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Everything posted by Hayley

  1. I think off the top of my head I've enjoyed more books by English authors than American, people like Dickens, Pratchett, Roald Dahl and Lewis Caroll come to mind. But I've never really thought about it before now. Saying that two of my favourite authors are Carlos Ruiz Zaphon and Markus Zusak, who are Spanish and German
  2. You might already know this as a gamer but there's a few books based on games. I know there's one for fable and for assassins creed. I imagine there's more but these are the only two I've seen in shops. Also have you tried Terry Pratchett's Discworld series?
  3. English is my first language I was pretty good at French, I got put into a fast-track course at school and took my GCSE in it a year earlier than normal (unfortunately I hated my French teacher and have forgotten quite a bit of it by now - although I'll always remember how to say 'may I take my blazer off please?' and 'may I open the window?' as we weren't allowed to do either of these unless we asked in French) My friend tried to teach me some Polish but I can't roll my 'r's for some reason, which makes it very difficult to pronounce Polish words! I ended up being able to say hello and pretzel Some of you have a very impressive list though!
  4. Definitely, only with the really good books though and especially when you've followed that character through a series of books, I think you really start to feel attached to them.
  5. There's no way I'd be able to do this challenge! For a start, I get tempted constantly to buy books when I'm anywhere near a bookshop. But, also, I actually can't do it because I'll have to be buying books for uni, and I don't think my tutor will accept the excuse that I can only read books I already have
  6. Wish there was a sequel though! I guess Sepulchre is about as close as we're going to get. By the way... does anybody happen to know how you pronounce Sepulchre?
  7. Hi Emma I like playing on the xbox too, especially RPG's, but I've never tried World of Warcraft even though I hear it's a good one
  8. It made me laugh too I think maybe because both of us watched the film without reading the book first, we didn't know how wrong it was in comparison! Lovely story as well, and very ironic!
  9. Thanks I really want to start on American Gods but I though I'd be a good student and start on Robinson Crusoe And congratulations to your son! I hope I'll be in the same position in a couple of years
  10. Thanks a lot Chrissy that would be great! And I'll let you know if I also feel the urge to slap Tess Also 'Neverwhere' sounds like a really interesting title, I might go and have a look at that as well
  11. I'm sure it will be amazing like all his other books! October seems so far away!!
  12. Thoughts on Neil Gaiman - Stardust : Another book I really enjoyed! I wasn't too sure about it when I started, the characters all seemed a bit bland and hollow, but then as I got further into the book I realised it was intentional. The descriptions of Faerie and the sheer imagination that went into creating this alternative world is amazing. I only wish it had been longer!
  13. What about Neil Gaiman - Stardust? And I can confidently recommend this one becasue I've just finished it myself! The male protagonist doesn't get physically stronger but his character becomes stronger and he develops a better sense of who he is etc. throughout the book. Also includes romance. I think it would be a good one to try
  14. I though that was a really good way to describe The Shadow of the Wind as well, and it definitely deserved its 5/5 in my opinion The Angels Game is very good too, it's a bit darker and I think reading The Shadow of the Wind influences your reading of it a bit (but I'm sure you'll read it and find out what I mean for yourself) Love Carlos Ruiz Zaphon. Wish more of his books were translated to English!
  15. Levens yes I am, it was the one in Acocks Green. Either they've added one since I asked or the woman I asked didn't actually know! :/ Good to know I have an extra option though for future reference so thanks!
  16. My library does the same levens, you can't take out books from the adult section if you're under a certain age, which I always thought was stupid and restricts kids from challenging themselves. My Mom or my older sister would have to get books out for me if I wanted one from the adult section. And Chrissy you're so lucky! We can only take 7 books at a time out in my library!
  17. I think this thread is a really good idea When I first joined the forum I thought I'd end up feeling a little left out as everybody seemed to know each other pretty well already but you're all lovely and I'm really glad I found this forum! So thanks for giving me somewhere to post my ramblings on literature! I hope I can get to know all of you better and here's a hug for all of you from me
  18. I barely ever think the film as good as the book version. I think it's because a film adaptation can never live up to our own imaginations. The Reader was one that disappointed me. It wasn't a bad film but I just didn't think it had nearly the same emotion as the book. I loved the Lord of the Rings films too but haven't read the books so I can't really compare (although I have read the Hobbit so I'm prepared for the next one)
  19. I don't think it's wrong but, depending what the person was in prison for, it might put me off reading it a bit.
  20. Although this is traditionally the opposite of what you're supposed to do, I can't help being attracted to unusual covers when I'm looking for a book. Or even buying a particular edition of a book with no other difference than one has a nicer cover. I think the great thing about it is, once I've finished reading the book, it will look pretty on my bookcase until I decide to pick it up again Does the cover of a book matter to you?
  21. Thanks Also, while reading Stardust (and I really don't know how I missed this) I realised that it was the book the film was based on! I must be the only person who didn't make this link
  22. I just thought of another one, Elizabeth Kostova's 'The Historian'. It's a bit of a mixture between horror and mystery and if your used to reading Stephen King, probably isn't going to seem very scary but its very well written and really keeps you gripped
  23. mmm iv never heard of watermelon ale but it sounds lovely! I've got a much less interesting chocolate horlicks
  24. I know what you mean, and I could be wrong because it's been a while since I read this book, but doesn't Jonathan write the journal while he's actually at the castle? Meaning we don't actually know if he escapes or if the diary is simply found? I know after a point it becomes obvious but I don't think he's the only person we feel suspense for either, what about Lucy and Mina? Or what about the 'race' at the end? Or maybe I'm just easily held in suspense I completely agree that the use of diary entries make it seem more realistic and therefore scarier though
  25. I love big bang theory! not actually watching anything at the moment but ended up watching 2 episodes of horrible histories with my niece earlier. It's pretty educational even when you're 19!
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