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Everything posted by Shin

  1. I finally finished The Lovely Bones last night. I did enjoy the book even though it took me a while to read it but I think my mind was on other projects. I am now reading The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde. I would never have dreamed buying books from a charity shop but now with my DH out of work its the best option. But I love getting the bargains from the charity shops now. I even use the library and if I order a book in I have to pay 50p so buying from a charity shop is cheaper. I think I have too many things on the go Charm. Not only do I have the cross stitch project but I also have a card making project and about 5 books from the library to read before the deadline. The Lovely Bones is my own book and I was determined to finish it. I think it was a lovely book and I do recommend readig it. I hope you enjoy it. We have a few charity shops in town and everyone that I have went in has Labyrinth. I hope it's not a bad sign too. Thanks Frankie, I haven't read anything by Ian Rankin but hoping that I will enjoy his books.
  2. We went out for dinner and I got a tomato based pasta with garlic bread and DH got steak and chips.
  3. Well no guessing I am still reading The Lovely bones...maybe my mojo is leaving me or that I am engrossed in my cross stitch project. I got 5 books today at the charity shop.
  4. Thanks Angel, it has only taken me 12 years! No, the story behind this one is, I bought it for my nephew but I must have abandoned it. I found it again a few months ago and decided to do it for my 6 month old niece. My nephew is now 12.
  5. Here is my update. I think I am going to have a job getting those creases out.
  6. Shin

    Hello there back. :-) How are you keeping Mac?

  7. Kate, I notice you are using a square frame. Do you find them more comfortable than the round wooden frames? I do find the round frames uncomfortable to hold and was considering the square frames.
  8. I am loving your Johnny, Kate. I have been working on my Sleeping Bunnies Birth Sampler at the weekend. I'll get the camera battery charged and take a pic for you all.
  9. Sausage Casserole...perfect dinner for the type of weather!
  10. I am just 70 pages from finishing The Lovely Bones. I have to admit it was a struggle at the beginning of this book but getting quite interesting now. Really need to finish this tonight.
  11. I read those Dave Pelzer books years ago and I totally agree that they are disturbing indeed.
  12. Inver sent me The Five People You Meet in Heaven, it arrived yesterday morning and 5 hours later it was finished. That's how much I enjoyed the book. I had no intentions of reading it until I got through other books but I was just having a look through it and just couldn't put it down. So glad you enjoyed it Mac and I will also be looking for the rest of his work. Did you read the piece on Tuesdays with Morrie at the back of the book? I think I will look into that next. Ok, with your advice I will definitely not give up on Murakami.
  13. I just got the above book in the post today and finished it five hours later. Does that tell you something? I was just leafing through it to see what it was like and I just couldn't put it down.
  14. It's pizza and wine for us tonight.
  15. Oh cross stitch thread. I am currently doing a birth sampler for my niece however, I must get a move on as she is 6 months old. By the time she gets it she will be going to school. I started doing cross stitch about 12 years ago and then started it up again last year. My project is the birth sampler for my niece but it will be a while before I get through that (well there is a good bit done) as I also have a card making project on the go too. I am making wedding stationery. I will post picture of what i have done so far.
  16. I just finished this book today and really enjoyed....highly recommended read. I have done a review for this book in my reading blog on page 3, post #30 [/url]Review
  17. Synopsis: Eddie is a grizzled war veteran who feels trapped in the toil of his father before him, fixing rides at a seaside amusement park. Then he dies in a tragic accident, trying to save a little girl from a falling cart. He awakens in the afterlife, where he learns that heaven is not a lush Garden of Eden, but a place where your earthly life is explained to you by five people who were in it. These people may have been loved ones or distant strangers. Yet each of them changed your path forever. As the story builds to its stunning conclusion, Eddie desperately seeks redemption in the still-unknown last act of his life. Was it a heroic success or a devastating failure? The answer is as magical and inspirational as a glimpse of heaven itself. This is a wonderfully written, warm hearted and heart breaking story. It gave me a totally different view of life after death and somewhat gave me some peace with the loss of my daddy just over two years ago. It may not be a story to read if you have just lost someone recently but definitely worth reading when ready. The story tells of 82 year old war veteran, Eddie and his struggles of life and coming to terms with those struggles even after death. As many people, Eddie has many regrets in his living life and through meeting these certain five people, makes him understand that the regrets he had for events in his life, there were reason behind them. This brought it quite close to home for me. My dad died 11 weeks after being diagnosed with gall bladder cancer at the age of 62. After this time he said many times that he was a stupid man. We never did ask him what did he mean by this. I suppose we were afraid of his answer and now we do regret not asking him. So we don't know if he thought he was stupid for not seeing to his pains earlier or if he regrets for things he had done in his life. Whatever, he meant, after reading this book I think now that he knows that he wasn't stupid and there were reasons for his actions. A truly lovely read and highly recommend book. Rating: 5/5
  18. I am enjoying it Missy, i just think it is a bit hard to read. I bought the book over a year ago and stopped reading after 37 pages but I am determined to finish it this weekend. My reading tastes have also changed in the passed year too.
  19. Shin

    Hi Diane, I have received The Five People You Meet in Heaven this morning...and I have finished reading it already. :lol:


    I will let you know when it is in the post heading back in your direction. I thought it was a great read.

  20. Received The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom from Diane (Inver) this morning and I have now finished it. Haven't rated it yet but it will definitely get a high rating from me. I really enjoyed this short book. I am still reading The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. I am about 135 pages in and I am determined to finish it this weekend so I can get stuck into the Karin Slaughter books I have in my TBR.
  21. Hi hun, yes I have started A Faint Cold Fear but haven't gotten right into it just yet as I am so determined to finish The Lovely Bones first. I really hope I finish it over this weekend as I am dying to get stuck in. lol

  22. Hi Kylie, glad you enjoyed Living Dead in Dallas. They are great books and so addictive. I have Gone with the Wind on my Wishlist and I know my library has it but I am waiting until I am ready to go through a big book like that before taking it out. I just loved the film and I know I will love the book too. "Frankly. my dear, I don't give a damn."
  23. Well, I am not making any progress on The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold as I am just into 113 pages and I started this days ago. Doesn't help that I have four books out of the library. I got: The Eyre Affair - Jasper Fforde A Faint Cold Fear - Karin Slaughter Indelible - Karin Slaugher The Lost Book of Salem - Katherine Howe
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