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Everything posted by shirley

  1. No one has put anything on about Strictly last weekend, Well Peter went he looked as though his heart was not in it, or it is beyond him now. I was not surprised that Kelly was in the bottom two again. Getting harder to call now.
  2. I do tend to read all of James Pattersons books as I like his style, that does not stop me from reading lots of other writters, I like books that are written about Christmas, usually a love story, or ones that are written for the summer holidays, again usually love stories. But I am willing to try new authors, I have recently learnt about an author on this forum called Jodi Taylor and am reading her books.
  3. shirley


    Well what an exciting two days of cricket. I love T20
  4. shirley


    Now we are getting to it twenty 20 starting with two matches this week on Thursday and Friday yeah.
  5. I was going to say it is not too bad here today if a little chilly, but just looked out the window from the office and it is now raining. Ok put kettle on and settle down to work.
  6. I have just read this on their website but they don't expand any more any it timebug
  7. I know she said she was leaving the show, but its not only me who thought, no she's not really dead, is she. Your led into believing she is going to come back, but I don't think she is. Probably why Clara has bigger parts over the last few weeks.
  8. I have watched these a few times, they are brilliant, you have got a long way to go though.
  9. Thank you for recommending The Chronicles of St Marys bought a few of these over the weekend, I laughed out load at a comment a few pages in and knew they where for me. I also like the way they tell you who everyone is at the start, sure helps.
  10. I agree with what is being said, I think Peter got through by the skin of his teeth, I really thought he was going out because I have to admit Jamelia did dance better. Craig gets it right when he says just too clompy darling. Music was better more suited to the dances this week. I so love watching Anita she puts all the passion into her dances.
  11. Oh it was definitely warm outer coat today, also had to scrape the car this morning or should I say hubby did.
  12. shirley


    Looking at the scoring it looks like a good hit all round Roy 112 Root 71 and Butler 116 hope we win this one and then that is the series done, before we go to the 20 20, I like the quick pace of these matches.
  13. It might be because we are not liking the songs they are putting to the dances, that we are thinking that the singers are awful as well. But that does not take away from the male singer who could not hit the notes last week.
  14. I have just caught up on the last two episodes and I too agree evil Bonnie was excellent. I don't think the sandman episode finished at all, either that or I missed something. I took it that part two was going to be this week, I might have to watch the ending again.
  15. I have read one of Kate Mosse books - Labyrinth which I liked, said I was going to read her others, but not got around to it as yet with so many others to read.
  16. I didn't realise I was singing to one of the songs and my husband said I sounded better than one of the singers, that is saying a lot.
  17. I was away at the weekend so had to wait until last night to see strictly and the dance off. I like others am finding the music so distracting for the dancing. A really good piece of music makes all the difference to how they dance and how I perceive how good the dance is. Mind you one of the singers really put me off as he could not hit the high notes of the song and I was cringing.
  18. I thought overall it was the best week on strictly so far this year. Loved Peters dance and glad he was on first to get the show rolling. Helen I was very disappointed, ok so she has long legs and can keep them in position, but where was the dancing. Georgia I think is just enjoying herself so much and it shows.
  19. Thanks Claire I never knew how they did the scoring either, you learn something new everyday.
  20. Now I decided I was not going to like Peter Capaldi as the doctor so decided not to watch any of the shows. I then thought I would give him a go and decided he wasent that bad really. So had to do a catch up on all the shows, I am now up to date. I think of all the new bunch I prefer David Tennant and of the others Jon Pertwee was my favourite. I think it is definitely at age thing we grew up with Dr Who so you should watch it regardless. I too am enjoying the two parters as you get more of the story. I know its stories but how many times do the daleks have to die. They wipe them out and hey presto another colony. I suppose it would not be dr who without them. I even decided to catch up with the Sarah Jane adventures, I am so sad.
  21. I agree there is usually a good one goes mid way through, fingers crossed as long as Jeremy, Carol and Jamelia are still there it might be a while in coming. I do love to watch Anita think she does really well.
  22. Watched the last episode of Castle which I agree there was no cliff hanger which I was expecting, especially as I had read there was one. Thought this series got a lot better and started to make us laugh again. Watched the three episodes of Midwinter of the Spirit thought it was a good programme to watch at Halloween, my hubby said he could not follow it but I thought it was good. We both love Major Crimes which in my opinion they do not make enough of.
  23. The fog has lifted and it is quite nice out now, just been out for a walk and it is quite muggy. Not complaining as it is not raining which is a bonus.
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