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Everything posted by Devi

  1. I think my list will explode soon! I have found a lot more books among the threads here that I wish to read, and I haven't even added them yet hehe. Half the fun is making the list for me though, and checking off books read! Will definitely check out at least the first book of WoT, to see if I would like to continue on with it.
  2. I love both! Lately though I am having a fantasy binge hehe. Will definitely have to go back through this list and take some authors names down.
  3. No I haven't actually, funnily enough I never really thought to look up any of janny wurts books! Silly isn't it lol. I will definitely add those two authors to the list as well! I was avoiding the wheel of time series for the same reasons too, but at the same time I am still curious. I think it will definitely be a library borrow for it. I love being here, I feel like I am being opened up to a whole new world of books! I felt lost in book shops until now, odd of me I know.
  4. I think I may need to add this boom to my TBR list! Sounds like an interesting read.
  5. I love Nakor! He is one of my favourite characters in the series. I love all his books, and all the not essentials to main story novels too. The mistress of the empire trilogy was especially fantastic in my opinion, he wrote it with Janny Wurts. I went through and wrote my own recommended reading order, which has worked rather well with the story flowing nicely. I only assume Feist is winding up the series, based on what's going on in the demonwar saga. I have also heard that he wants to finish the series, but whether he will write other books or retire, who knows. I will definitely be checking out the wheel of time.
  6. Box of Whitmans. Check. knee blanket. check. book. check. Perfect day for snuggling up with a book!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Devi


      chocolates hehe. I did enjoy it, I am actually up still and reading it, it's 3am here.

    3. Booknutt


      You left out the most important bit, Devi(!) which book did you choose? We wanna share the fun, too.

    4. Devi


      oh yes, I did too! it's At The Gates Of Darkness by Raymond E. Feist.

  7. I just re-read Edger Allen Poes The Raven. It's one of my favourites that I often read now and then. Though I don't know if it's really classed as a book.
  8. thank you all again loving it here so far.
  9. Thanks guys for the names! I am on my second book of the current saga I am reading, so I will definitely be doing some research on the authors you have suggested as soon as I am done with this book. As you can see, I have added them to my earlier post list hehe.
  10. so I just finished my current read - rides a dread legion by r.e.f. but because I was so close to the end, I really wanted to finish it but in the process kind of lost track of time hehe. As I post this, it's now 2:50am here in Aus, oops!
  11. oh and on David Eddings, I have seen a few of his books around and are embarresssed to say, I never thought to pick one up
  12. Oh no, thank you for replying! I find the best word to go by is word of mouth! I have heard people say Brooks is more targeted at a young teens rather than adults, and going via your and vinays post, it would seem like its true. I shall definitely check out those authors you mentioned, I had stopped reading for a time there while I was working, but now that I can no longer work, I have time to go back to my reading again!
  13. Oh thank you! I had actually asked about him in another thread specifically about authors, but sadly no reply. I read pretty much any genre, but fantasy would have to be my favourite. I am looking for new fantasy authors, if you have any suggestions on any! I have all of Raymond e feist and robin hobb books, r.e.f. is winding up his series this year I believe, so I will need some new books soon!
  14. I often miss being able to read in silence, but if it's the ringing in my ears or a fan that I have to listen to when its too quiet, I would rather the latter thanks. It's a lot easier to ignore it when you have a white noise effect going.
  15. Yes, I tend to read in sagas if the author writes them so. I use the time between for all my other books, so the story doesn't get stale.
  16. I have always thought it was an only me thing haha. I did buy the first book by R.E.F before buying the rest. I enjoyed it so much so that I just kept buying till I completed a saga before reading it, and did the same thing with Robin Hobb. Someone asked me once if it was anything to do with keeping the flow of the story going, and when I thought about it, I guess it is.
  17. That's a fantastic idea! I wonder how well it's gone down with the general public, and just how honest people have been.
  18. I should add, I do tend to do a fair bit of research before buying a series, I ask around, read previews on iBook, and go through amazon reviews etc. I suppose it's easier for me because I do have a book barn around the corner that lets you trade books for credit, or other books. I also buy all my books from BD, I got the whole Brent weeks trilogy there for the price of one book here in Aus!
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