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Everything posted by Shin

  1. Oh dear, I have just got this out of the library.
  2. I am determined to complete the Grant County series, CW. I really want to know if my suspicion is correct. I read a review on here about The Lost Book of Salem and thought I'd give it a go. The librarian noticed I was taking this book out and said that if I like those sort of books she recommends Barbara Erskine. Well, the book she was recommending was Daughters of Fire as it was sitting on the counter but I think she was recommending the author generally. While I am not sure what this book is like so if I like it I may put Ms Erskine on my list. Are they chicklits? Anyway, I have been wondering were I have heard or seen Barbara Erskine books before and it has just dawned...my mum.
  3. Well, my resolution this year is certainly broken. I had every intention of reading alot of books in my TBR list before buying or borrowing from the library. That didn't last too long. Then I decided it was best to not borrow more than two books at a time from the library because I always feel as if I am rush reading them to take them back in time. Well, that went out the window also. Any, after borrowing The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde the other day I thought I was doing great but I called in tonight after work (is it just me who gets really excited going to the library?) to see if they do Lord of the Rings in audio for DH. Got it order but also came out with three other books. So, I have to add the follow to my priority TBR list. A Faint Cold Fear - Karin Slaughter Indelible - Karin Slaughter The Lost Book of Salem - Katherine Howe The one consolation is that all of the above is on my Wishlist. I am only on page 113 of The Lovely Bones and I have started A Faint Cold Fear. I just really can't decide on what I want to read as I also read a few pages of The Eyre Affair!!!! Spoiled for choice.
  4. Shin

    Hi Diane, no I don't think we have spoke before but I have seen your name around the board. Thank you for letting me this book. I will pm you my address. xx

