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Everything posted by Shin

  1. Your welcome pipread, I got the book through a bookring by Diane (Inver). Maybe you can join that instead of buying it but I think it is worth buying and keeping. I am going to purchase the book for myself too.
  2. Sorry to hear of you losses poppyshake. As for reading these books after a loss, I don't think it would harm in your griefing process. It was the heaven aspect that made me feel more comfortable about my loss and the thought that our love one are still around us somewhere. I recommend reading The Five People You Meet in Heaven first. The Lovely Bones is a bit harder in terms of how the little girl dies and the effects it has on the people left behind. I recommend having another book on the go while reading this book, maybe a light hearted one.
  3. I have had Dracula for many years and for a vamp buff like myself I just don't know why I haven't read the book before. I think you need to be in the right frame of mind for The Lovely Bones so I can understand why you are reading another book.
  4. Hi Kylie, you can watch them online. If you want I could PM you the link.
  5. Stephen Moyer is on Jonathan Ross next week ladies. So who watched the start of season 2 on FX? I have already watch it but DH hasn't seen it so I have to watch it again but I am not complaining.
  6. Again it was takeaway. I got country fried chicken with chips and salad.
  7. I have seen the film and it was ok...the book was alot better I think.
  8. It is gorgeous Kell, well done. I am sure she will love it.
  9. Oh, I think I will do that. I love the idea of a book traveling.
  10. I am now 200 odd pages into The Eyre Affair and really enjoying it. Also, The Animal Farm by George Orwell arrived today. That will be a quick read.
  11. Cupboards are getting bare....I really need to do a food shop. So tonight we went to the chippy and got a gravy chip but it was lovely.
  12. I love waffles, I even have them with super noodles with cheese on top.
  13. I have purchased four books from Green Met with the books I have sold on there. I am currently waiting for: Animal Farm - George Orwell Birthing House - Christopher Ransom Cairo Diary - Maim Chattam To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee
  14. I have finally added my classics to my TBR list with the following: Anthony Hope - The Prisoner of Zenda Bram Stoker - Darcula Captain Marryat - The Children of the New Forest Charles Dickens - The Christmas Books (A Christmas Carol|The Chimes|The Cricket on the Hearth) Charles Dickens - Hard Times Charles Dickens - Oliver Twist Charles Dickens - Little Dorrit Charles Dickens - A Tale of Two Cities Charles & Mary Lamb - Tales from Shakespeare E. Nesbit - The Railway Children Frances Hodgson Burnett - The Secret Garden George Eliot - Silas Marner Jane Austen - Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen - Persuasion Kate Douglas Wiggin - Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm Robert Louis Stevenson - Treasure Island The books above I got as Christmas gifts from my parent when I was younger and never really got to read them. They were from the Classic Advertures series and Penguin Popular Classics.
  15. Great review of The Heretic's Daughter, Charm. I think I might put this on my ever expanding wishlist.
  16. Another great review CW. Sounds as if you were not too fussed on this JP book. I have only read one JP crime book, the others were love stories (curtody of my mum ).
  17. Synopsis: My name was Salmon, like the fish; first name, Susie. I was fourteen when I was murdered on December 6, 1973. My murderer was a man from our neighborhood. My mother liked his border flowers, and my father talked to him once about fertilizer. This is Susie Salmon. Watching from heaven, Susie sees her happy, suburban family devastated by her death, isolated even from one another as they each try to cope with their terrible loss alone. Over the years, her friends and siblings grow up, fall in love, do all the things she never had the chance to do herself. But life is not quite finished with Susie yet ... The Lovely Bones is narrated by 14 year old Susie Salmon who was murder by George Harvey, somewhat respected but strange man from Susie's neighbourhood. Susie watches her family and friends from a gazebo in her version of heaven. She watches her family fall to pieces and her siblings growing up. Susie so much wants to be alive and have the things her sister Lindsey is experiencing that she did not get to experience when she was alive. She also watches her murderer, Mr Harvey who has a thing for building dolls houses. In the meantime her father is obsessed with finding out who his daughters killer is. He suspects Mr Harvey from the very beginning but no believes him. This is a tragic tale and the story for me was a little hard to read. But again, I found the afterlife aspect really lovely and yet again gave me hope that there is something out there for our love ones to go and that there is a possibility that they are with you everywhere you go. I like to think my dad is watching over me. I also found that the author had a tendency to describe certain things in great detail that sometimes I didn't think it was needed. I think this was the reason that I found it hard to finish. I just found unnecessary descriptions and willing the author to get back to the story. I think that everyone would have different opinions about this book. I would recommend everyone should read The Lovely Bones. Rating: 4/5
  18. Well, I am currently about 120 pages into The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde and I am thoroughly enjoying it. Makes a big change to The Lovely Bones.
  19. Oh this sounds like a lovely read. I sometimes watch the television drama and you got it at excellent value. I have found a new love in buying books from charity shops.
  20. I can truly say it has been my favourite read this year so far.
  21. I think it would be a lovely book for you to read pipread. Personally, this book has gave me hope that my dad is now in a painful heaven. So sorry to hear about your dad.
  22. Shin

    Hi Diane, I was hoping to get the Mitch Albom book into the post to you on Monday but I didn't get to the postie on time. I will be putting it in the post on Friday but I'll let you know when it has gone. xxx

  23. Yeah for charity shops. Don't let me put you off The Lovely Bones. I really did enjoy it. It was a hard read in terms of what happens to the little girl but a lovely written book. I will do up my review tomorrow so you can have a read.
  24. You are one busy girl Kell Kate, I am just loving Johnny. x
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