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Everything posted by Hayley

  1. lol these all made me laugh! My Dad's also good at cheesy jokes so here's some of his I can remember... Why did the hedgehog cross the road? To see his flat mate! A man goes into a bar with his pet giraffe. After a while and a few drinks, the man goes to leave the bar, leaving the giraffe behind. The bar man calls after him "hey! you can't leave that lyin' here!" to which the man replies "it's not a lion, it's a giraffe!". (this is one of my sisters favourites) Why did the sand blush? - Because the sea weed
  2. I'd probably say fantasy but only because I've read much more of it than sci-fi Also I get slightly confused as to what makes something sci-fi after my tutor at uni told us star wars couldn't technically be classed as sci-fi, since sci-fi is characterised by being set in the future, and star wars is a 'long time ago in a galaxy far far away'.
  3. This sounds really familiar to me but I have no idea what it is either! It's the bit about the white knights looking invisible against the snow that got me thinking. It made 'Through The Looking Glass' pop into my head but I think that might have been one white and one black knight since they were from a chess board. Sorry for not being more helpful
  4. Back from Spain to find the keys for my new flat have arrived and it's Chinese food for tea, yum! :)

    1. frankie


      I envy your life :D A nice holiday in Spain, new flat, and Chinese, how can one top that?!

    2. Hayley


      Lol, it was a particularly good day! :D

  5. Brought glass snowdrops from a glass-blower in Wales (can anyone guess why?) :D off to Spain in the morning woo!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hayley


      haha! I'll try my best, although if I bump into a unicorn I'm definitely keeping it :D

    3. Chrissy


      If you find two, could you post one to me?

    4. Hayley
  6. I agree Ben! haha. I'd like to read a different genre by her, I think it would be really interesting. I think it will be easy to judge it based on Harry Potter though which may damage it's reviews if she does bring one out in her own name.
  7. I don't think I've ever tried a 'novelisation', or ever heard of the word I love the film Labyrinth though! I'm really surprised they made a sequel even in book form. Is it about Sarah returning or someone else? I might try it, as my first novelisation experience
  8. No! You should definitely read it, you can never grow out of a book in my opinion. I still love reading Roald Dahl and Alice in Wonderland
  9. I haven't bought any new music for ages! I think the last CD I bought was Biffy Clyro's 'Only Revolutions' The last song I downloaded was Taking Back Sunday 'This Photograph is Proof' because I was feeling nostalgic and I remember this song from when I was about 13
  10. The Dursley's ... because nobody wants to be locked in a cupboard under the stairs
  11. I love having paper books as well emmylou - although they obviously have their downsides This probably sounds really wierd but I love the smell a new book has too
  12. I used to love Jacqueline Wilson, Vicky Angel and Lola Rose were two of my favourites - I also remember loving 'The Illustrated Mum'. I completely agree that the fact most young people love her books is because she deals with difficult real life issues but still manages to make the books comforting and light-hearted. I also loved the TV series they made from 'Girls in Love'
  13. Hi I think there's quite a lot of books that fit your description but the first that came to mind were: 'The Black Magician' Trilogy - Trudi Canavan (the first of these is 'The Magicians' Guild' followed by 'The Novice' and 'The High Lord') 'His Dark Materials' Trilogy - Phillip Pullman (starts with 'Northern Lights' then 'the subtle knife' and 'the amber spyglass') I'd also recommend any of Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels - because I love Terry Pratchett
  14. Your fairy is Hemlock Goblinwitch She brings riches and wealth. She lives close to vixen and badger sets. She is only seen in the enchanted moment between sleep and waking. She wears black and white like a badger and has gentle green wings like a butterfly. I like my wings but I'd like to know who's getting all these riches
  15. Prisoner of Azkaban (even though it made me want to cry ) Pandas or Penguins?
  16. I'm sure I used to read magic key books at school too I also remember thinking that the 'E' in Enid Blyton looked like a 'G', glad other people thought it as well!
  17. Oh ok I think I get it now, and yeah I do sort of read to myself in my head but usually stop doing it once I actually get into the book more I think
  18. Hehe, that's pretty skill-full Chesilbeach! and ooooh are we allowed to go for made up words? In that case I have to go for 'Bazinga' from Big Bang Theory I like most of the words people have put on here! I think susurrus is quite a nice word to say as well
  19. There's already one!? lol. I searched it and everything! Sorry!
  20. (I wasn't entirely sure where this should go so sorry if I put it in the wrong place!) I had a language lecturer who told us her favourite word was 'serendipity' because it was nice to say. I still haven't worked out what my favourite word is though! Do any of you have a favourite word?
  21. I have to admit I'm not entirely sure what subvocalization is . Even my big dictionary didn't have it in and the online dictionary says 'To articulate or engage in articulation by moving the lips or other speech organs without making audible sounds, as in reading to oneself.' - which doesn't seem to be what some of you are talking about! So I might do it.. if I knew what it was
  22. Oh yeah Kylie! haha, I think I may have put German because I'd just been reading about Kai Meyer and it was talking about him being one of Germany's most successful authors Markus.. Meyer.. close enough for my brain to get confused!
  23. I read P.J Tracy's 'Dead Run' on holiday once and I thought that was a good page-turner. Its got that horror element in it as well if you like Stephen King
  24. I thought this would be much easier until I read everybody elses posts and realised how many foods I love!! Think I'd go for... Chocolate Pears Yorkshire pudding Sausages (Richmond preferably!) Tea (assuming drinks are included) If I could have cheated and put meals though, I'd have replaced any of them with sunday roast and stew
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