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Posts posted by AbielleRose

  1. Thanks Athena <3 


    I think this weekend I've decided I'm going to spend Saturday cutting myself off from technology so I can just sit in the quiet and read. No tv, computer, music or even phone. All will be turned OFF for the entire day!  It worries me sometimes when I can't manage to so much as go into the bathroom or give my cat treats without my phone on me! 


    I haven't gotten to start OatEotL yet, so hopefully Saturday for my little read-a-thon day! 

  2. It's 3f here today, which is -16c for you guys! :lol:  It's not really funny but sometimes you just have to laugh!



    That's incredibly cold :cold:!! Are you okay?


    The lowest we got this last week was around -20 f  ( -29 c)! (Athena, I don't live *too* far from Peace. We're both stuck in the frozen tundra, heh) 


    Today was surprisingly nice, though! Some of the snow melted and the icy roads cleared up a bit, but tomorrow we're getting more of the white junk so it may be short-lived!

  3. We've been putting money in the Lottery pool for the past week and a half here at work.  Our odds are so bad they don't even worry about an entire department quitting because they won all this money! :lol:


    My week has been good so far.  It's bitterly cold here (well below zero) but luckily tomorrow it's going to be in the teens!  Yahoo!  This past Saturday I went out for lunch with some friends and I had a pastie for the very first time in my life!  It was heavenly and an excellent cheat meal ;).  After that I got my first tattoo, so it was a weekend of firsts for sure!  I'll have to post a photo of it in my blog.  


    I hope the smoke detector issues get fixed!  And that your appt went well, Abby.



    Thanks all for the appointment well-wishes :) <3


    Ugh, thank GOODNESS its warming up a bit tomorrow! Kind of sad when 19 f is a heatwave, though! Tattoos are awesome :D What did you get?

  4. Ugh, a dying fire alarm has to be one of the most annoying sounds in the galaxy! I actually took my battery out because the idiot who designed my tiny apartment put it 5 feet from the stove, so if I so much as boiled water it would go off! 

  5. I have a bit of a big week this week. I'm meeting with a lawyer tomorrow to file an appeal for disability (keep your fingers crossed things go well!) and then I have an appointment with my neurologist on Thursday to (hopefully) change the pain meds I'm on since they're not really working. Not really looking forward to all of it, I'd rather hide in my blanket fort, but it needs to be done. 

  6. Thanks guys! I have OatEOtL (funny acronym, heh) here on my bed next to me. I'll be laying in bed all day due to a foot injury (nothing bad, just need to keep it elevated) and the fact that its currently -20 f (-29 c) outside. Cat, books and a pot roast with radishes and tomatoes in the crockpot! 


    Charlie, I hope your daughter has a great trip! Where is she going? I'm in the center of the US up north bordering Canada. If she's on the east or west coasts I think she'll be much warmer than I am, heh :D Great idea to pack layers! This winter has been a very strange one so far.

  7. Brilliant! The owl was obviously speeding ;)



    I love taking pictures of birds, I'm just not very good at it! We usually go to the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust at Slimbridge once a year, and I always end up with a million pictures of the greylag geese as they are my favourites!


    Heh, my first thought when I saw it was "Where's Hedwig off to?"


    Birds are so gorgeous! I love geese because every year where I live the Canadian geese migrate and huge swarms of them fly over my area. As a kid we'd go for long car trips and I'd just watch the geese in the fall because there were at least 1+ flying V's in the sky or 100's taking a break in the field.

  8. That is stunning! 


    Can you imagine studying, buying all the equipment and hunting for the perfect opportunity to capture the perfect nature photo... then seeing THIS photo of a snowy owl captured by a traffic camera without even trying?  :giggle:


    I've always wanted to take pictures of birds. They're such beautiful creatures.

  9. Thanks so much, guys! I know I've been away a lot the last year, but this place will always be my internet home <3 


    Its going to be cold as Hoth here this weekend so I'll be wrapped up in my books with no plans to take the car out of the garage! Hoping to do a good marathon read at least one day. :D 


    Maybe I will do The Oceans at the End of the Lane since it is rather smallish. ;) 

  10. Has anyone else joined Emma Watson's Goodreads group?  https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/179584-our-shared-shelf 


    "As part of my work with UN Women, I have started reading as many books and essays about equality as I can get my hands on. There is so much amazing stuff out there! Funny, inspiring, sad, thought-provoking, empowering! I’ve been discovering so much that, at times, I’ve felt like my head was about to explode… I decided to start a Feminist book club, as I want to share what I’m learning and hear your thoughts too. 

    The plan is to select and read a book every month, then discuss the work during the month’s last week (to give everyone time to read it!). I will post some questions/quotes to get things started, but I would love for this to grow into an open discussion with and between you all. Whenever possible I hope to have the author, or another prominent voice on the subject, join the conversation.

    If you fancy it, please join up and participate. Everyone is welcome. I would be honoured!

    Emma x"


    The first book she's chosen is My Life on the Road by Gloria Steinem. I'm really excited to see what else she'll be choosing!

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