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Everything posted by Univerze

  1. Wow, reading here I guess my taste in guys and girls isn't too weird.. Love Alan Rickman too. Always have, but that's not weird, the guy's generally either loved or hated. Oh wait. I have one that you guys would consider odd. Mind you, I have some gothic friends and spend most of my other forum time on such a forum, and there he's considered a major hottie, but I showed my brother a pic once and he was baffled. Not in a good way too. Lovely Nero Bellum, from Psyclon Nine. http://c4.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/6/l_fd95cce3e4f448b5b0eeb1c5932da717.jpg Love him better without the fake lashes though, hee hee. But yeah, love the music, love the guy.
  2. Ugh, so very often. Spelling mistakes are stupid enough, to have gotten through. But I often buy the first available edition for any Laurell Hamilton book, but these often have a lot of mistakes. One I most remember, is that in the first book of the Merry Gentry series I think it was, Nicca is described to have purple hair, or lavender or something, while later on when he starts playing a larger part, he's suddely all in shaded of brown, brown hair, skin etc (these books deal with fairies, so hence the hair and skin colors). And these mistakes happen often, or you know, the lead character acting like she's unfamiliar with someone, while in the previous book they shared a steamy lovescene. That one was particularly annoying. *sighs* Lots of writing, not enough proofreading?
  3. Knew something like it, they have more unlucky numbers than we do, but I think there are hotels and such that don't have a room 13, or floor 13.. so we do the same.
  4. Yesterday about 80 pages of Day of the Triffids, love it. Today about 10 more so far, won't be long now or I'll have finished it.
  5. ^I literally JUST borrowed that book from the library today.. was looking for something else to read, picked this up, opened it somewhere in the middle and read a page, and loved the way it was written. Never thought I'd be reading one of the books from this thread though..
  6. Just really noticed this one for the first time, and I love it too!! I love Black Books.
  7. Well I started both Sense and Sensibility and Umberto Eco's In the Name of the Rose today, was in need for another book to read but couln't choose.. think I'll continue with in the Name of the Rose though, felt like the best one to read for now. Might pick up another fluff book alongside it though.. dunno which one yet.
  8. Welllll... I just thought I'd give it a try and go to my library again. Some things they didn't have, but I walked out with Umberto Eco's In the Name of the Rose, David Gemmel's Hero in the Shadows (which I just found out is part of a series, the cover was so bloody clear on that, NOT! So guess I'll be returning that one unread, and see if they got the first book of the series), Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, and Stephen King's Duma Key. All in english apart from In the Name of the Rose ofcourse. You know, that being written in Italian first, and no point in me reading an english translation, so I got that one in Dutch. "In de naam van de roos" it is. Very different books hee hee, you guys even get me reading totally different books from those I'd usually try.
  9. I think from that list I have read 15 so far (most from the 1800s ), and the number of those books that is on my TBR list is a lot bigger.. like 30 or something. Just a lot of these books are hard to get hold of, with little money. Our library rarely has them.
  10. Ugh, another reason I don't use my local library much. Just looked up if they have book from the Wheel of Time series in English. My cash runs short you know. But well, they have about four books of the series in english. And NOT the one I am looking for now. *sighs*
  11. Well I saw the film yesterday, and knew the twist long before the end too, though not as soon as 10 minutes. Then again I try not to think too much on what's going to happen (even though all these things keep playing through my head when watching) because I don't like figuring out the plot before it unravels. But the film was good. Don't know if I'll be reading the book though, film turned out way different than I thought it would be and don't know if I'd enjoy this type of book.
  12. Went to see Shutter Island yesterday. I liked it. Not what I expected by far, and at times it was predictable, like when that was no surprise. Or . Could go on like that for a while. But predictable doesn't always make for a bad film. It was intriguing, reminding me a bit of another film I love, . That needed to be in spoilers because the theme is much the same.. Also got the same vibe as The Aviator, Leonardo's acting really reminded me of him as Howard Hughes again, only far more likeable. This film got me thinking too, is one of those films you need to watch more than once, when you know the clue, the whole film would change I think. I enjoyed it.
  13. Well haven't read the book yet cause I was so busy reading the Wheel of Time series, and am going to see this film tonight.. am really curious about it though.
