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Everything posted by Steeeeve

  1. The One Who Binds!!!!!!!!! Oooooooooooh. Exciting. I wonder who it is. If it's a character already mentioned. Don't give me any hints! This isn't me asking questions. More a place for me to release my excitement to at least one person that cares (or at least knows) what I'm on about. Was nice to see Gerald unleash a bit too. He had been a bit quiet with his talents for a while. I like Gerald's talk as well. Kind of Satanic undercurrents.
  2. Heheh. Hopefully it won't take me too long. I might read another book in between each one though to give me a break. Sometimes you can get bored of an author or their style if all you're reading is their stuff. Sometimes I like a non-fiction read in between fantasy books. Right. Bedtime. Gerald and co. will have to wait till morning.
  3. Well Ciani was/is good at being what she needs to be. It's kind of difficult I think. At first she has to be the kind of woman who Damien could fall in love with and I think that's done well. But then because of the circumstances it's hard for Friedman to show why he'd continue to love her...kind of. Not exactly because if he stopped loving her he'd be an absolute barsteward. I just mean that And as for Zen I like him so far. He has that little bit of darkness inside him and the lust for power. Leaves you guessing as to if he'll cave in at any point and how he'll react in certain situations.
  4. I really enjoyed the book. I finished it in a day it was just so easy to read (I'm getting deja vu so sorry if I've written this somewhere else on the boards). I read an interview with Lehane where he said the book wasn't supposed to be anything more than a fun, over the top ride. I'm paraphrasing since I can't remember his exact words but I think he succeeded. I loved the twist and how he got there. I'll happily read it again if I get the chance.
  5. Read 100 or so pages of Black Sun Rising and loving it.
  6. I'm the same. I can't give books away. I'm lucky enough to have the big bedroom so I have four bookcases and if I get rid of other stuff like...the tv I reckon I can fit two more in if need be I love having them there. Not all my shelves are arranged so well but what I like even more than a shelf of books to be read is a shelf of books that I have read. Feels like an accomplishment.
  7. It does sometimes feel like a chore but for me it's not because my TBR pile is getting bigger. That can be overwhelming but it's fine as long as they're books I want to read. As Giulia says the only time it really feels like a chore is if I'm reading a book I'm not enjoying. I'll often abandon the book but I don't really like to. That means I've wasted some time reading it and on top of that it goes back to the TBR pile. Even though I didn't like it I feel like I'll have to read it one day. I probably never actually will read it but there's still that niggling feeling there.
  8. I thought I'd wait till I had got past Chapter 26 till I replied. I think I will probably wrap the whole of this post in spoiler tags. If anyone who hasn't read the book reads that (and I would hope people wouldn't read spoilers) then I might make the story sound really convoluted. But it's not. Everything works and works well.
  9. Didn't have time to read quite as much as I wanted to tonight but I made sure I read up to Chapter 15 (could have done with going to bed an hour ago). *Bounces* Maaaan. The story's so good. I don't know. There are plenty of stories where you want to find out what happens but with this one it feels like there's so much to go over and try to work out. So many little mysteries. Tis satisfying. Who's Gerald?!?!?! I like the way his coolness overcomes the not so coolness of his name. Bedtime.
  10. I didn't read your posts Nollaig because whenever I read spoilers someone has to die so sorry if I repeat anything you say. Although I've barely started them so I doubt I will. I'm really enjoying the first one. After each page my mind is screaming "WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?!?!?" Just had the sailors get back to port after they each lost...something. Ooooh. And Chapter 7 where it has a flashback for the Patriarch. I loved the way Friedman did that. The whole At least I assumed it happened because of that. Can't wait to find out more about The Hunter and all that good stuff. This isn't a question I want answered but I wonder if he's the guy in the prologue. Or is that the new evil? Or is he someone else?!?! WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?!?!?!?
  11. Steeeeve


