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Everything posted by AbielleRose

  1. It is my favorite holiday movie! If only Bing Crosby were 60 years younger... You'll have to watch it and let me know what you think. They just don't make movies like that anymore.
  2. Hello Mathilde! Hope you like it here
  3. The one I am reading right now is by far the best (and most haunting) books I've read this year - The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. I picked it up last week after seeing a preview for the movie at New Moon. It is one of those rare books that, even though it is a tragedy, you don't feel sorry for the heroine. It's about a 14 yr old girl who is murdered and her loved ones as she watches them from her heaven as they try and cope with her death and try and find her murderer. It is one of the most well written books I've ever read.
  4. Left-overs (still!) green bean casserole, scalloped corn and ham.
  5. I would reccomend to you Year of Wonders by Geraldine Brooks. The group I read it with was all women but I'm sure it would also appeal to men. It is about a young women's journey and heroism when her village is infected with the Plague in 1666. The book is beautifully written and a rather easy read.
  6. One quote that has always stood out to me is: "A single wildflower given with love is worth more than a dozen roses given with indifference." from Wildflowers by Robin Jones Gunn. The book itself is just okay, but that is a beautiful and truthful sentence.
  7. Much better than Roalie's, Jacob's and Jasper's! Alice's was okay but it looked a little soccer mom. In the books I pictured her to have really short pixie hair kind of like Mia Farrow in Rosemary's Baby.
  8. Her hair was actually a wig I believe. She was simotaniously shooting a movie in which she was playing Joan Jett so she had to cut her hair into a mullet and dye it black.
  9. It reminds me of a magnet at my mom's house that says: "God grant me patience, but I want it right now." I love Vanwa's Tolkien quote.
  10. If possible I would like to get in on this too. Is it too late?
  11. Has anyone read the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series? I haven't read the books but I saw the preview for the first movie when I went to New Moon and it looks great!
  12. Thanks :) I'm doing great! It's Friday *does a happy dance*. How have you been lately?

  13. I forced my dad to watch Legally Blonde today. Let me just say, it is a little scary how well he can impersonate Elle Woods... Now I am off to watch Glee and then Heroes.
  14. Thanks Echo and Peacefield! It makes me respect my grandmothers all the more for how many of these they have prepared over the years. I'm just off to dig up some left over ham and mashed potatos for some dinner. For those who are going shopping tomorrow, good luck and be careful! Remember- an iPod is NOT worth a black eye, even if it is on sale for $20.00!
  15. I live in St. Paul, Minnesota and am the queen of all vampires (even though I have only been undead a few weeks). I have a day job at Macy's and am addicted to designer shoes. I hate my sexy vampire consort, Eric Sinclair, even though he keeps showering me with this season's Balenciagas.
  16. I hope everyone's Thanksgiving went well. I only managed to start the stove on fire once and set the smoke alarm off twice. Everything except for my pumpkin pie turned out. Since it was my first time cooking the whole meal for my family I consider this success. My dad found the whole fire thing rather hillarious... It will be something I will spend years trying to live down I'm sure.
  17. Has anyone read Midnight Sun on Stephenie Meyer's website? It makes me wish she had written the whole series from Edward's point of view. He is conflicted in ways Bella never was and it brings a whole new depth to the story. It's a shame she won't publish it.
  18. He would have to camp out there with a sleeping bag and a pillow to get it I'm sure! It would be a nice deal though!
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