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Everything posted by nightingale

  1. Granted, but you only get one minute's peace every hour for sixty hours. I wish i had pizza and some garlic bread to eat right now *dribble*.
  2. Yes, my copy of the book has this little factoid too . I like the idea of her living with exiles in the end. I agree Montag had been monitored for a while and Capt Beatty was onto him, but Clarisse showing up in his life at that moment was a coincidence i feel. Another reason for me thinking Clarisse wasn't a 'plant', is she doesn't always allow Montag to answer questions she puts to him. There were a few times where she would ask a question and as Montag is about to reply she interrupts with another question. Or she'll change the subject or just walk off and leave him standing there. If she's trying to get evidence or get him to incriminate himself she doesn't allow him much of an opportunity. I agree with the points made about arranged relationships and some sort of brainwashing going on. I initially thought Mildred's 'suicide' was accidental , she appeared oblivious to what had happened the night before. Having read your posts i'm seeing it differently now.
  3. There's a new monthly podcast on the block called 'Naked Astronomy', which is produced by Cambridge University. It's nowhere near as saucy as it sounds though . Listening to the first recording at the moment, and it sounds good.
  4. I have three bookmarks at the moment. One is a folded pizza flyer and two are invoices for books i bought . They'll do for now until i invest in some new ones .
  5. Thanks, Kylie . Just going back to this question. It was suggested that Clarisse may have been a spy or something, so i re-read that part of the book. I like to think she wasn't. I think she was genuinely interested in people and came from a family that asked questions, exchanged stories and enjoyed banter. It was in her natured to be chatty and flighty. She seemed to actively seek out Firemen to speak with too. She mentioned that Montag was 'not like the others' as they would ignore or threaten her. I'd say she wasn't intimated by them at all. She enjoys studying things around her closely, maybe, she saw Firemen in general as a 'challenge' and wanted to figure out what made them tick.
  6. Thanks for the 'Breakneck' review Lexi. Has been duly added to my TBR list making a grand total of four books . Janet, it's a fine book and Bill Bryson is such an engaging writer. Plus the characters that have contributed to science over the centuries seem to be ever so slightly bonkers . So when Bill writes about them he brings these people to life. And there's no heavy science writing to make your brain hurt Hope you'll enjoy reading it .
  7. Granted, but they are wellies for small children, so they are no use to you. I wish i someone here to massage my feet.
  8. Turn off the Lights - Nelly Fetardo (sp). Finally done all the ironing. Yay!!!
  9. Some of these stories are funny . I can't believe the nerve of some people . I've purchased a couple of books based on reviews i read on this site. I'll be demanding my money back from you dear reader if i don't enjoy the books
  10. Meanie! That's a shame, hope your BF can sort out the computer problems. As for drama in the CBB house... give it time Frankie, give it time...
  11. Oh yeah, Aliens (or Alien 2, as i like to call it ) is a fantastic film. Saw it on tv a few nights ago, and it still looks good all these years later .
  12. Cool, i'll start with the 1st book and see how it goes . I wouldn't know who Anna Paquin was if she had a neon sign giving her name ! I've seen the True Blood thread on here, so i'll take a look later . How do you watch CBB? Are you in the UK? There's not much to tell on CBB at the mo. Last night's show just went into a bit more detail showing how the housemates interacted with each other on the 1st night. They won their 1st task, which was for all of them to fit inside a mini, which they successfully did! lol For their troubles, they earned 2 bottles of champaign. Baldwin in the diary room, said he had a 'crush' on Stephanie, awww . Ones to watch are, Baldwin, Steph, Jordan's man (keep forgetting his name), Sisquo and i think Lady Sov, might be a bit of a handful for some. So far everything is civil and friendly . Well, that's my round-up - hope it wasn't boring
  13. I'll add it to my reading list . Since joining this site i've slowly got back into the reading habit, it's been so long since i read, that i'm not sure what books would appeal to me . It's disappointing the show didn't live up to your expectation Frankie, what was it that didn't work for you? Vampire-ism (sp) seems to be the thing lately, books, film and tv!
  14. I'm above this sort of rubbish reality tv! I'm borrowing that halo after you've finished with it, Charm lol Loved Stephanie's remark . How the other half live, eh? She's real old-style glamour. Loved that she still wore her pearls while doing the 1st task Sisquo is an absolute ball energy! Thanks Frankie, im not familiar with those books, but i think i've seen the show True blood advertised on tv. If it's still on i might tune into an episode or two ... to watch the storyline of course . Do you prefer the books or the show?
  15. Currently watching Sky Sports News. Should be doing the ironing though . I'll start on that chore once i've had me cuppa .
  16. Not read today (well yesterday really, as it's now past mid-night). Will definitely read a few pages today.
  17. A bit nervous about posting , not used to discussion/debating, so i hope i'm contributing in a relevant way. Here goes... I agree with you both. Having people drive everywhere like you said Kell, forces you to concentrate solely on that. I guess also, if your movements are restricted in that you aren't allowed to walk about freely, you're less likely to meet people. Especially those coming from a different background to yourself. Casual conversations can't be struck up as easily and like you say there's no exchange of thoughts and ideas.
  18. Well she can marry him, and i'll be his bit on the side .
  19. Wow, that's a hell of a list Lexie .! Good luck with hitting your target. From your list, i can say 'The Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy' and 'A short History of Nearly Everything' are great reads. And i speak as someone who rarely picks up a book . Once you start reading them, you'll need someone to crow-bar them from your fingers . Both are very funny. 'Hitch-hikers' is very imaginative and 'A Short History...', genuinely makes science-stuff enjoyable to read. Happy reading .
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