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Posts posted by catwoman

  1. I started The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo earlier this week but just can't get into it. :(



    I don't know if others agree, Abby, but Tattoo was very slow-going for me at the start as well. I'm really glad I stuck with it though because it soon got very interesting!


    I haven't started anything new yet since Giants in the Earth, but I did go to Half Price Books today and picked up Ladies of Grace Adieu by Susanna Clarke :D. I also bought a Fantastic Mr. Fox sticker book :lol: I know I'm too old for that, but the book is after Wes Anderson's film version and I loved it so much I just had to have it.



    Abs you know I love the series, and like PF, it gets to a point, around the 275 mark where it just gets AMAZING!! keep going Abs.


    As for me only read 30 pages. But working so bit here and bit there. Grrr.


    But I'm planning my books for my holiday, whoop.

  2. The Bromeliad is a trilogy (so it looks like you have them all!) that is geared more towards children. I read them last year and absolutely loved them. I think they'd be a good introduction to Pratchett. :)


    Brilliant! I was worried that I was going to skip a book or something.


    ^ They are also not connected to his Discworld novels.


    Brilliant. Thanks. I don't know much about Pratchett and was worried I was going to be reading a book in the middle of the DISCWORLD series.


    Reading wise. I only managed 30 pages of Little Girls Lost before having work stuff to do. Still plodding along with it and because the pace of the book is quick. I seem to go reading it pretty fast.

  3. Went to the library today to pick up my sons' reservation and in the process I randomly found:


    * Linger - Maggie Stiefvater

    *The Bromeliad - Terry Pratchett (Truckers, Diggers and Wings.)


    To Pratchett fans.......Is this a good book to start. Is this the beginning of one of his series? I have the Colour of Magic waiting to arrive from Amazon.

  4. Well over half way through Lost Little girls by J.A.Kerley. As always a good read. I was scratching my head a little and it felt like I missed a book from the series but I checked fantasticfiction and it doesn't appear to be the case.


    Went charity shop hunting while getting thread for my son's fancy dress outfit, and I picked up these beauties. ALL for 25p!! Ker-ching!:cool:


    *Flashforward - Robert. J. Sawyer

    *Lover revealed - J.R.Ward

    *ORCS The ominibus edition - Stan Nicholls.

  5. I agree, it is a big switch. In fact I was saying on twitter the other day that it almost fills like two separate stories - but it is drawn together at the end, when Amy becomes important again.


    I wander who you were saying that to Michelle :P


    You have made me want to get it. Thank you again. It will be my expensive purchase this month me thinks.:friends3:

  6. Finished The Brutal Art by Jesse Kellerman. Was lucky to have a day or reading, that with my fantastic mojo. I enjoyed it. I will be good and at some point do my reading diary on here.


    So I have started to re- read. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Which is a book on my LOST book club list.


    I am also reading Little Girls Lost by J.A. Kerley. Already half way through it and it's good so far.

  7. Just bought my first Pratchett book. The Colour of Magic.


    I hae wanted to read his books for a long as I can remember and never have seemed to get it, there has always been something else I have picked up.


    I am actually sooo excited and can't wait for it to arrive!!!

  8. Only a little off-topic. It does have the same actor in both series. *Faints* I wonder who that could be *whistles* I liked LOST but I haven't finished the series yet. I am still on start of Series 4, due to still being in mourning.:giggle2:


    as for the book and the series. They are totally diffferent, don't read the book if you are expecting answers to some of the storylines in the book you won't get them.


    As for the show. It got axed. There were little rumours that they were going to re-commission the series after an online campaign but I don't think that will happen considering the guy who plays very very hot Simon :smile2:has said that he won't be doing anymore TV shows unless it is as good as LOST. So I doubt it's gonna happen.

  9. I have given up on the Dark Tower series by Stephen King. I am enjoying it less and less with each book.


    Started Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut and it's quite funny so far. :lol:


    I am worrying more and more about The Dark Tower series. I have these on my LOST book club list, I have book two on my TBR pile. Eeek.


    As for Vonnegut. I finnished Slaughterhouse 5 last week and I loved it and I am going to be looking out for the rest of his novels!



    It certainly is amazing! glad you enjoyed it. :)

    I read it a few weeks ago and I still keep thinking about the characters, I even find myself wondering how they're getting on at times!


