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Everything posted by Peacefield

  1. Hello and welcome to BCF, Amber! Always happy to see a new face and give/receive book recommendations!
  2. How did you find Buffy, Noll? I've only seen the first couple of seasons but quite enjoyed it. I'm a big fan of Angel as well as Spike I also really liked HTGAWM but for some reason only managed about the first half of the first season. I really need to catch up! Viola Davis is such a tremendous actress. They advertise Last Man on Earth a lot, Kylie, but I've never watched it. The title sort of confuses me since if he's supposed to be the last man on earth, why do I see other people in the commercials for it??
  3. I loved this book so much, Bobbly. It was one of my favorite reads from last year. Something about that little painting really stuck with me and I fell in love with the whole thing! :D I've hit a snag with Girl on the Train and I'm afraid I'm going to have to start over. I've been so busy this week house/dog sitting among other things going on every night that I haven't read at all and now I don't know if I'll remember the story if I just pick it up where I left off! Luckily I wasn't that far into it in the first place...
  4. I enjoy Kelley Armstrong's Otherworld series very much, Madeleine. I think I have the first 12 books and have read up to 9, No Humans Involved. I like that each book features some sort of different supernatural being and sometimes they interact and sometimes they're individual stories.
  5. Pretty chilly today! It's 45 right now and windy which makes it feel even cooler. I just have to remind myself that this will be considered warm in a couple months so I need to appreciate it even still!
  6. "Are you sitting down... I finally got a new phone!" From my sister . She's had her iPhone 3g forever so I'm very proud of her! Ha!
  7. Belated hello and welcome to BCF, SorinaM, glad you joined us! One of my top 10 reads of all-time is The Shining so I'm also a fan of King. I read him non-stop in high school (much longer ago than I care to admit) and then took a couple decades' pause until a couple of years ago. Since then I've read Under the Dome, Full Dark, No Stars and Dr. Sleep. Most of which I enjoyed and it was nice to get back into his style of writing again .
  8. Like you guys I also thought the books started lacking towards the end of the series. I read all 13 though just so I could complete it but it was trying, at times. I also loved the show through about season 4. I didn't know Harris was working on a new series - does anyone know what it's about?
  9. Ahh, you cannot go wrong with Chris Cornell, Karsa! Old and newer stuff, it never gets old! Plus, he's totally dreamy...
  10. I really enjoyed Oldman's version of TTSS, but that's the only version I knew of before reading this thread, ha! Now I'm curious to watch the others and perhaps read the book. I had no idea it had existed before the Oldman version. I just finished watching the newest episode of Criminal Minds and am about to end my night with this week's episode of the Big Bang Theory. Bazinga!
  11. I used to get crazy excited for all holidays when I was a kid, Kell, including Halloween, but not so much anymore. Up until a couple of years ago my friends and I would always do those How to Host a Murder games, which I still think I would enjoy if we ever started doing them again. We did them for 20 years and I'm not sure if they are even making new 'mysteries' anymore... For some reason once I hit 40 I became a grumpy old woman, ha!
  12. How very cool, Woolf! Thanks for posting! I love Bill Murray and the films he's done with Sofia Coppola, so I'm really looking forward to this .
  13. It sounds like you had a lovely vacation, Athena! Did you do a lot of shopping while you were there and come home with new books? Virginia, it's good to hear SC is getting back to normal somewhat. Are you far from where the worst of the flooding has been? Things are just as busy as ever up in my neck of the woods. I had a long weekend recently and went up to the cabin to wrap things up for the summer season. It's beautiful up there in the fall but it's always such a bittersweet time, knowing I probably won't be going back up until again until May. Here are a few photos for your viewing pleasure of the lake, our road and the old bunk house at the edge of the property: This week I'm dog/house sitting until Saturday and on Saturday night I'm going to a new Asian restaurant with my 2 friends - we go out to eat once a month to places we've never been and it's always fun. I hope everyone has a lovely rest of the week!
