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Everything posted by bookmonkey

  1. That sounds interesting. I just finished a book set in the final days of the Communist regime in Romania. I might read this one to get another view of the country.
  2. Finished The Last Hundred Days by Patrick McGuinness. Really enjoyed this. Hope the missing mojos come back and your eye feels better soon Kay.
  3. Enjoy the advent calendar Frankie. Reading about your family is interesting. My grandmother recently gave me a book about our family that someone put together. I didn't know much about that side of the family as it's my mothers side and my parents are divorced, and I mostly lived with my dad. Turns out my great grandparents married less than a month before my grandmother was born, and one of my great great aunts and uncles (she only passed away 3 years ago!) married when their youngest child, of 8, was about a year old! They were from a very very small town, less than 100 people, so there must have been scandal, but having known that aunt I could see her telling people to butt out of her life. I also found out that that side of the family is from England, and now I even know the name of the ship they came to NZ on. It cost them 14 pounds per adult in the late 1800s!!
  4. Happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating.
  5. Can I join the club? I love notebooks and pretty stationary. I used to buy notebooks when I was depressed, but I ended up with too many that I never used. I haven't completely stopped, but have cut back a lot. I've got three drawers full of unused notebooks. I think I've passed the bug onto my daughter too. We spent ages recently looking for the perfect notebook for her. I also have piles of rougher notebooks for rough work too. Things like old diaries, and partly used exercise books. They do get used, but the pile gets added to faster than I use them. I also like nice pens, although I don't have so many of them. They tend to go walkies too much.
  6. The accuracy doesn't bother me. I read for enjoyment, and most fiction is just that, fiction. You don't expect total accuracy in novels.
  7. Finished Come Home by Lisa Scottoline. Was OK, but don't think I'll try another of hers.
  8. It's lovely you got to find out a bit about your grandma Frankie. It's always interesting learning about family history, even if it does stir up the emotions sometimes.
  9. I just recently discovered this series. I've only finished the first one so far, but I loved it. I didn't think I would, wasn't interested in that sort of period, but it was great. Hopefully I'll eventually read the rest of them, but it might take a while. They're pretty popular at our library.
  10. That's terrible. I could see someone doing that here. Our library has quite a few computers in it, so someone might break in to get those. Now I think about it, it's kind of surprising no ones tried before. Our schools are constantly getting broken into and their computer equipment stolen. My daughters school was broken into three times in three months.
  11. I loved Anne of Green Gables when I was younger. It made me like my red hair colour for a change.
  12. Now I have that song stuck in my head Frankie. And your dream sounds interesting. I hardly ever remember mine. I think you'll be a good librarian, you wouldn't do something like that to someone.
  13. Finished The Killing Room by Richard Montanari.
  14. I'm with you Athena. I won't be doing the challenge, but this thread has given me alot of books to add to my TBR list.
  15. I should finish Remains of the Day tonight. I've really enjoyed reading this.
  16. I always like it when a new bookshop opens, or I discover a new one. And the owl story is lovely.
  17. What is a po-boy? I've never heard of it. We had a beautiful day yesterday that had me thinking summer was here. Went to a fireworks display at the river and even at 9 at night we were in t shirts. Today it's back to wind, rain and cold again.
  18. I agree with this. I have two kids, both of whom used to love to read, but now hate it. I know if I push them to read they won't. I also agree with whoever said books based on her TV shows. Maybe leave them lying around rather than saying 'here read this' for example.
  19. I used to sort the books at the charity shop I worked at. If they were in a rough condition they got chucked. We got so many we would only put out the good ones. I bought way too many myself while doing this, but I loved it. A dream job.
  20. Glad to hear you all got through OK. We're expecting another storm here in the next few days. We've had one every week for the last four weeks or so. Getting a bit sick of it.
  21. Depends on the shop. Some of them books are only $1 or occasionally 50c. Others they can be $4 or more.
  22. I've actually asked my dad for pots for Christmas. I badly need new ones, and Dad likes to get practical things.
  23. I don't buy many books, mostly get them from the library. When I do it's nearly always second hand, charity shops mostly. The second hand shops here are expensive ($10 for a book that's just about falling apart ) and new books are even worse. I have bought a couple of books for Christmas presents off Book Depository. They were about 1/4 of the price that book shops here charge.
  24. I hope it's not as bad as they're saying. We've had some really nasty storms here in the last month. Stay safe everyone.
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