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Posts posted by catwoman



    To be added when I have the time.


















  3. Ok so 2011 I didn't do any reviews. I was so bad last year. I barely read any books in the first half of the year. But my mojo has picked up.


    This year I will also be going away on some big holidays which will involve some rather long flights. Back to what I didn in 2010. Hopefully this will give me even more time to read and hopefully givde me more insentive to keep my book lists going.


    I am also determined to get myself a kindle this year in time for the holidays.


    I have decided to set myself a higher reading challenge this year. 50 BOOKS!!!! I know for some people this isn't alot for some but for me this is a lot.


    Included in this I want to get back into reading Non-fiction again. I barely read any this year (2011) so I want to change this. I have some City guide books in this so that will help. My challange is to READ 10 NON FICTION BOOKS


    Also want to get back into completing my LOST book club challenge. I only read a couple last year. So that is a little mini challange for me.MY challange is 10 LOST BOOK CLUB BOOKS


    Wanna try and get back into reading graphic Novels/ Comics again. so hopefully I can read 5.


    Also I am going to Florida with my kids in August and while we are there we are going to The wizarding world of Harry Potter. I started reading the books last in 2011 and I have read up to book five. I am starting to love them now, but I must make sure I finish them before Florida or my kids will kill me!!

  4. My word I have not been on here in ages. So busy. But I have read loads of books since the last time I was on here.


    Because of my blog I have had the oppotunity to read so many awesome books.


    Including death Sentance and Contest.


    But right now I am reading Dann Brown's digital Fortress. I was reading it on the train this morning and it kept my attention well even though the passenger next to me said that it was pretty bad. I'm only 100 pages through but I have a feeling that this will be a quick rad. However bad it is.


    I grabbed some fantastic books while I was away. But I was talking to my friend and she has made me want to start reading The Girl who kicked the hornets nest ASAP. I have held out for so long as I didn't want the series to end. But it will be sent soon.

  5. My 2rd choice was The Obscure Logic of the Heart by Priva Basil but unfortunately I just couldn't get into it. I wrote to the lovely Lynsey, and she was happy yo send me 4th choice, Crippen. Thankfully that's gotten off to a much better start! :)



    Hmm... I'm still not exactly sure. I'm not very keen on taking a true life person, and writing fiction around them. If the story had been totally fictitious, it was make a good story - but I'm not keen on the way Crippen is portrayed. But then again, it's encouraged me to go and research more about the actual case, and facts. :)


    I only have 100 pages to read of this.. I think it's a real easy book to read. I knew a little of the case before reading. I'm not sure if that is a blessing or not. Like a said though a rather easy read.

  6. Busy is not the word for it. But I have been reading a few books. I don't have time to put them up here right now but they are on my blog.


    I've read the new Karin Slaughter and I was pretty disspaointed.

    Read the book Twelve by Jasper Kent. ot as good as I had hoped.

    Reading Crippen by the guy who wrote the boy with the stripedPajamas. This is going really well and reading for the Transworld book club.

  7. I have been so busy that I havenot been on here for ages *Wipes away the spider webs*


    I have read a few books latey. One I would recommend is The colour of Death. I really good book.


    Also I have finally read the first three books of Potter. Didn't really like the first two but fell in love with potter after reading the third. Fourth will be read soon.


    At the moment I am reading FALLEN BY KARIN SLAUGHTER. Most people on here know my love for Slaughter. I am struggling a little with the book. It's good but I am not into the actual crime itself. I hope it will pick up real soon. I am around half way through.

  8. I did a bookshop crawl with a friend in the Blue Mountains yesterday. We had a great time and of course bought lots of books. biggrin.gif


    Today I'll be cataloguing my new books and hopefully getting a fair bit of reading done. :)


    I love the sound of that!! I should have done that in Glasgow, yet I couldn't have bought any books as it wouldn't have fit in my hand luggage. *Shakes fist at airline!*


    I read.. Get this... a whooping 10 pages yesterday! Oh yes. I really do like THE BLADE ITSELF but Every time I settle down the kids want me to do something, or I have feel guilty reading as I have 101 jobs to be doing or I am just plain tired. :Zzzz:

  9. CRIKEY!!! I really fell behind on reading threads on here!


    There's a distinct possibility that Linwood Barclay's 'Never Look Away' and Karin Slaughter's 'Broken' fell into my Tesco shopping basket at 6.30 this morning. Oops! :D


    WHOOOOOOO for the SLAUGHTER BOOK. I'm waiting for FALLEN. I'm hoping this is why my mojo has disspear it is waiting for the two days of sitting and reading constantly. It's the first thing I will buy on Payday!



    I finished The Two Towers and have started on the final book, The Return of the King.


    I am so glad you are loving the LOTR series.



