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Johnny Carson Whit

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Everything posted by Johnny Carson Whit

  1. I havent turned my TV on for 2 days, which is amazing for me as I usually have it on just as background noise. Would have put it on if I knew The Shinning was on though!
  2. That airport is bigger than Bahrain Someone order some purple grass? Find me a picture of the 1990 world cup winners (football)
  3. Alright mate? I've not read it like a regular book, i've treated it more like a reference. I've got some excellent tips on coping with panic attacks etc. from it. He does tend to like his metaphors though, which can get a bit irritating.

  4. Rawr I was looking at your pic for about a minute and a half thinking what is so scarey about that? Then my gaze fell below the bed:lol: Lets make this a little more challenging - Find me a picture of the largest airport in the world
  5. I am Johnny and I'm an alcoholic Sorry i'm bored...
  6. Santana. Wheels. Gay kid. Asian. Other Asian. Aretha. Shaft. :lol:
  7. I was on only 10mg once a day for anxiety, for over 2 years though. They did the job, but I found that I have become a lot more insular since i've been on them, also that if I am having problems facing up to certain situations then I think I would rather find ways of dealing with that problem than masking it with drugs. I have found relatively simple breathing techniques help quite considerably in managing panic attacks, if only Dr's would teach these to people before reaching for their prescription pad.
  8. I second that. The books i've read on breathing techniques and developing strategies to deal with anxiety and panic attacks have enabled me to come off of Citalopram. I read a Paul Mckenna book once called 'I can change your life' or something which I found useless, it came with a free hypnosis CD, but I coudnt listen to it without laughing, he sounded like an anonymous dirty phonecaller minus the heavy breathing.
  9. It's fine I cant beleive you feel sorry for Terri though. Sue Sylvester is one of the best characters ever :lol:
  10. Eve it was! I knew I shouldnt have highlighted that spoiler i'm about to watch 12 and that hasnt happened yet
  11. Woohoo new series! I've just finished watching episode 11, and I spent the whole episode trying to work out who that rapper was and I was going to ask; as I was writing this out I realised it was Edit: Or was it ? Looking her up, I dont think it was!
  12. Which episode is the TV coverage of Glee on now? I've found a website that lets you watch it online and I'm on 11:smile2: Surely watching it like that is not illegal? I didnt put it there, nor am I downloading anything. If it is, at the trial can I request a Lawyer and Judge that can sing in harmony? Oh and a jury that know all the words to Don't stop believin
  13. Not sure if this is any use to anybody, or if this is mentioned elsewhere on this thread, or if it's common knowledge, but just received an email detailing that you can get this DVD now for
  14. On a Tuesday? If only! The problem is that we have absolutely no proven goalscorer, Blackpool have Ormerod who scores for fun and always has.
  15. Planet Wales - a documentary about a choir made up of cancer patients, families and friends. Inspiring stuff.
  16. After writing that I noticed I still had some channels that I shouldnt have, I rang them back and spoke to retentions (the only dept. they have that seems to be based in the UK) The guy told me that the woman hadnt even put me on the lowest package and I was still paying for some channels! So now I have the equivalent to freeview and I am paying nothing for my TV Still
  17. Ooo this thread reminds me! Me: I want to reduce my entire tv package to the absolute minimum, as well as cancel my V+ box can you do that please? Indian operator: Ok if I do that you will be saving
  18. I've only ever seen one live gig, at 30 years of age thats pretty pathetic. It was as the morfa stadium in swansea, before they started building the liberty stadium thats now there. It was an all day event and it was absolutely boiling hot, featuring all different rock bands of the day with the 'headliners' being the stereophonics, back when they were good
  19. ahh the old retentions trick even their basic package from what I can make out contains loads of guff that I would never ever even look at.
  20. I think you could be right, I didnt realise I'm chucking money down the drain. I'm gonna ring them tomorrow and request to totally cancel my tv subscription but I bet they will say i'm under contract and cant. My last bill from Virgin for tv, phone and internet was
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