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Status Updates posted by bethany725

  1. Definitely add me! Same username: Bethany725

  2. Oh, and is it okay that I don't actually OWN these books, but have read them? I used the library a LOT back in the US, so don't actually possess many of these books. Am I messing anything up by doing it this way?

  3. I'm noticing the matching thing as I add books now.. it's much less confusing, being able to pick the one that displays the cover I have.

  4. This sounds great! Thanks for the info.. I'm going to sign up for this right now. I can't believe the predictor has never been wrong for you -- What a cool little tool they have!

    Hilarious that it told you you'd hate "Eat Pray Love" by the way.. dear goodness, if only I'd had that prediction before I started it ;)

    Thanks again for taking the time to send this to me!

  5. Looks like we'll be going in March, just before we leave India. If you find the name of the reserve you liked so much, pass it on to me.. We've been trying to do research to get ideas of where we should go and what we should see. :) So glad to hear you enjoyed Kerala.. I hope I like it as much as you did!

  6. I think we've picked Kerala over Rajasthan for our next vacation!.. Houseboats, here we come!

    Any tips you can pass along to me?


    Hope you're having a great day!

  7. Sorry for my delayed response.. My husband needed the computer as I'd been on it for hours, it was only fair to hand it over eventually ;)


    I wanted to ask about your brother's fiancee though.. Are he and she of the same religious backgrounds? If not, that's what makes the wedding planning so unique.. trying to balance or incorporate so many elements from each culture & religion. We decided to do two weddings, but both scaled back a bit in the religious elements, to avoid stepping on peoples' toes. Do you know yet how your brother and his fiancee are going to do theirs?


    I hope to visit somewhere in the south before we leave.. I know we HAVE to go to the north because Raja has family there that we'll go visit. He'd never lived in India, really.. his parents moved to the US when he was 11 months old, so he had quite an adjustment period also. The being able to understand and speak some Hindi has helped him and us a LOT!

  8. I hear Delhi is a lot harder to deal with than Bombay, where we are.. I haven't been there yet, so can't speak for myself, but have heard that from numerous people. Are you parents planning to spend anytime in Bombay while they are here?

  9. And then.. somehow.. one day.. I realized I was making it here. I stopped noticing only the bad and started seeing some of the good, and now I'm quite happy here. I would not go as far as to say I'd be happy if we would be living here for 5 years or anything.. but we are here through the end of this upcoming March, and I think a total of 6 months here is actually a good amount of time.


    It's awesome you got to spend some time in the south.. we actually haven't even been south yet. What cities were you in there? And I am willing to bet you learned a TON during your time, especially with the 24 hour thing. India is hard sometimes, and there's no doubt our next place will be easier.. but I probably won't learn as much or stretch myself as much in our next place either. All give and take, I guess. :)

  10. WOW! Your brother is engaged to an Indian girl? She's not in India though, right? That is going to be one interesting wedding.. these half something / half Indian weddings are NEVER boring.. ;)


    I'll be honest and say that I was miserable in India for the first month probably. You are right -- It is TOTALLY different, and its really hard to adjust to. I was used to nice big, wide roads with lanes.. pretty buildings surrounded by grass or even clean concrete... I moved to India and got a lot of calls to prayer, people hawking useless wares at every intersection, potholes and a lack of lanes in the roads, and beggars grabbing my arm everywhere I went. DEFINITELY hated it at first.

  11. Hiya! :) Thanks for the add!

  12. lol.. yep.. definitely a reason for concern here! ;) It's actually funny.. I was like "Ooooh a girl on my book club forum online has this picture on her profile, and I'd never seen it before that. Now here it is!!" and he rolled his eyes playfully and said "You spend waaaaaaay too much time on your book club." Then he promptly handed me his blackberry to see if I could access BCF from it.. (boo.. I couldn't). ;)

    Trip was great.. Dubai's fantastic. I miss it already!

  13. Saw a red, sparkly Absolut bottle this wkend in Dubai.. just like the one you have in your photo! I thought of you! :)

  14. I'm enjoying it so far and hope to get through a lot of it today.. It's a pretty short book but I just haven't had the time to devote to it. Thanks for your feedback. :)

  15. Hi Inver! :)

    Yes I just started "Drowning Ruth" a few days ago and have been so busy I'm only on page 61. I'm really liking it so far though.. How did you get on with it?

  16. I think I got it to go through today :) Also, just as I was sending.. I caught a mistake in my message. Near the bottom somewhere it says "I do not many teenagers" .. I meant "I do KNOW many teenagers love ..." Just going to clarify before you got confused :)

  17. Hi Petit! I tried to send you a PM back in response to yours, but now it says you are not receiving Private Messages? Let me know when it's figured out and I'll resend happily. :)

  18. I agree completely! I totally told one of the most pivotal part... Whooops!!

  19. Thanks for adding the spoiler tags to my post, Echo! I'm sorry I forgot to do that.. I appreciate that. :)

  20. Just an abstract painting :)

    I am settling in nicely.. There's always so much activity here so it's never boring! Thanks for the nice message :)

  21. Sorry for another message so quickly, but I just got my TBR list all edited with those 3 titles on it! I also looked them up (they sound fabulous!!) and saw that Darkly Dreaming Dexter was the basis for the TV series Dexter. I haven't watched this but people say it's really, really good. So excited! :)

  22. You SHOULD start a thread -- maybe a few people have read him and then you can talk about him. :) I'll try to start with "The Rosary Girls" .. I hope I can find some of them here!

  23. Thanks for the suggestions, Charm! I'm going to add these to my TBR list and see how I get on with the first one I can get my hands on. I haven't read (or even heard of) any of these, so this is wonderful! Thanks again :)

  24. You're going to have to tell me maybe your top 2 serial killer reads... I've read some of James Patterson's books and really love them. I'd love to try some of your favorites and see if it's a genre I could really get into! I was a Psychology major in college, so it appeals to me as crazy it sounds. ;) I'm sure you understand!

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