    And, I met George RR Martin.


    Very Jealous. My friend took a picture of the Throne in Waterstones.


    I finished 'American Gods' by Neil Gaiman last night, A brilliant absorbing and entrancing book.



    I've heard good and bad reviews of this book. My Library book club hated it. I have not read it. I normally have the same taste in books mate. Do you think I would like?


    because I didn't know what to read next, I let a friend choose...apparently I'll be reading Packing for Mars by Mary Roach :D


    When I don't know what to read and I have no library books I get my kids to pick for me. :D






    As for me. Urgh, the non existant mojo is starting to affect me now :( I think I need nothing more than an good reading session. But I can't seem to get into anything :(


    I'm around 200 pages in The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie. It's a great book but I just haven't got any concentration :(

  10. When I mentioned to a friend that I was reading The Ghost Writer (John Harwood) he asked if it's the one the movie was adapted from....I wasn't aware there was a movie...anybody know if there is?



    Does your friend mean The Ghost by Robert Harris. Personally it was my worst book that I read last year. The film had Pierce Bronson and I think Ewan McGregor and that was about ghost writer working for the Prime Minister.


    Have just finished Finding Sky by Joss Stirling - I was a little surprised how much I enjoyed this, very much in the vein of Twilight but different enough to keep me interested, I am increasingly surprised how good some of the YA books are getting. With that in mind have now started The Declaration by Gema Malley which arrived yesterday.


    Also took delivery of 5 new books from Amazon today, Afterwards, The Novel in the Viola, The Return of Captain John Emmett, The Beach Hut and Uglies.


    Have also ordered To Kill A Mockingbird, I really have to see if it is as good as peeps on here say it is, and with it being its 50th anniversary I thought it would be a good time!


    To Kill a Mockingbird is in my top five fav books of all time.,.. Enjoy.



    I finished He's Just not that into You and have started The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring!



    Whoop... LOrd ot he rings. Another Ringer in the making I hope!



    As for me still no time to read.. :empathy:


    I have just come back from library book club and got given the book. Yann Martel - Beatrice and Virgil. Quite a few groans from the club who had read Life of Pi. I haven't but I am a little worried.


    I still have Bone song left half way through. Just can't get passed one page of it.

  11. Sorry your mojo is messing about hun, mine can't decide whether it wants to be with me or not atm, I did manage a few pages last night ;)


    Great haul at the BB! You could always start a book swap thread here to switch your double copies?


    About The Discovery Of Witches ... in a word yes. If it's the hardback, it is a pretty big book. The paperback is not so bad ;) Brilliant book though!


    Have a great time in Scotland and no peeking under kilts! :giggle:


    Yep it's the Hardback! D'oh. To be honest. Now no Laughing Charm. I was reading it while walking back to the car, and because I was engrossed I banged into a lampost.!!!! I SAID NO LAUGHING CHARM!!!!!! :giggle2::blush:. So I don't think I will be able to wait till scotland! Lol.


    As for the doubles I gave them to the Boys Brigade and said they can resell them at the next fate.


    Me not looking up a kilt. Pfft. Why do you think I'm going!!???!!!! Steph willbe worse then me though. The little Minx!!!! :o


    First ever post in the book activity thread and I'm having a pretty good reading day!


    Finished off The Great Gatsby today. I felt really uneasy while reading it, but I suppose that's probably exactly how Fitzgerald wanted the reader to feel. It's the kind of book I'd like to read again, I think I'd get even more from it on a second reading, but not for a while.


    I've also started The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov. Only about 11% in on my kindle and finding the biblical parts a bit strange. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet but I've been wanting to read this book for a while so I'll definitely stick with it.


    I have The Great Gatsby on my wishlist as it is on the LOST book list. One of my library book club friends readi ti and said that it was one to re-read to full appreciate it.


    As for m

  12. I'm now 200 ish pages into 'game of thrones' & I'm hooked :-)


    Yay!! Fantastic! I'm looking forward to re-reading him again.


    As for me. Hmm. Well I haven't had the time for a mojo. I have only managed 20 pages of The Bone Song. It is isn't gripping me. Yet there are nothing but good reviews. Maybe becuase I don't have a mojo I'm not wanted to get into it? I don't know.


    But I went to m,y kids' Boy Brigade fate and they had a huuuge book stall and I came back with so many books. Some I realised I hve already.whoops.


    SHUTTER ISLAND - DENNIS LEHANE ( I have heard so many reviews about this book and sounds right up my street.



    THE UPRISING - SCOTT G MARIANI (vampire blade style)





    I think I have gained other books since last being on here but I can't remember which ones! :giggle2:


    Also @ CHARM....... The Discovery of witches is available to be picked up today at my library!!! Whoop. Is it a big book? As I want a fairly small book t take away to Scotland. :blush:

  13. I'm having quite a book related day! I've nearly finished The Hobbit, only have a little section left, and I'm trying to savour it a little bit! Why havent I read this before!


