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Posts posted by AbielleRose

  1. We got our first thunderstorm of the summer last night and it was glorious. :D It was right at twilight so the lightning actually looked purple. Today its all cool and the air isn't humid anymore. The trees are even starting to look alive, finally! I love spring!

  2. Hey guys :) Life has been a little crazy lately. My brother's college graduation is next weekend and my family is already full of stress because we're all going to have to be in one room together for an entire day *gasp*. My grandma is making a stink, my mom is coming (aka, mom and stepmom under the same roof on my stepmom's territory o.O) and my cousin is bringing all 5 of his kids who are all under 10. There will be alcohol. 


    The big reason I'm nervous for next weekend is because last week my stepmom lost her job. A new company bought hers and fired all of the employees to hire new ones they chose. My dad and stepmom are putting their house up for sale and have announced they are going to move to Phoenix, Arizona by the end of the summer. That's nearly 2,000 miles from me. I'm still a bit shocked at it all. I'm also nervous because it'll be a 5 hour drive for me and I have a bad infection in one of my toes. I'm seeing the doctor again tomorrow in hopes another round of antibiotics help, but if they do they had better help fast. For the first time in nearly 6 months I have a little extra money so if I need to stop for the night halfway I can get a hotel and put my feet up, but I'd rather not use my rare extra money for that. Hopefully it all goes well and all of this worrying is for nothing. 


    I did go and buy 2 new books. :D They're sitting happily on the top of my dusty TBR pile. 

  3. I miss Charm, too. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one she deleted off her FB friends, because now I know that it wasn't anything personal... 


    I'd been wondering about that, too. I had both her and her daughter and one day they were just both gone. 


    Gosh, has it already been 6 years since I've joined? I was nervous at first because the forum I was on previously was a tv related one that was HUGE. But it was also very impersonal and no one replied to your comments so much as just talked over you. BCF is personal and full of welcoming and friendship. Right away I knew BCF was different because the people here are not just nicknames out on the web. You guys have my home address, some of you have my phone number, email, etc... You're as much a friend as anyone I see in person here in Fargo. Its amazing how much life has changed for all of us in the past 10 years. I'm so thankful to have this place. In many ways its a sanctuary of bookish love.  :friends3:

  4. My stepmom feels the same way about her feeders, lol. She loves photographing the birds who flock to them and crows just aren't as pretty to her. Ooo, it was 75 here yesterday and I took a little drive around town with my windows down, too! Today it only got up to 42 and we already have snow in the forecast this week. Guess its not fully spring yet. I'm sure we'll get a couple more storms before the real spring sets in.

  5. I saw an article about that girl too, Abby. We feed the birds in our garden all year round and we used to have a blackbird that nested in our tree for a few years. She wasn't tame by any means, but she used to sit outside the back door singing until someone took some currants or raisins out to her! :D


    Aw! She sure had you guys well trained!!!  :giggle:

  6. Oh no! So sorry about your chickens and your dad's collegue, Athena :(  Yuck, unexpected bills are the worst kind!  :empathy:


    A few weeks ago I read an article about crows who leave a little girl presents since she feeds them. I decided this year I'm going to get some little bird feeders and put seed out for the birds and some special shiny trinkets out for the crows to see if they start coming to me daily. I don't expect to get little presents back like the girl did, but I like the idea of crows knowing my little patio is a safe place to come for food and they won't be shooed away. :) When I lived in Sioux Falls, SD we got oriel birds by putting orange slices out. I'd love to see them again! :) May be a nice, fun spring project. 

  7. Here's a pic of Winny being an adorable doof last night, then a follow-up pic when I  kicked him off the ottoman so I could turn on the fan. 






    He sure does have a cute "I'm being put out by your needs, mama!" face! :D

  8. This is a lovely idea for a thread, Athena! <3


    Today is the first day since fall that we've seen rain and not snow. The first day of rain in the springtime always makes me so happy because it means the grass is soon to turn green and the trees and flowers will bloom and everything will begin to look fresh instead of brown and dead. :) I absolutely love a good rain storm and better yet, a good thunderstorm! 

  9. Hubby got a job!!! Its better than the one he was let go from and it has good benefits and NO weekends!!! The only drawback is that he doesnt start til next month. Now here's the ironic part. Two men are being hired for this position, hubby and a guy named Mike. Now get ready for the ironic part. Mike was hired to replace my husband from the OTHER job. He lasted 3 weeks. Go figure.


    Congrats!!! Oh wow, that is ironic! Hope he likes this job and things go well!


    I started my new job today and things went well! I could definitely get used to working in my pajamas with my cat hanging around for pets. :D

  10. Words to live by. :giggle2:


    It's absolutely lovely down here. I have every window in the house flung wide open.


    You must be a southerner or an Aussie, then? :D 


    Its very dreary here in Fargo. One of those days where everything just looks gray.

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