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Posts posted by AbielleRose

  1. When I think of you I picture you as a little monster (like Cookie Monster) devouring books (like Cookie Monster did cookies!) :D


    Have you thought about another trip to Australia to...*cough* get more books? 


    And visit Kylie, of course... :D


    And pet a wallaby... 


    ((How did you get all your books back home last time?))

  2. That would be THE perfect job for you! Hopefully you find something soon! I totally understand the 'looking for work' bit. I quit my job back in November after burning out hard. I start a part time job this week and am hoping its the right move for now. 


    Anyway... I really do need to read more. This book that's coming out today is part of the only series I've been truly excited about in a long time. 

  3. Frankie! *tacklehugs* 


    It was just 5 shelves so all in all, not *too* many. :D One shelf was old ARCs I'd been wanting to give away for a while that I'd gotten for free working for the bookstore. Actually, most of the books I got rid of were ones I got for cheap or free. Room for more now. ;)


    I've been around... just felt bad coming on here when I was in such a (lack of) reading funk. How have you been? What are you up to these days? 

  4. Maureen Johnson's The Madness Underneath comes out today and I keep willing the clock to tick faster so I can go get it when the store opens. I can't wait to tuck in and spend the rest of the day reading it! Feels like its been forever since I finished a book the same day I bought it. Should be a good day. :)


    Did I mention I have a 20% off coupon, too? :D

  5. Glad you had a great trip, Laura! 


    Yesterday I went to a craft show with a friend. 3 floors each packed with booths and people! I managed to get out having only bought a beautiful leather cuff bracelet (with french writing and a gold and black broach on it) and a navy and light yellow bird printed scarf. :D I love my new shinies! 

  6. Its still freezing cold here but I'm debating getting out of the apartment for a little while, even if just for a coffee and drive around town. Now that I 'work from home' I'm always itching for an excuse to get out for a little bit.  

  7. They really made the story.  :D We Americans find kangahoppits really amusing. :D


    Aww, she did? Michelle couldn't have found two better book nuts :D


    *shines halo* 


    I'm always good :D


    *hides horns* 

  8. Hey, I only joined this forum this year so you probably don't know me and I don't know you, but I wish you happy reading this year! There are quite a few great books on your TBR list :).


    Hey Athena! Nice to meet you :) This forum is a good one and it's nice to be back. :) Hope we get a chance to chat some around the threads! 


    Yay! Welcome back, Abby! I've missed you.  :friends3:


    :friends3: Aww, I missed you, too, Kylie! I thought about you the other day when I was watching the women's golf tournament in Australia and saw all those kangaroos take over the course! Best golf tournament I've seen. :D


    Hi Abi, nice to see you back again hope you have a good reading year this year  :smile:


    Hey Kidsmum! I hope you have a great reading year, too! :D

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