  5. I have this on my TBR list. Glad you liked it and now I can't wait to start reading the series.
  6. Gosh Charm, you have read alot of books so far. How do you do it?
  7. I think Janet Evanovich's Plum series should be made into films. I even think Sandra Bollock would make a great Stephanie.
  8. Hi Rach, yes I actually watched the film straight after I finished the book. I like to read the book first before the film but I did enjoy the film as well. I agree, I really think that it was the mothers fault the way Jesse turned out.
  9. Great review missy. I think I might look into this. I can understand the book being hard as I watch a film on Bundy and it was a bit disturbing.
  10. Hello chesilbeach, you have some great reviews here and I will be definitely looking into some of your recommended reads.
  11. I have just added loads more to my wishlist so then I reorganised it.
  12. I am slowly reading The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. I started this a year ago and I wondered why I stopped reading it. It is a hard storyline.
  13. Synopsis: "A major decision about me is being made, and no one's bothered to ask the one person who most deserves it to speak her opinion." The only reason Anna was born was to donate her cord blood cells to her older sister. And though Anna is not sick, she might as well be. By age thirteen, she has undergone countless surgeries, transfusions, and shots so that her sister, Kate, can somehow fight the leukemia that has plagued her since she was a child. Anna was born for this purpose, her parents tell her, which is why they love her even more. But now that she has reached an age of physical awareness, she can't help but long for control over her own body and respite from the constant flow of her own blood seeping into her sister's veins. And so she makes a decision that for most would be too difficult to bear, at any time and at any age. She decides to sue her parents for the rights to her own body. This is a story of thirteen year old Anna who files a lawsuit against her parents for medical emancipation. Anna asks Campbell Alexander to be her lawyer and as ex-lawyer her mother represents Kate. This whole book is split into chapters of each of the characters giving their views and accounts of the story. This is the third book I have read by Picoult and have come to realise that this is her style in all three books. At first, this was quite annoying for me but really beneficial when reading My Sister's Keeper. Anna's mother Sara is a complicated character for me. It is very hard for me to decided if I liked her or not. I just felt the woman just didn't see the bigger picture and was very self asorbed. Yes, you felt her pain and no one would understand what it feels like knowing that you child is going to die but on the other hand I just did not see her thinking of the welfare of her other daughter. In addition, I don't think she really took the time to ask Kate's feelings so that's why I think she was so self absorbed. I really liked Brian, the father. He seems to see both sides of the story but obviously a very torn man which is understandable if you are given the decision to choose which daughter. I also really like Campbell. I wasn't getting it at the beginning of the book why we had to hear the story from his point of view and the point of view of the guardian ad litem, Julia. Campbell Alexander has a service dog and anytime he is asked why he always makes up a silly and funny story. It isn't until later we find out and how everything ties in. I really enjoyed this story and it was full of emotions. And I was really shocked at the twist at the end...no I did not see it coming. Rating: 5/5
  14. Synopsis: When Lula inadvertently witnesses the beheading of culinary TV star Stanley Chipotle in a Trenton, N.J., alley, Stephanie's on-again off-again boyfriend, cop Joe Morelli, reluctantly takes the case. Lula, with the help of Grandma Mazur, enters the same barbequing competition Chipotle was in town to promote, hoping to lure the murderers out of hiding. Meanwhile, Ranger has recruited Stephanie to help solve a series of break-ins at properties under the protection of Rangeman Security. The inevitable sparks fly between Stephanie and Ranger, with Morelli grumbling on the sidelines. Stephanie is back doing what she does best...having her car(s) and apartment turn into a firebomb while still stumbling in her bounty hunter path after how many years? Again, Miss Plum still has relationship issues and Morelli is currently her "off" again boyfriend (obviously this is something I missed because I did not read Plum Spooky). So of course I was a little bit disappointed being a Morelli fan but Evanovich does give us a lovely insight to Ranger...ahem! This story focuses on Lula, the filing clerk and sometimes bounty hunter with disastrous consequences, witnessing the brutal decapitation of Stanley Chipotle. And with the help of Grandma Mazur, she decides to enter the BBQ sauce competition that Stanley was in for to catch the killers. Overall, I have to admit that even though I really enjoyed the whole Plum series and they have been my favourite books for a long time, I definitely think it is time to bring the series to an end. The scenerios are always the same. This is why I really enjoyed reading Fearless Fourteen, it was really different to the normal scenerios. I feel pained to say this but I really do feel that they have lost their spark. Of course, I will continue to read them because I really do want to see Stephanie and Morelli live happily ever after. My rating for this book is marked due to my overall love for the series but the story wasn't as exciting. Rating: 3/5
  15. Great reviews of both books Catwoman and inparticular your reference to the Uri Gellar beading spoons bit. Sorry you didn't like The Lost Symbol. I haven't read it myself but I really enjoyed the Da Vinci Code and Angel & Demons. As for Breaking Dawn, I thought it was just me. I also felt there was more to the story. I just think she definitely could continue with more books and of course everyone would be gagging for them. Even though BD was one of my favourite books in the series, I also found a few cringe worthy aspects. I know I have said that I prefer the Stackhouse books but I still love Twilight and yeah....EDWARD! Anyway, I think most of us who enjoyed the series was sad at the end because there was no more to read. Seriously, I really did have that gapping hole and felt lost for a few days. I just couldn't stop thinking about the whole story. Sad eh?
  16. Hi Mac, what a great review on Sputnik Sweetheart. I read Norwegian Wood and I have to admit I wasn't impressed. I was really disappointed that I didn't like the book considering the reviews I have heard about Murakami's books. I am just hoping that I picked the wrong book to read first.
  17. Oh, I just re-read my post. I meant the book wasn't a priority for me to read that moment. I think it will be a while before I will read it though. It will be one of those books I will read while waiting on something better to so up. A shame really as I was a big Jane Green fan.
  18. Oh you will be definitely sad when the book ends. You will be desperately seeking something to fill the gap!!! Twilight and Breaking Dawn were my favourite books in the series.
  19. Good luck with Breaking Dawn. I really enjoyed it when I read it and it left a gapping hole! But I must say the Sookie books are much better. As for the Vampire Diaries, I have watch a first few episodes of the series and I just think it will be another teen vamp thing. I think I prefer the adult vamps.
  20. I have this on my TBR list...well currently lent out to my mum. Is the character really that bad? Well, it's not a priority read for me anyway.
  21. Hi Kylie, I noticed that you bought a Stephanie Plum novel. I really love these books. I have just finished reading Finger Linkin' Fifteen which I quite enjoyed. Hope you enjoy To the Nines.
  22. I thought it was just me with Norwegian Wood but a girl I worked with felt the same way as me and now she definitely won't read anymore of his books. But I have read reviews of other books by his and that's why I decided to read one of his books. I suppose I just picked the wrong one to start with.
  23. Just finished Finger Lickin Fifteen by Janet Evanovich and My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult over the weekend. Going to make a go of The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. I have had that book a while and think it's time I read it.
  24. I was actually going to buy the first book in the Thursday Next series by Jasper Fforde...The Eyre Affair. Have you read those?
  25. I have just added 2 Val McDermid books to my TBR list. Beneath the Bleeding Killing the Shadows Got both of them in the charity shop for
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