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Posts posted by catwoman

  1. Here in the UK The Mentalist is on a Thursday too, at 9pm, which clashes with Reaper on E4! ;) Seeing as I can't tape digital TV, I watch Reaper and tape The Mentalist. Funnily enough, I haven't enjoyed The Mentalist as much since I started having to tape it. Weird. That's not to say it isn't still great though, and Simon Baker isn't still gorgeous! :lurker:


    I know what you mean about not getting into a show if you have to watch it later on tape. I was like that when I had to tape my favourite show The Shield I felt like I had missed the plot through series six.


    I don't think there is such a thing as Baker and NOT gorgeous! :)

  2. This fall here in the US The Mentalist is going to be switching to Thursday nights so I will definitely have to remind myself so I won't miss it! I watch so little TV now that I don't have cable, but I still can't remember sometimes when certain shows are on. Oh, and Simon Baker is definitely someone I would consider changing my av picture for :lurker:.


    I would be staring at your av picture an awful lot if you change it to him! ;)

  3. I have 'The Bookshelf' which keeps the books that mean something, some were not even good books but ones which friends/ family have given me and left a personal message in the inside cover. Some signed books too and the ones that I Can read over again. I do sell a fair few on ebay. Any that I want to part with and bought from a charity shop I always give back to the charity shop that I BOUGHT them FROM so they can resell them.

  4. I have booksleves all around my house. Textbook and reference books are kept in my office in the garage. I then have a couple of bookshelves in the dining room and one makeshift and one sided bookshelve in my room. I have no real order apart from keeping authors grouped together and if books are in a series like Karin Slaughter's Grant county series then I have them in order.


    As for books that are yet to be read they are scattered around my house including the corner at the top of the stairs.:lurker:

  5. I love The Mentalist. He is so hot and completes the show. The storylines are good too, very different. I don't get to watch every single episode due to work, but I am planning on buying the boxset.


    As for The Guardian I have not been able to watch that yet, but i do intend too.

  6. Hi everyone!


    My name is Catwoman and I am a mummy to two little boys. I am in the process of moving to the US and I go over all the time.


    I love reading and in my profile I have spoke a little about the books I enjoy mainly non fiction and detective/ crime books.


    I also love Music, a huuge punk fan and I also love 80's pop.


    I do watch TV and I love watching documentaries and American TV shows like The Shield, CSI, Law and Order and NCIS. I also enjoy Come dine with me and Hell's kitchen.


    I hope to make loads of friends here and help pass the time.


    Thanks for reading



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