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Everything posted by catwoman

  1. Yeah I have most of the Deaver ones on my TBR pile. I have had them for ages just never got round to reading them. I have actively stopped reserving books from the library for a while, as I am trying to cut down my TBR pile. I don't think I have The BLue Nowhere though, I wil have to actively buy that one soon. thanks Charm,
  2. That book sounds amazing. *added to my wishlist. Do I have to read the previous books or are they stand alone? That book sounds great! *added to wishlist* Great reviews.
  3. Is really tired and poorly. Hopes that @Reckless' picks up and some sparkly vmps come knocking on my door!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. catwoman


      thank you very much mate! Sexy Vamps are what I need right now hehe.

    3. AbielleRose


      Love you hunni. *huggles* Hope you feel better soon. Name a time this week and I'll give you a call :)

    4. catwoman


      Thanks Abs. I'm 'busy' now every morning. But I will go on MSN and ping you and we will chat about Walmart some more... ewwwww haha *Hugs!*


  4. Book #24: The Bone Collector (Licoln Rhyme series #1) - Jeffery Deaver. New York City is thrown into chaos by the assaults of the Bone Collector, a serial kidnapper and killer who gives the police a chance to save his victims from death by leaving obscure clues. The cops go to Lincoln Rhyme, an ex-NYPD forensics expert left paralysed after an accident on the job. Rhyme reluctantly postpones his ambitions towards suicide and puts together a forensic investigation team, enlisting as his eyes and ears young police officer Amelia Sachs. Rhyme digs deep into the only world he has left - his astonishing mind - and slowly begins to narrow the noose around the Bone Collector. But the kidnapper is narrowing his own noose - around Lincoln Rhyme. I remembered that I had read this book years and years ago and had totally forgot most of the plot. I fell in love with the characters all over again. WHAT TOOK ME SO LONG TO RED THIS BOOK AGAIN??!! I find that with Deaver he has all the right qualities to make a good crime novel. He has likable and memorable characters. He has some amazing and imaginative crimes. He also has more twists and turns that a Grand Prix race at Monaco. But yet has enough detail to make you think, god damn this writer knows his stuff and really has put some research, time and effort into it. I had struggled with the last few crime novels that I had read. Including Patterson, McDermid (Who normally never lets me down) and Lackberg. The Bone Collector was EVERYTHING these authors wanted to write. The ending was fantastic, and was just spellbinding write up to the very last page, even the last sentance! For me he is one of the masters of Crime and I can't believe I left re-reading and carrying on with the series, for so long!! I will not wait so long to read the next one. I know this will not be my last Deaver book of the year. 10/10
  5. Book #23: Tempted (House of the Night book #6 - By P.C & Kirstin Cast Zoey needs a break after some serious excitement. Sadly, the House of Night school for vampyres doesn't feature breaks on its curriculum - even for a High Priestess in training and her gang. Plus juggling three guys is no stress reliever, especially when one is a sexy Warrior so into protecting Zoey that he's sensing her emotions. Wider stresses lurk too, and the dark force in Tulsa's tunnels is spreading. Could Stevie Rae be responsible for more than a group of misfit fledglings? And Aphrodite's visions warn Zoey to stay away from the immortal Kalona and his dark allure - but they also show that only Zoey can stop him. She's not exactly keen to meet up, but if Zoey don't go to Kalona he'll exact a fiery vengeance on those closest to her. She just has to find the courage to do what's necessary, or everything that's important to her will be destroyed. - Not suitable for younger readers - I have started to really like series and found them to be real easy reads and I always seem to get my mojo back if it is missing. I hope this book would not let me down as I have had a rather slow mojo for a while. The lay out of the book had been layed out slightly differntly. The chapters are each made into one of themain characters view point. I really liked this. Aphrodite is for me still y far the best character, I love her, I love how the character has progressed throughout the series. I also love the relationship between her and Darius. Some of the Teenage language is still annoying me, but I feel that I am getting used to it, and also maybe there is slightly less of it, as Zoey is growing up. The book rolled along, and was Ok. I was not engrossed in it and I was able to put the down easily. But the ending was, amazing. I did not see that coming... At, all! BLIMEY!!! Becuase of this I reserved the next installment and I think the lastest straight away from my library I hope it comes soon!!! It was hard to give a mark out of ten because for most of the book it was Ok and would have gavee it a 7/10.
  6. HI! what did you think of The Girl who Kicked the Hornets nest? I love that book one of my favourites of 2009.
  7. I have it on my wishlist now and will keep an eye out for it, it sounds like something I would enjoy. Oooo Abs, I have had this on my wishlist for ages, you must tell me what you think of Evermore!
  8. That book really does sound amazing, it set around 1905 right? I have just looked it up on famtastic fiction. The ore you talk about it the more I want to read it.
  9. It;s hard, but it being a huuuge hardback helps actually, because I can't take it to work, or to the coffee shop without having to go to the chiropractor. So I vowed I would read it when I am able to have a couple of days when I can just sit in my chair with unlimited supply of coffee, no kids and read read read!
  10. That sounds fascinating! That would be something I would like to read.
  11. I never knew he wrote a book!!! It sounded like it had real potential and I would have been tempted to put it on my Wishlist but sounds like the writing would put me off I love reading you reading list, I always get so many new books to put on my wishlist. I am so glad you LOVE the millenium series. I have read one and two and have three ready for me. I bought it when it first came out, but I can't bring myself to read the thrid knowing that, thats the last one (even though there is half of a fourth one out there) I don't want the series to end.
  12. I must must must get Linger for Xmas, Gah!!!!! That Bill SanGreal series sounds utterly fascinating! Sounds right up my street! Put the first one on my wishlist!
  13. I think I am going to go and I either buy it or get it from the library thanks guys! Glad that it is good. I have so many of hers but I don't have Copycat and thats the first one right? I have to find that somewhere. Is it good? Have you read this book? Dead City - Joe Mckinny. "Battered by five cataclysmic hurricanes in three weeks, the Texas Gulf Coast and half of the Lone Star State is reeling from the worst devastation in history. Thousands are dead or dying - but the worst is only beginning. Amid the wreckage, something unimaginable is happening: a deadly virus has broken out, returning the dead to life - with an insatiable hunger for human flesh...Within hours, the plague has spread all over Texas. San Antonio police officer Eddie Hudson finds his city overrun by a voracious army of the living dead. Along with a small group of survivors, Eddie must fight off the savage horde in a race to save his family...There's no place to run. No place to hide. The Zombie horde is growing as the virus runs rampant. Eddie knows he has to find a way to destroy these walking horrors...but he doesn't know the price he will have to pay." My OH bought this for me as a present, to remember him by (long story!) but it seems right down my street. I haven't read it yet but I have it on my TBR pile. YOu might like it.
  14. Hey mate, thought I would send you an youtube link. This is what most Plymouth Argyle fans are like and talk like. Including my father (rolls eyes) Try and understand it :P