    I've also found out one of my reading challenges has more books than I thought so I'm having a little sort out of that.


    Oh, and I'm going to have a little look online to see what I can buy soon too :)


    Glad you liked it.


    I'm over a 150 Pages through Bone Song. Going well.


    Also reading a guide to Glasgow book.

  14. I finished reading The Graveyard Book - Neil Gaiman and have started to read The Hobbit for the first time! :blush:



    Ooooo! Yay!!! I can't wait to hear what you think of it. Such a great book. I am sooo excited about the film!



    I've not read much in over a month now, just had no mojo at all.


    Started back the other day with Anna McPartlin's The Truth Will Out and the first book in the A Song Of Ice And Fire series, after becoming utterly obsessed with the tv adaptation of A Game Of Thrones.


    You love the TV show So do I! I read the books but I am determined to fit in the time to read read at some point. Sean Bean is fab!



    I've just finished 'lost light' by Michael Connelly and loved the surprise at the end. Was not expected.


    Next I'm going to read 'Game of Thrones' which will be the first book I'll be reading that isn't Crime/Thriller. Felt like a change and this looks good.


    yay another! I love TV shows that get people reading. Did you hear of the books before the series?



    As for me, I got a £20 waterstones card for my Birthday which I am contemplating getting a lovely array of books. One I am definately getting is the book Kell's Legend int eh Clockwork Vampire Chronicles. I picked up the third in the series from the library and I am dying to read it yet they don't have the first in the series.

    While at the library I looked at the Happy father's day shelf. and pcked up that book and The Zombie Autopsies. This looks fab. It is a private notebook of a medical pionerr and zombie expert Dr Stanely Blum. Who has made notes and drawings and recorded forensic notes. On autopsys of Zombies! The pictures/ sketches look great. It's gonna be a quick read but looking forward to it.

    Also picked up The end of Mr Y by scarlett Thomas

    and Joe Abercrombie - The blade itself. I loved reading the book but didnt have time to finish it before it was due back so I found it on the shelf and grabbed it again.


    Also went to the village fair today and picked the following.

    Drood - Dan Simmons

    The redbreast - Jo Nesbo

    The Monster BLood Tattoo - D.M. cornish

    3 for a Pound. can't complain.


    I am over 150 pages in on the book. Bone Song.The first fifty were a hard long slog and after the rave reviews I didn't think it was going to live up to anything. I just couldn't image the world that it was set in. But now I am engrossed and reading quickly.

  15. Finished Kane and Able by Jeffery Archer. That has to be the Surprise book of 2011, 2010 aaannd 2009!


    I really did think I would hate this book and I really did enjoy it. I laughed, I cried, I groaned in frustration, and the type of book I would not even contemplate reading. Thats why I love Library book clus so much!


    I gave it 4/5 stars. I haven't done a review yet.


    next I go back to one of the Genres I love!!!! :b7ydance:

    Bone Song by john Meaney. I bought the second in this series first in a charity shop so I grabbed this one from the library and I have had it beside my bed for a few weeks and had to re stamp it.


    I hope my Mojo hasn't dissappeared as Kane and Abel really did bring it back in full swing, haven't had such a good reading mojo since Karin Slaughter, and that was last July.

  16. I have heard soooooo much about this book that I want to read it real bad. But because of all the holidays coming up I just can't really explain to myself another purchase of a book so went to my online reservation and this is what message I got...


    This title has now been reserved for you: Discovery of witches.

    We will send you an email when it is available. If you have any enquiries about your reservation please ask at your local library. There are no copies currently in stock for this item, but the item is currently on order. Compact Discs are subject to a holdback period imposed by the British Phonographic Industry Licence, and cannot be lent until three months after the release date.



    :irked:Soooo when will I get it!!!!!! Nooooooooooooooooooooooo :doh:

  17. Plodding along with kane and Abel. It's going OK. I'm not hooked but I'm not hating it, and easy to read. I also joined Goodreads yesterday. I'm Catwomanthegeek. I thought maybe it would kickstart my reading as well as actively coming back on here more. I found a friend of mine was reading a book called. The End of Mr Y. It looks my kind of book and I have just reserved it at the library. I WILL KICK START MY MOJO!!!! :lurker:

  18. Still no reading. Went to my book club. Even though I didn't really have any reading to talk about.


    But I was looking forward to getting my book of the month from the group. Oh.. Dear..God! It's Jeffery Archer's kane and Abel!!!


    I vowed never ever to read one of his books. Looks like I wil be now.


    This is gonna be interesting :irked:

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