    Wow! I'm definately going to be keeping an eye out for this book *adds to wishlist*




    As for me. I am well over 100 pages into A Butal Art by I really am finding it a good read so far, and my mojo is in full swing. Unfortunately I just don't have the time to read much.


    Because of my mojo looking at charity shops has become expensive. I came away yesterday with these books:


    Dean Koontz's - frankenstien book one. (I have book 2 on my tbr pile already.) 25p

    Joesph Conrad - Heart of Darkness (This is on my LOST book club read) 25p

    Steig Larsson - The Girl with The Dragon tattoo. I have read this book and the second but got them both out from the library. I love them so much I wanted to buy them and also re-read before reading 3) £1

    Andy McDermott - The Cult of Osiris. (I have three of his other books in the series, including book 1. but I don't have book two which is annoying)


    Hoping British sun will come out and I will be able to take the kids to the park and read in the sunshine.






    Just ordered The colour of Magic!!!!

  10. I was late watching LOST mate, but now I am a right 'Lostie' even though I hve stopped at season for for a few reasons. I am planning on putting up the list tonight. There are some right classics on there and some I have never even heard off.


    As for Slaughterhouse 5. Some amazing comparisons to the book including some scenes to do with Charlie and Desmond. you can see where they got some inspiration from that book. Will be writing a review on my book log tonight. I would recommend this book purely on it being a great novel and also b ecause there are a lot of 'lost' parts in it :D


    I am thinking a re-read of Lord of the Flies might be in order next. I found my old copy yesterday, and when I started watching LOST I could already see the comparisions and I read the book at school.

  11. No reading cause no mojo :(


    Nooooo, not again!


    My mojo is slowly coming back. Thanks to Slaughterhouse 5.


    I have also found that sorting out your TBR pile is also good at getting the ol' mojo to wake up.


    Had my Library Book Club meet last night, and our next book is The Brutal Art by Jesse Kellerman.Read the first chapter and it already has me wondering what is going to happen.


    I also have a Non fiction book called. Time and free will. Something I have deciced to read about again. I was really into the subject a while ago and decided to re-read some of my old books an dpapers and get some more from the library so interesting.


    I just don't have enough time to read all that much. But hoping that when the weather gets drier and wamer I can read while the kids are playing down the park and I sit watching (and reading) them.

  12. I was able to read Karin Slaughter's books right from the beginning and got her first book, Blingsighted when it first came out. Ever since then I have been hooked.


    As for Authors that I waas slow on the uptake. I would have liked to have read the Twilight series before the franchise. Also Simon Scarrow would be another author. My friend recommended them and I have only just started to read them, I find them fantastic.

  13. @ pickle.


    It was the preacher that I read. It was a quick and easy read, but for some reason I expected more.


    As for The Hobbit. It is such a great little book. I was late getting into Tolkien. My son is a huuuge fan and I got dragged into the world because of him. Now I never want to leave Middle - Earth. Funny how children to make you love things, that you never found while you were growing up.

  14. Thanks for the recommendation Pickle. Have you tried reading The Hobbit? Thats a lovely read on Audio Book. I find that very easy to listen to.


    As for Camilla Lackberg. I read one of her books last year and found it Ok. I think I had to much expectation. I would definately read more of her novels. Have you read any others? *Tries and thinks what the book was called*

  15. I have been unable to read anything due to being busy and yet again ill... Come on now. Time of work was good to begin with!


    So I am still just over half way through on SLAUGHTERHOUSE 5. Still a cracking read.


    I did pop up to the library yesterday and picked up my reserved copy of FLASHFORWARD by Robert J Sawyer. I watched the TV show, and loved it, and no not just because Dominic Monaghan was it (You guys know me so well) but also I have always been interested in the theme behind this show. I never knew there was a book until Michelle told me. Thanks Michelle.


    Becuase of not being able to read so much I have been trying to listen to audio books. I do struggle and find them difficult to get into but I have been listening to Lord of the rings - The fellowship of the Ring which is nice to listen to.

  16. I got given some lovely bookmarks for Xmas. A beautiful one from Charm. thank you again.


    Becuase of my bad reading mojo, I have quite a few books on the go and I have so many bookmarks in so many books. I am actually using my son's Buzzlight year one for the moment.


    I have found a Lord of the Rings filmcell bookmark on ebay which I reeeeaaaaaaally want. So I will put that on my Birthday list.

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