  14. Anne Rice. Perfect example. I either hate or love her books. I love most of the Vampire Chronicles, except say, Memnoch the Devil, or Vittorio (okay, not really part of the vampire chronicles but still one of her vampire books), which I hate. And I can't stand what I've read of the Mayfair Witches books. I hate them, they're dull, don't make sense and the characters annoy me. So yeah.
  15. Hey! Well I can remember a lot of the plot.. just the itsy bitsy details I keep forgetting, and on account of having seen the film just about as many times, forgetting if something's actually in the book, or that they changed it for the film. *sighs*
  16. That I can still be proud of myself. Not only did I bike 14 kilometres today, I also think now that I might just get that report finished some day.
  17. There might be something to that theory.. I am one of those that read very fast.. especially if it's a new book of a series I enjoy or something. Think, finishing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in a few hours. The dutch version would take me about maybe 4 hours, and the english one took me slightly longer. But when I read books this fast I notice I have a hard time remembering some things. So sometimes, I intentionally try to read slower. Is hard though. But really, when it comes to descriptions etc, I have learned myself to read slow, word for word think of how someone or something looks, to form a picture in my head.. or else by a chapter more, I'll be thinking, wait, how did that one look? Who was that? But generally, I don't remember all that much of plots. On one hand, too bad, on the other one.. when I do re-read those books, it's like, amazing. Coming back to someplace that's familiar, without knowing everything about it. Even with books like The Stand, which I have read about 6 times now, I still can't recall a lot of what happens. Might also have to do with the lenght of the book, because I remember less of longer books. Oh, and then there's the classics.. reading books like Frankenstein, I read to have read them, wanting to know the original. But now, even though I have read that less than 2 years ago, I can't remember much anymore, besides from what everyone knows. Didn't find the book all too good, so that plays a part too. But yeah, we should start our own support group, for all of us forgetful people.
  18. Well, the verdict is out, tried some of my summer clothes since the weather's nice again, and I definitely gained some pounds since last year. Feeling like hell after dad died meant comfort food, for both me and mom. I have no idea what I weigh, but I know I don't like how my tummy looks. So. Today and tomorrow I have to go to university again for classes etc, so I decided to go by bike, where before I would have gone by bus. It's half an hour biking, so means an hour a day. Not bad right, don't need to lose much weight, so a more active lifestyle usually works too. Hopefully.
  19. My TBR list of books I actually own is very low.. like, less than 10. I usually just buy books I really want to read at that time, OR that I find too cheap to resist. Unfortunately, those last are few. So I usually read new books too, when I have nothing to read or when the mood strikes me, I'll get to the other books on my TBR list. The books I want to read that I do not own, well no getting through that. Must be hundreds, just usually can't get my hands on them unless buying them. And I don't have that much money. But our library doesn't have many books that I want to read anymore, plus the books they have in the original english (since it seems I tend to read a lot of english authors).. are very few.
  20. Ugh, probably none, have to work today at the supermarket, nice weather means busy there and that problably means I'll be too knackered tonight to read.
  21. Well when I looked it up it said it was Australian slang. So guess that explains it.
  22. Can you imagine what it's like for someone whos first language is not english? I mean, my english is good, I have a friend that lives in England and when I go to see him, apart from the accent, people there sometimes say they'd never know it wasn't my native language. But seriously, those slang words get me confused sometimes, add an accent sometimes and well, I'm lost.
  23. Well, can't say for sure because I haven't read the book in a while, but isn't Slughorn supposed to be a lot bigger? In the fat department I mean, you know, I thought he was supposed to be a big guy. Also, in the film, after he's while the actor's not fat. His behavious, yes, he's brilliant as Slughorn, but I think they kinda went off on how he was supposed to look. Might be mistaken, have to look it up. Haven't read LotR really, just bits. But Andy Serkis is brilliant as Gollum. And I HATED Tom Cruise as Lestat. Or well, now I do, then I thought he was brilliant. But now I have read the books, and no. I love Gary Sinise as Stu Redman in The Stand.
  24. Like I said, I looked it up so I now know what that meant. Google is handy for a great many things hee hee. Just funny, because in Dutch, we don't really have as many slang words and English seems to have.
  25. ^I had to look up chook to see what it meant. Some words of slang I really don't know, happens with some english people on another forum and MySpace too, some words..
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