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Everything posted by Shin

  1. Synopsis: Janet Evanovich's lovable and hapless heroine, Stephanie Plum, is back for her fourteenth adventure - guaranteed to be her most outrageous, hilarious and action-packed ever! Dom Rizzi robbed a bank, stashed the money and did the time. His family couldn't be more proud. Dom happens to be the cousin of Joe Morelli, Stephanie's off-again, on-again boyfriend, so when less than a week after Dom's release from prison, Joe has shadowy figures breaking into his house and dying in his basement, Stephanie finds herself involved in this bank-robbery-gone-bad disaster. With an offer from Ranger of some night work she can't refuse, personal vendettas, hidden treasure and a monkey named Carl, it's not long before Stephanie Plum is embroiled in her most explosive adventure ever! Well, as the synop says this is book number fourteen. After reading book number thirteen I was coming to the conclusion that my beloved Plum novels has seen it's days. But after reading Fearless Fourteen I think I have a renewed love for Stephenie Plum. Fearless Fourteen doesn't see Stephenie doing her usual skips as she does in all the Plum books. The mysterious Ranger calls Stephenie in to do a little security work with him for the famous singer, Brenda. Brenda, is like a white, 61 year old version of Lula!!! In the meantime, Morelli's cousin Dom gets out of jail after doing time for bank robbery. Dom's sister Loretta is kidnapped, no one can find Dom which leaves Morelli and Stephenie to babysit Loretta's teenage son, Mario. Then there is the strangers that are constantly trying to dig up Morelli's garden to find the money Dom stole ten years ago! I just thought this books was so funny and Evanovich seems to be back on form. And the added thing that rates this book high for me? There is Morelli, Morelli, Morelli. There is a lot of Morelli in this book. Did I mention I was a Morelli fan? Rating: 5/5
  2. I finished Fearless Fourteen by Janet Evanovich which I really enjoyed and now onto Finger Lickin' Fifteen by Evanovich. Must look into Gone with the Wind. I loved the film and wouldn't mind reading it. I also got two Val McDermid books for 50p each in a charity shop. Beneath the Bleeding and Killing the Shadows.
  3. Because you will find out in later books.
  4. I am two thirds into Fearless Fourteen by Janet Evanovich as finally finishing Norweign Wood by Haruki Murakami.
  5. Synopsis: When he hears her favourite Beatles song, Toru Watanabe recalls his first love Naoko, the girlfriend of his best friend Kizuki. Immediately he is transported back almost twenty years to his student days in Tokyo, adrift in a world of uneasy friendships, casual sex, passion, loss and desire - to a time when an impetuous young woman called Midori marches into his life and he has to choose between the future and the past. This is the first novel I have read from Haruki Murakami and was interested in reading his books after hearing about them on here. So I seen quite a few of his books available in my local library and decided read Norweign Wood. My first impression of this book was that it was totally different to the style of books I have read before. I took it slow reading this book and then it got to the point I was struggling to finish it. The story tells of a young man and his life experiences during his university years in 1960s Tokyo inparticular his relationship with his best friends girlfriend Naoko. He also meets Midori who is clearly in love with him but his mind is 100% focused on Naoko. In general, this story is a sad love story from the male point of view. In my opinion, I think this book is suited more for the male reader since it is from a male perspective. I find the wording of the book really toneless and it has quite a lot of graphic sexual content. Now I am no prude but I did think that about 75% of this content was pointless and didn't leave much to the imagination particularly for a love story. I just don't understand the obsession of sex the female characters have in the book!!! Apart from the first visit that Toru made to see Naoko and the part were Midori takes Toru to see her dying father...I found the rest of the book dull and flat as there is just too much suicide and death in this book....it practically made it depressing. The books starts of with Toru, in his thirties, is travelling on a plane and hears the Beatles "Norweign Wood" playing. This of course brings back the memories of Naoko. The ending also was a real let down for me for two reasons. a) Anyway, I apologise for any readers who loved this book but this is just my opinion. I am afraid that this has sort of put me off reading another one of Murakami's books. But I have heard some people give this book not a great review but yet enjoy the others. I don't know, I might pick up his other books one day...when I have nothing else to read. Rating: 2/5
  6. I have just bought Beneath the Bleeding and Killing the Shadows in the chairty shop today for 50p each!!!! Bargain!
  7. I see you are reading The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest. Remember that a girl in work lent me all three. Well, I was taking so long to start them...as I had a pile of other to read so she basically asked me to give them to another girl in the office to read. Just as well as by then I had lost my mojo and couldn't even start the book anyway.
  8. Shin

    Hi Mac, Norwegian Wood is different from what I normally read but I am enjoying it so far.

