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Everything posted by Steeeeve

  1. I think I'd say you're passing them on rather than throwing them away but it's just semantics really. I don't think I'd ever throw away a fiction book since it's just down to taste but if it was something like Kell's example, giving dangerous advice, I'd probably throw it away.
  2. Not long before the site crashed I started Disgusting Bliss: The Brass Eye of Chris Morris by Lucian Randall which was pretty superb. I need to watch all my Chris Morris stuff again now. Sigh. Also read The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ by Philip Pullman. I'm not as disappointed as some people seem to have been. It may be because I didn't really have any idea what it was supposed to be like. I only heard about it last week. I thought it was quite funny in places (the sermon on the mount). Also the bit where It was interesting to read Pullman's more "rational" take on how things might have started and how stories grow and change from what actually happened along with people's agendas. And also a possibility that I also bought The Angry Island by A.A Gill and Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, which I'm reading now.
  3. A short but amazing video of an eruption on the Sun. Whenever I see things like this I always try to imagine how small the Earth would be compared to the eruption and just how obliterated we'd be if we were caught in it. http://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/assets/img/firstlight/movies/Pesnell7_promerupt_crop_small.mov
  4. What I find most annoying now is that since they use a courier company you can't get the package delivered to your local post office if you miss it. I had to take a sick day today to be in for the redelivery. I should have got it delivered to work but I'm a worrier. Nobody's there till 9am and there's nowhere to leave a slip if they come before that. Hrmph.
  5. As bored as I get of the Daleks I think that maybe they're just trying to get them back so they can be used properly in another story. For the Doctor's supposed nemesis to be resurrected, fought and defeated in one episode is never going to be that good so I think this episode was just an excuse to get them back and send them off so they can come back in a (hopefully) better story later on.
  6. Hmmm, I think mine is probably Humanity's Gain From Unbelief by Charles Bradlaugh. My copy's from 1930. In the bookshop I sometimes work in we quite often get books from the 1800s.
  7. Well I've finished Ender's Game. Sooooooo good. I don't know if I'll buy the sequels though. I feel like the story ended at a good point. Unless someone thinks the sequels are really worth buying? I don't want to ruin my memory of the book with disappointing follow ups. The story was so compelling. The way it was paced so you wanted to find out what Ender would face next without ever getting bored of where he was in the story was really well done. I'm satisfyingly annoyed with myself for not guessing the ending especially since I think it's kind of famous? I don't know. Anyway I'm off to give my brain a rest.
  8. Just finished Ender's Game. 326 pages but so good I read it in less than a day. That hasn't happened for a long time. I also received Parasite Rex - Carl Zimmer Disgusting Bliss: The Brass Eye of Chris Morris - Lucian Randall The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ - Philip Pullman A Game of Thrones - George R.R. Martin
  9. Does that mean you're still up from yesterday rather than you got up early or am I reading that wrong? If so then get some sleep! I think I started Ender's Game at about 7pm yesterday and I'm on page 190 now. 70 of which I read today. If ever a book could be called unputdownable this would be it. Read it!
  10. Today I finished Day of the Triffids and have so far read 100 pages of Ender's Game. Both are superb. Although Ender's Game is a bit more of a page turner.
  11. Aaaand I'm done. I'm really bad at talking about a book after I've finished it. I just end up sounding unenthusiastic when I say "I really enjoyed it". But I really enjoyed it. It was interesting to see how the tv series had changed it. I read that Torrence was just a mde up character for the series but he is in the book. Funnily enough his brief appearance in the book made me hate him just as much, if not more, than I did in the series. Now for Ender's Game.
  12. Well I have about 108 pages of Triffids left so hopefully should finish today. Then maybe start Ender's Game. I don't know if this is in every edition but my copy of Triffids has all the swear words censored which seems kind of quaint nowadays. It's odd how little a role the triffids have actually played in the book at the moment.
  13. I do the same - looking to see how many pages are in a book and in a chapter. When I do that I make a point of not looking at any of the writing. It's more to see if I can finish a chapter before I go to bed or before lunch ends. It's just when I'm on the last page of a book or chapter that my eyes leap ahead.
  14. That's an odd one though. There's a famous example mentioned in a few books where a woman got murdered in the street (I think it was a murder), witnessed by loads of people from their homes and nobody did anything. I think it's mentioned in 59 Seconds by Richard Wiseman and Freakonomics. Not sure. I think Wiseman says that a lot of people don't help almost out of embarrassment and also because they think someone else will. If you look directly at someone and ask them for help it kind of lets them know they can. It puts the repsonsibility on them rather than it being spread out over everyone...so he explains it much better than I have but you get the point Edit: I hope that didn't sound like I was trying to excuse everyone's actions or lack of them. It was still a horrible thing.
  15. Woohoo! Will be getting my copy on Monday. I love boxes of books being delivered to my sweaty hands.
  16. I thought it was ok for a Dalek episode. To be honest I don't really like the Daleks. I'm a lot more excited about the Angels episode next week. It's something new (kind of) at least. It was so exciting when The Master came back a couple of years ago because he hadn't been around for ages. I wish they could do the same with the Daleks - just let them rest a little.
  17. I missed the delivery of my books today. No big deal - I knew I would. But I assumed I'd be able to get them re-delivered to my local post office like you always have been able to with amazon, except now they're using a different company so I have to arrange it for a weekday and it has to be at my address. Looks like I'm going to be ringing in sick to work on Monday. The things I do for books. Also read 50 pages of Day of the Triffids. Tis super.
  18. Stop recommending books dammit! I am now 50 pages in to Triffids. Really enjoying it. The concept never really appealed to me but it's fantastically well done. Dune is quite daunting. I want to read it but it seems like quite a big undertaking. Basically I'm lazy.
  19. The mentality of people wh pay to see a film to then not watch it baffles me. I don't know if anyone else gets this but I hate it when the muscles in the arch of my foot sort of cramp up and contract. I have to quickly stand up to 'reset' my foot.
  20. I don't think this is an especially weird crush but I thought I'd put it anyway. Kristen Schaal is adorable
  21. I am rubbish at life so hopefully this will work. I went to Hyde Park today and met this fella
  22. Hahaha. That good eh? The fact I saw the new mini-series only a couple of months ago has kind of been making me put it off but I'll try to make it my next one. I'm reading a Diana Wynne Jones story at the moment but that should only take me a day or two.
  23. I've read seven off the list (Watchmen, Good Omens, I am Legend, His Dark Materials, American Gods, Nineteen Eighty-four and The Prisoner of Azkaban) and have seven on my TBR pile (Hyperion, Magician, The Day of the Triffids, Ender's Game, Game of Thrones [just ordered], Dune, HGTTG). I also added The Stars My Destination to my wish list. Tut. How did you find Hyperion Nollaig?
  24. Oh dagnammit. I just ordered that. To be fair I'd have ordered it even if I had read what you wrote beforehand. I don't trust any of you!!! I promised myself I was going to be good this month and not buy any [new] books. I done failed. Just ordered: A Game of Thrones - George R.r. Martin Parasite Rex: Inside the Bizarre World of Nature's Most Dangerous Creatures - Carl Zimmer Disgusting Bliss: The Brass Eye of Chris Morris - Lucian Randall The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ - Philip Pullman Excited.
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