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Everything posted by bookmonkey

  1. Welcome Lizzie. I'm studying to become a librarian at the moment. Can't wait to start working in a library, hopefully next year.
  2. I can't read with the TV on, it's too distracting. Other background noise is OK. I often take my book to my son's wheelchair rugby practice and that gets quite noisy.
  3. Finished Isle of Tears by Deborah Challinor. Not as good as the others I've read of hers, but still enjoyable.
  4. I don't think I could handle that. All my books are library books, so I'd be completely stuck. Our library only closes on public holidays, so the longest it's closed in a row is 2 days. Our branch library across the road closes for 3 weeks over Christmas, but the main library in town is still open, and only 10 mins away so I can still go there.
  5. Finished Likely to Die by Linda Fairstein last night.
  6. Congrats on the job Frankie. I'd love to do something like that. I love languages but I'm not fluent in anything other than English at the moment. I'm very slowly learning Maori.
  7. Is that your heatwave broken then? It's been really warm here the last few days, more like January than August. We've all had the usual winter bugs, my daughter just spent the weekend in bed with a nasty cold.
  8. I read a Stephen King years ago but can't remember what it was and didn't like it. Put me off reading any more of his until 11.22.63 came out. I really liked this. Not sure if I'll try any other King's though. I don't like horror, and only read this because the premise fascinated me.
  9. I can't remember all the books I read in school. I do remember reading Lord of the Flies and The Outsiders and liking those. We also read Macbeth three years in a row. We read the short Secret Life of Walter Mitty (I think that's what it's called) and studied war poetry. I can't remember any of the poems now though. I did one year of literature at uni too, and remember reading The Great Gatsby (loved it) and Mrs Dalloway (hated it) and others I can't remember.
  10. I've had Les MIs on my shelf but haven't read it yet. One day I'll get to it, before I see the movie.
  11. I love this series Karen, and I second the Isabel Dalhousie books chesil suggested too.
  12. I always get my books from the library, so that nearly always means I don't read a series all at once. I don't usually have a problem remembering what's happened.
  13. We're still recovering from the quake two and a half years ago. There is a bit of damage in Wellington, about 2 1/2 hours from me. Cracked roads, cracks in buildings, that sort of thing. Nothing as bad as we got in Christchurch in 2011, but still causing problems and rattled nerves. And quite a few aftershocks, some fairly sizeable. It's warm here too Athena, which is wierd actually, because it's winter. Should be about 10C, but its about 18C! Almost summery.
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