  9. Thanks catwoman for the great review....I still have Val McDermid books to put on my Wishlist but must get through Ms Slaughter first. I got Fearless out of the library. Well, I also ordered the 2 books before this one but unfortunately this one came available first. I did get another 3 books out too so hopefully by the time I finish those the other 2 will be in.
  10. I was recommended Wicked a few years ago by a friend. But every time I was in Waterstones I hesitated buying it. Not sure way, but I will definitely be picking it up.
  11. I have just started reading Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami
  12. Synopsis: A week ago Zoey had a group of special friends, three boyfriends and a (kinda) clear conscience. Now she has none of the above. Luckily ice-queen Aphrodite is showing signs of melting and ex-roomie Stevie Rae isn't as dead as she'd thought. Though Stevie's now hanging out in tunnels with freaks - gross. If she can get them to listen, Zoey will need all her friends as events take a frightening turn at the House of Night school for vampyres. Shocking true intentions are about to come to light, loyalties will be tested and an ancient evil is about to rise again. Some days being special just doesn't seem all that ... Zoey's friends are not speaking to her and she has also lost her three boyfriends, so she is feeling really lonely. Not good when there is dark, evil and scary forces flying about in the night. With Aphrodites, Stevie Rae, her Grandma and the rest of her friends (after much grovelling to win them back) help, Zoey prepares to take on the evil that is to be awaken. If you can get passed the use of childish language in this series of books then you will find that they are an enjoyable read. In Untamed, the storyline gets more exciting. There is not so much whining about her three boyfriends in this but you do see the relationship between Zoey and Erik slightly improving...to the point were he is not shouting and calling her a "ho"...basically. You also see the relationship development between Queen of the Bitches, Aphrodite and Zoey and her "nerd herd". But we did have to wait until the fourth book for the great evil to appear...or more so the decent action. But still, that was at the end of book four so book five I will find out more. I do think sometimes the books are repetitive...I don't know how many times I have been told that the twins are not really twins, blah, blah, blah. If the authors would have got to the point Zoey probably would have killed the evil by now. Anyway, even though this books are not 100% perfect, I am enjoying the series (minus the bad bits) and I am looking forward to the next book. Rating: 4.5/5
  13. I think it was just a totally different style of book for me. You know reading it from the killers point of view. I might just try the second book to see if it changes my view on it. I know I have done this with a few books and have really enjoyed the series. So I may try Dexter again Charm and hopefully it will change my opinion.
  14. Hi Frankie, you have one big reading list going on there. Glad you have Fractured, you have to start reading it soon. I agree with catwoman, I didn't find it as good as Triptych but still good. Hope you enjoy it.
  15. lol, June you were the one that added me as a friend on FB, lol

  16. Hi Charm, Happy New Year to you. Just reading through your reviews and definitely will be putting some of your reads onto my wishlist. Really liking the sound of Undead and Unwed by MaryJanice Davidson. So the whole series is on my wishlist already.
  17. Yeah, I think I know what is making everyone mad. There is only one thing that would make me mad in the books too. Actually, I don't know were I read this or were it came from but this something had me going "oh no" and now I get the feeling whatever I read or heard this from now may have been true. I seriously hope not. I hope I didn't read a spoiler by accident.
  18. Gosh, I am getting a little confused now. I have only read Blindsighted and Kisscut in the Grant County series and I have read Triptych and Fractured in the Will Trent books. I don't understand this little thing (obviously since I haven't read SP) but why are you all angry when reading Fractured? Should I have waited? Anyway, going to get caught up on the Grant County books so I can get to this surprise but now I think I know what this shocking thing is. If it is what I am thinking about I have to say that I will not be a very happy bunny. Oh please don't let it be what I am thinking.
  19. ...is to read all that is in my TBR pile before going onto my Wishlist. This will be hard for me as there is a good few books in my TBR list may not interest me. But I will see how I get on then.
  20. I actually don't understand how a mother and daughter can write in this way. I bought book 3 & 4 in Waterstones (buy 1 get 1 free) and it said on the books "not suitable for younger readers". Yes, that's true for the mention of sex and blood lust etc but minus that then the writing does suit younger readers. I am comparing the writing to Twilight which is young adult also. But I do cringe at a few things in the book.
  21. Hello June, didn't realise you were not one of my friends on here, lol

    ps - thanks for all the FV pressies, lol xxx

  22. I did mini reviews for them, lol. My living room is warm but my computer is by the small window. There must be a draft somewhere because when I get off the computer my right side is ice cold. I need a laptop!!!! Anyway, yes did mini reviews last night. This is also due to the fact I read them a few months ago. And some detail has been lost in my brain, lol. Those reviews are still in my 2009 log. I have opened a 2010 one - both links are in my sig. I loved the first book in the Altanta series Have to admit that the second books to both Altanta and Grant County series wasn't that much exciting as the first books. But I still think they are great...the best and exciting books I have read in a long time.
  23. I haven't been anywhere really, hun. My computer is in a very cold place in the living room and I just couldn't bare to sit on it for long periods of time. I didn't even get to do full length reviews on my last 6 reads of 2009. And 3 of those books were Ms Slaughters.
  24. Synopsis: "I guess it had gone okay with Stevie Rae. I mean, she had agreed to meet me tomorrow. And she hadn't tried to bite me, which was a plus. Of course, the whole trying-to-eat-the-street-person thing was highly disturbing..." Zoey's best friend, Stevie Rae, is undead - in an eww! zombie! kind-of-way, not in a cool vampire kind-of-way. She's struggling to retain her humanity and Zoey doesn't have a clue how to help. But she does know that anything they discover must be kept secret. Trust has become a rare commodity. Sinister forces are at work at the House of Night, where the line between friend and enemy is becoming dangerously blurred. This is the third book in the House of the Night series and is a young adult book. It does tend to get a little childish in the dialogue at times but something keeps drawing me in to read these. Zoey Redbird is a fledging at the House of the Night, however she is not like any normal fledging. She is the only fledging with her crescent moon marking on her forehead filled in and has an affinity for all five elements, wind, fire, water, earth and spirit. She is a High Priestess in training. Zoey has so many issues to deal with in Chosen. Her relationship with her mentor, Neferet...her undead dead best friend Stevie Rae...her 3 boyfriends and her group of friends who do not know any of her secrets. One of things that really annoys me in this book is the amount of times the author has put things into brackets. For example "dining hall" (aka school cafetria)...not a great example but why do we need to know this? She is in a school, she is going for something to eat and has mentioned the dining hall....I know this is the school cafetria!!! This goes on a bit in all the books and something they are full sentenences. But I still like to know what happens. Sometimes I would love to give Zoey a good shake and a slap on this face! Rate: 4/5
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