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Everything posted by busy91

  1. Oohh I liked Moab, I liked The Liar too, and I read that one first, then I read Moab. I think they both should be read.
  2. It depends. Most of the time no. I put them down because I don't like them for another reason or another. I've only picked up a couple and finished and liked them. But I do try to finish them. One book I may pick up again is "Bleak House" by Dickens. It was dragging, but I saw the movie and it turned out to be a real good show.
  3. I read a good amount of classics, mostly written by British authors prior to 1900. Some of them I love, and the stories are good, some just drag on, and like you said, nothing happens (or things take too long to happen). For example, I love The Christmas Carol, but it was short and to the point, but A Tale of Two Cities, DRAAAAGED.....but it was good when stuff picked up. It is luck of the draw. I fair better with American Authors of the same time like Edith Wharton, but she too can have some slow starting books.
  4. Dr. Stanley, I can't rent you a car." --Finding Peace by Charles Stanley
  5. I read books by authors I've never heard of. The last unknown author (to me) I read was Jill Ciment and it was a great book (Heroic Measures). When you read a lot of books I suppose you will come across people that you don't know from Adam, but that makes it fun.
  6. I'll do it, it really isn't that big a deal. As of now I only need 28 more books (7 books a month). I don't plan too much what I'm going to read, I don't buy many books either, I'm a library borrower. And not to mention my TBR is heafty and my Kindle has so many things on it. I won't have to look far for reading material.
  7. I had to think about this question. In the library, if I see a Stephen King book in the distance, I gravitate toward it first since I've not read them all. After that, I methodically go through each shelf quickly. I tend to stop at names I recognize, or book titles I recognize. I rarely pick up a book that is unfamiliar to me, although I've done that and been glad I did. I will read men and women equally. I probably will not read an author who is known to write romance. But then again that is a genre thing, not a name thing. I will not read some authors like Stephanie Meyer, I have no desire. I will stop for Anne Rice, Jane Green and other authors I'm familiar with first.
  8. I've never heard that expression before. You can do it, that's about 3 books a month. Good Luck.
  9. It was a landmark event: We were having lunch. Wasted: A memoir of anorexia and bulimia by Marya Hornbacher
  10. I liked Madame Bovary, I hope you do too.
  11. I've not read them all, but so far: Silas Marner - George Elliot Summer - Edith Wharton A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens
  12. Gonna have to pick up the pace. I have 31 more books to go this year. That is 6.8 books a month I need to read. I'm at 3 for the month of August only 3.8 more for this month to go! Wish I hadn't slacked in May.
  13. Been reading more than you could have imagined? Or has your mojo deserted you? The mojo has not left me, still reading up a storm. I've read more than I have in the past. Books Read: 43 Been sticking to your reading challenges? Or pushed them to the side in the name of being spontaneous? I've stuck to it, and added a few mini-challenges within the main challenge. I upped my challenge, the past 2 years it had been 50 books, this year I'm going for 75. I'm on book 44 now, so I am more than 1/2 way through, and I think I'll make it. I'm also doing a 101 book in 1,001 day challenge, which isn't hard for me, so I've decided to make it 101 memoir/autobio/bio books. I'm also adding a Christmas challenge in Nov/Dec. Found any new favourites? Been disappointed by others? Favorites: Silas Marner by George Eliott Agnes Gray by Anne Bronte Beasts of New York by Jon Evans Believe by Dan Oran So far this year, nothing has disappointed. Bought more books than you've read? (Please tell me I'm not alone in this!) So far I've only bought a few books from the book store (and on my Kindle), I've read most of them. I still have books I bought over the past 2 years that I still haven't read. Between the Library and the free books on Kindle, I can't get to them, but I still am reading. Been spending too much time at BCF when you could otherwise be making inroads into your TBR pile? And if so, are you going to do anything about it? (Let me guess...'Yes' and 'No', right? ) No, because I'm only here at work, and I can't read at my desk, so.... And finally, where do you hope your reading will take you in the next 6 months? By the end of this year, I would have liked to have finished my goal of 75 books. January will start a new challenge year, not sure if I'll up it to 100. I may not, I may just up it to 80.
  14. I had two mothers, two childhoods, lived two different lives in two different cities. Rage to Survive - Etta James
  15. Stephen King, I think he brilliant and funny.
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