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Everything posted by Devi

  1. We had to put my brothers and my dog down today, she was 17. While she was old, it was not expected to happen just yet. :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Devi


      Thanks guys, I really miss her, I am such a mess :'(

    3. poppyshake


      Oh I'm so sorry Devi .. sending hugs xx

    4. bree
  2. Sam stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and rubbing his hair with another. It's not as bad as it sounds!!! I swear The Kingdom by Clive Cussler
  3. Well all my friends give them to op shops anyway, so I said make me the middle man! I will just give what I don't want to read to the op shop anyway. I also thought I might do a book swap/giveaway list on here.
  4. I sure will! I plan on making a list tomorrow. I had put word out to my friends that if they had any books they no longer wanted, to send them my way. I heard from a friend to expect a couple more boxes It's like Christmas morning, I can't wait to see what I get.
  5. and just now, a friend called past with a box of books, 36 all up! I just need to sort through what's in there and pick what I would like to keep
  6. I had no intentions of buying books whatsoever when I went to a country town festival. Then I saw the second hand bookshop, 'all books on the table 50cents' read the sign out the front. "I will just look" I thought to myself, "I don't have to buy anything".... except that about an hour or so later, out walks me with 10 books (at all varying prices in the end). They had a lot more inside that I was interested in. If it weren't for my mother wanting to get a cup of tea, who knows how many more I would of bought!
  7. I love my postie, if he can't fit it in the slot of the letter box, he puts it in from the back way, or comes to the door if he sees me sitting out the front! He always asks what book I am reading (because I sit out the front with it) or what book I bought . I think he must be a reader himself.
  8. Browsing through peoples reading lists, and somehow my one manages  to grow by at least 3 books with every list I read

    1. Inver


      lol...and you will need a bigger bookshelf too...

    2. Devi


      yes, yes I do. I already need one now.... or two... maybe three.

  9. 38 books and 75 e-books and 3 from the library. I hate to think how many there are in my to buy list though I reckon over a 100 easily.
  10. Thank you! I have added it to my TBR list.
  11. I hope you don't mind me asking, but for someone who has never read a Jane Austen book, which title to you recommend as a first to read?
  12. Pied Piper by Nevil Shute I loved this book from the beginning to end, I was eager and excited to get to read this every night before bed and was sad when it was over. I thought it was well written and as others have said, authentic for the time. I could picture it all clearly in my head as it all unfolded. I did struggle with the idea of a mother leaving her two kids in the care of someone she didn't really know, but that would be more of a generation thought. I know she would not have decided it easily. This would easily have to be one of my favourite books I have read this year so far. I intend to buy my own copy. 5/5
  13. 1- Who was your favourite character? That would have to be John Howard and Nichole. 2- Was there a particular part you enjoyed more than the rest? Hmm, I loved it all really, especially from the middle onwards when things started to pick up. You really felt like they were being cornered. 3- Was this the first book you've read in this genre/ by this author, has it encouraged you to read more? It's the first I have read of Nevil Shute, I am keen to see what other books he has written. I loved this story so much, that I plan on buying my own copy of pied piper. 4- Were there any parts/ideas you struggled with? Well the bit I kind of struggled to understand, was the bit at the start. How could a mother just send her kids off with someone she barely knew really, just so she could be with her husband, if it were me I would of gone with them. Though I understand, it would of been a different kind of thinking process in that era and generation. 5- How well do you think the book fitted the theme of Masculinity? Well boys will be boys, the men all played a typical male role. 6- The main character is elderly and the events stretched him to his limits. Why did he not refuse to help , or give up? I think his grief must of him feel that if he couldn't of saved his own son from the war, then he would try to save these kids. 7- Overall, was reading the book an enjoyable experience? I loved every bit of this book, and was really excited at the thought of reading it everynight, a book hasn't done that to me in a long time. I can't wait to re-read it!
  14. I'm about to start The kingdom by Clive Cussler with Grant Blackwood
  15. I forgot to mention what books I bought! I got Demon of the Air by Simon Levak and Ratcatcher by Jmaes McGee
  16. I'm on the home stretch with Pied Piper - only 100 or so pages left to read. Someone better come and take my wallet away from me, I went into an op shop today and bought two more books! I blame my mother for wanting to stop and look at the wool
  17. I find the best time for me to read is in bed before I go to sleep, most times it helps me relax enough to nod off. Though sometimes it does the complete opposite and keeps me up reading far later than I plan! I remember back in my uni days, I was up till 4am reading most weekends! Pied piper has been giving me a few tad late nights lately, but nothing like the 4am days, more like 12 - 1 am lol.
  18. I went to a cheap local bookstore with my mum today and she treated me to some books! I got The Borgia Ring by Michael White The Doomsday Key by James Rollins - I have heard this author is good War by Sebastian Junger - another doco war book ^ something you may find interesting Danielle?
  19. The book theif - Markus Zusak Thought the start was good albeit a bit slow here and there, but the last 3/4s were awesome! I really felt for Leisel towards the end, though I did feel it ended a bit adruptly. I love how the narrator is death, and also loved how he describes souls, in his own way he cares. , 4/5 Sorry, I am not very good at writing reviews
  20. Speaking of the book theif, I finished that this morning! Finally. Now I think I may start on pied piper.
  21. now I have the urge to go book shopping Not a bad haul for that price!
  22. I am open to all genres but chick-lit. Thanks to this forum though you guys have expanded to my ever increasing list, mostly of books I never knew existed, or new authors I have never heard of. I will admit, when I first joined this forum, I felt a little out of place because my knowledge of authors/books is so small compared to you all.
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