  14. Welcome and glad to have you here, Pink_Girl!
  15. Hey there and welcome to BCF, Madeleine!
  16. Well, I was only about 5 when it started airing so I must've attempted to watch reruns later on when I was 13 or 14 but the parents vetoed that idea. They were from an older generation and I think that once the other 4 kids moved out they had more time to monitor what I was doing! I haven't watched it since but I should try and hunt some episodes down on YouTube or something. I seemed to remember my folks watching a lot of M*A*S*H, All in the Family, Good Times and Johnny Carson. And it's funny because now, my mom will watch anything and she's almost 80! She loves the Sopranos and watches True Blood and Game of Thrones with me. I think my dad would have just shaken his head at me if he were still alive, ha! I haven't seen a lot of Billy Crystal movies, but I loved him in Princess Bride .
  17. Ever since I took a class in college about decorative arts and furniture, I've been fascinated with chairs, especially during the mid-century modern time period which according to Wikipedia is roughly 1933-1965. Because I can't really afford original chairs from this era I have 22 miniature versions, which are about 1/12th the size of the real thing. Although last weekend I went to a flea market and found my own full size chair for only $25! It's not by a famous designer but it looks to be from the 1960's so I'm very happy . I've been meaning to start my own general thread (like the old Coffee Shop) and post a photo. I'll have to post photos of my mini chairs too! Aren't you glad you asked about my chair obsession?!
  18. I guess I missed this thread when it was first posted, oops! Here goes... 1. Spaced (abso-freaking-lutely my fave show of all time!) 2. The West Wing 3. Seinfeld 4. Game of Thrones 5. The Twilight Zone 6. Big Bang Theory 7. Gilmore Girls 8. Freaks & Geeks 9. M*A*S*H 10. Bones Ones I have to mention from my younger years that I loved and even though I haven't seen them in ages I just can't forget them! 11. Dukes of Hazzard 12. Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood 13. Family Ties 14. Dr. Shrinker 15. Facts of Life P.S. I also currently watch Sleepy Hollow, Elementary, Silicon Valley, Orphan Black and Downton Abbey. While they might not be in my top 10 of all time I still love them very much! P.P.S. Frankie, I haven't heard 'Soap' mentioned in years! That was one of two shows my parents didn't allow me to watch when I was young. The other was 'Three's Company.' The humor was apparently too adult for my young ears...
  19. Yesterday's White House press briefing. I don't know why I put myself through it but it's the cost of staying informed.
  20. I'm up for a Halloween weekend read-a-thon! Granted I finish my current book before then... Not sure what to read yet, but I'm going to try and hunt down a book I read ages and ages ago that really seemed to creep me out. I have the name written down somewhere, but all I can remember about it now is that it had a hotel/house in it named 'Winter Rest.' With my luck it's out of circulation but you never know!
  21. Hey there, Mr. Bearding! Welcome to BCF . I would suggest anything by Jasper Fforde, but especially the Thursday Next series. Fforde is loved by many here!
  22. That's good to know about Melissa Nathan, Athena. I've not read anything by her before but am looking forward to it! I've never been to Death Valley and I'm not sure I would enjoy it if it was that hot! But I'd make an exception to see it in bloom, I bet it would be beautiful, Anna! My nieces and nephews love going on all those rides at the Mall, especially the Pepsi Orange Streak roller coaster! I'd like to play the mini-golf course one of these days. I recently started reading The Girl on the Train. Unfortunately I wasn't quite feeling The Last Bookaneer so I put it back on the shelf and will try again after I finish Train. I also didn't get a chance to redo my bookshelf this weekend. There's never enough time! On Saturday I spent half the day at a local antique fair and flea market and then I went shopping for a welcome-back-to-work gift for my friend/co-worker who just got off a 3 month maternity leave. After that I had dinner with a friend and yesterday I watched the football game and worked on sewing a gym bag. I won't be able to get much done at home this coming weekend since we're going up to the cabin for our final stay of the season. It's beautiful up there in the fall but it's always such a sad time knowing I won't be going back up until May .
  23. I have a separate shelf for my TBR books but they're starting to encroach on the rest of my book case. I plan on rearranging this weekend. I tend to keep quite a few little non-book related things on my case with my books like framed photos and miniature chairs. I'll have to post a photo in the 'Show Us Your Bookshelf' thread when I'm finished! I know what you mean about feeling unsettled and unable to relax, Frankie. That'll come in time after it subconsciously sinks that you'll be there for awhile .
  24. Welcome to BCF! We're glad to have you
  25. Hmm... sounds exactly like where I live! Fingers crossed for you and a job! All good things come to those who wait
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