    Aww thank ye both. Yeah I wouldn't want an obvious equation. But then the ones that aren't obvious are incredibly difficult to understand (for me). Although all those Greek symbols do look nice. Sigh. Oop. Better get ready for work. Siiiiigh.
  12. Haha. Damn. I'm wishing I hadn't stopped at Chapter Three last night. I really like the world she's created already. I'm trying really hard to take in all the details so as easy it is to read I'm going a bit slowly at the moment. I'll try to save my comments for that thread rather than clogging up this one. I had kind of avoided it because I didn't want to see spoilers.
  13. Only 30 pages in to Black Sun Rising of the Coldfire trilogy but already loving it. If it starts as it means to go on then I can't wait to get lost in the series. I'm so gutted I'm back at work tomorrow so I won't be able to spend the whole day reading it.
  14. Steeeeve


    I've always wanted something geeky and beautiful that reminds me of the wonder of...everything really. I've thought about getting some kind of important equation on the inside of my wrist. That will sound sad to a lot of people but I find that stuff amazing. But I don't know many things like that. After watching Wonders of the Solar System though I thought maybe a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram would be nice (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hertzsprung%E2%80%93Russell_diagram). I guess the colours would have to be changed and the shape smoothed out but just a funny shape that charts the life of stars on my wrist? Nice.
  15. I didn't even get to page 70 when I tried to read it. I really enjoyed the humour but as Emmaline said there are so many characters that get introduced and I couldn't hold it in my head. I'm going to give it another go at some point and hopefully now I know what to expect I'll be able to do better. But no, I don't think it's just you
  16. Usually if I start a second book it means I'm not enjoying the first one very much and may not finish it at all. I have been considering doing what yairdoza mentions though and having a fiction and non-fiction one on the go at the same time since my mood sometimes changes (err, often changes as moods do I guess).
  17. Going round my mum's house for dinner tonight. Yay! A proper Sunday dinner. I can hardly wait.
  18. Just finished The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova. I wish I could say I loved it as much as some other people on here but for me it was ruined by a very boring couple of hundred pages in the final third. Picked up again towards the end but I didn't like it as much as I hoped to. Will probably start Black Sun Rising by Celia Friedman later.
  19. I don't think so. I mean it's different audiences. That would be like saying Doctor Who shouldn't get made because there are scarier horror films. I know that's missing the point that Doctor Who isn't just supposed to be scary but even so. There are/were programmes like The Demon Headmaster which I'm sure must have scared kids and when I was younger I found certain things terrifying which today I just find funny. I'm reading The Historian at the moment so I looked up peoples' opinions on here and some people said it was scary. I can't see it myself but that doesn't mean only my favourite horror writers should be abe to write horror. Sorry. I'm waffling. I don't know why I'm still up.
  20. Another two I just remembered. Ang Lee is supposed to be directing The Life of Pi and Marc Forster is attached to an adaptation of World War Z.
  21. Sorry to all those that love it but my enjoyment of The Historian has taken a sharp dip. I just want Kostova to get on with it! Going back and forth between countries, waffling with professors, talking about the finer points of a manuscript they found, debating whether its relevant, discussing the history of said manuscript, eating a bit, admiring the countryside, AAAARRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She just wrote out an entire chronicle thingamajig. So yes. Not my favourite book. I'm on page 530 and not sure if I can be bothered to finish it. I was paying attention to everything at first but since so much of it seems to be irrelevant I'm just gliding over the words now. Sorry I've gone on. Tis frustrating me.
  22. Weeeeeeeee!!!! They came. Got sent with some other company I had never seen them use before. I am happy See. Not only do I have three new books but I get to start filling a new shelf in my bookcase. Edit: My excitement is about getting the Coldfire trilogy. Forgot to mention that bit.
  23. My brother is odd. He's into metal and similar sort of stuff but every now and again I'll hear him listening to the weirdest song. One of them is that @%!*ing Gummy Bear song. It's not like I hear him flick on to it and then turn over. He listens to it all the way through! There's no excuse!
  24. It did not arrive with the post Which means it'll come when I'm at work so it'll be too big to fit through the letter box in which case I'll have to arrange to get it redelivered and have to wait a whole day longer(!!!) or they'll leave it outside my door all day with the risk of it being stolen. Tsk. Also I wanted it to be the next book I started. For the most part Im enjoying it a lot. Even though I find it drags a bit I look forward to reading it so I must like it. On page 349 now. There's a lot of detail and facts in there and I'm not sure I'm taking them all in. Would be nice to go back and read it again straight after so I can see everything I missed but I won't do that.
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