    Love ya.

  15. 'Ello mate!

    Hope you are ok and your washing pile is now back to normal.

    Gooooooooo Team Cullen!

  16. I have read the first two books by Kelley Armstrong and I was not keen on the first, but I loved the second. I heard that the third one was more about Paige and the witches, so I have not bothered getting it/ reserving it from my library for a while. But I think I will have to read it before the year is out or I may start forgetting what happened in Stolen haha.
  17. I am so glad that you are loving the Percy Jackson series and that Red Pyramid is also as good. I have just ordered it online for my son for Xmas. As for the film, I am glad there was another person dissapointed. I think if you watched the film before reading the book you would really like it, like the people who I went with, but I kept getting frustrated.
  18. I kept seeing this in a charity shop and sounded really good, but never picked it up. I don't even know if it is there now, I might have to go up there soon and investigate. As for me I did not manage to read anymore last night. I am about to take the kds to the local park. Just filled my thermo coffee cup flask and grabbed my book so I am hoping that I can get a good reading session done.
  19. Oooo Peacefield, that In the shadow of Gotham sounds fascinating. I look forward to reading your review. As for me. I had to go into hosptial briefly and was able to catch up on a little reading. I finished THe Bone Collector, and I loved it. I can't believe I left it so long, and I won't leave it so long to read the rest. Now I am 50 pages into the new Cornella Funke book called Reckless. It's not out until September I don't think but I won the chance via twitter to recieve a copy and review it for Waterstones. So far it is going OK It's always hard to get into a book when you have just finished such a fantastic book.
  20. Hey darling I LOVE THAT YOUTUBE link! Fab-u-lous! Really cheered me up.

    Hope you are well.

  21. YO! Hows it going in da hood? Where you been hanging Bo?

    My kids have made me watch some rather strange TV show on ITV 2. There is a man dressed up as a cat and meowing (is that even a word?)

    I hope your Sunday morning is more productive than mine!

  22. Thanks mate, I hope it won't last too long. My mojo is dissapearing fast! I have The Straw men and The Blood of Angels on my TBR pile I keep meaning to read them
  23. HI mate. Thanks for your wishes. I am been ill fora couple days and still not feeling great.

    Hope you are well.


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