True Stories of Forensic Detection - Paul Millen

Serial Killers: The Rise and Rise of Serial Killing in the Modern Age - Colin Wilson

Literati: Australian Contemporary Literary Figures Discuss Fear, Frustrations and Fame - James Phelan

On the Trail of Genghis Khan - Tim Cope 

Mrs Milburn's Diaries: An Englishwoman's day-to-day Reflections 1939-45

Gaddafi's Harem: The Shocking True Story of Gaddafi's Secret Sex Slaves - Annick Cojean ~ I read this as soon as I got it.

The Complete Polysyllabic Spree - Nick Hornby ~ I bought my own copy, got halfway through the library copy before I had to return it.


My pride and joy birthday gift from my partner is


The History of Sniping and Sharpshooting - Major John L. Plaster, USAR (Ret.)





The Shining - Stephen King

Misery - Stephen King

Antony and Cleopatra - Colleen McCullough

Shutter Island - Dennis Lehane

The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood

Heart of Darkness and other stories - Joseph Conrad

A Book of Lands and Peoples - Eric Newby

The Binding Knife - Brent Weeks

The Thief - Clive Cussler

Gone Girl - Gillian Flynn

The Book of Lost Things - John Connolly

Pig Island - Mo Hayder

Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck ~ already read this, I just wanted a copy for my shelves.



and thats it.


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Excellent haul!

I'm a little worried about this, though:


My pride and joy birthday gift from my partner is
The History of Sniping and Sharpshooting - Major John L. Plaster, USAR (Ret.)


We should all be very, very nice to Devi. :o

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Excellent haul!

I'm a little worried about this, though:




We should all be very, very nice to Devi. :o

:giggle: don't worry! My interest in weaponry only goes as far as recreation and history, i actually don't like the fact they are used to kill people and animals.


I hope that makes sense.

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