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Status Updates posted by bethany725

  1. Yikes! I hope they figure out what's going on with your kidneys.. Keep us updated, and I'll keep you in my thoughts!

  2. Ohh just fine :) I spent the day at the pool, and I finished Jane Eyre ! Really liked the book ! .. So proud of myself for diving into the classics since I'd never read one outside of classes and college. :)

    How'd it go w/Abbie, and how was your kidney scan?

  3. Sorry for my delay! :) Have been out at the pool all day today.

    Raja and I have been moving for the last year -- 6 months in St. Louis, Missouri, now 6 months in India, and we'll do one more 6 month rotation next. Then we're done with the rotating part. It's been such an experience so far, and we've really grown to love each place we've been in. It's also giving me the opp to travel, which I didn't have as much before!

    That's too bad about your friend that hated Asia. :( I went through a similar thing here in India when we first arrived... It was dusty, and hot, and no one could understand me, and nothing made sense. After about 2 months, I started falling for the place though, and I've heard this is a pretty typical pattern for people that are living in India-- 2-3 months you hate it, then it really grows on you. Was your friend in Asia long enough to give it a fair shake, you think?

  4. Oooh I like your new "BCF Blog Reviewer" title.. Impressive! :)

  5. Thanks!!

    I'm not opposed to try it out a bit more "lighter," at all.. just a bit nervous, t'is all :) I am sure I will be just fine.. I was worried about all of the other travels before, and I got through those unscathed ;) Thanks for your encouragement!

    Not long now until your mom is there then.. Let me know before her visit, and I'll keep an eye out for pics and all that! :)

  6. Oooh you took your mom to some wonderful places!! I am DYING to visit several parts of Italy, and would also love to go to Paris. And other than that, would love to see the English countryside, and also Sydney! I'm going to stuff myself in your mom's suitcase the next time she goes to visit you so I can see where all she gets to go next. :)

    And yes -- I am sure this trip will be fun -- I'm just a bit nervous as I haven't ever done this type of "rural traveling." I've hardly traveled at all until recently, and it's mostly been travel to nice, modern places. This should be a throwback.

  7. Oh, I feel your pain... My dad is NOT a traveler, and my mom looooves touring around and seeing new places. She just goes with me instead. ;)

    The journey is about 2 hours by flight.. not super long, and the rest of the traveling will be by train or car and will take a bit longer as we go from stop to stop. I'm a bit excited.. but also a bit nervous, as this isn't really my idea of the perfect holiday -- Lots of early mornings spent on bumpy trains, staring at old buildings, and "light packing" isn't really my favorite way to spend time, but I'm hoping for the best! We'll see how it goes... ;)

  8. We're leaving Wednesday evening, so packing today and relaxing tomorrow before the trip :)

  9. Just passing along that I LOVE your newest avatar.. That kitten is just precious all curled up! Love love love it! :)

  10. Hahaha.. "soup" !! The name may as well mean "rock" or "hair" or something else equally dumb. I love it! Too bad she now knows her name means "soup" in the Slovenian language, or whatever it's called..

    Does "Beth" have any meaning in the Finnish language?

  11. It never hurts to try! I'll send good wishes your way and hope the proposal gets somewhere!


    And Raja means "king" in India.. waaaaaay cooler than "border" so I'm going with that one. ;) Unless he makes me mad, then I'll be like "Oh, really?! It's like that? Well your name means 'border' in Finnish, so there!" ;)

  12. I can hardly believe it myself, but I'm still online because Raja's still reading here in bed.. He's reading "Pillars of the Earth" and I've never seen him read so much EVER! I'm so proud.. ;) So w/the light blazing on, I figured it was a good chance to get caught up w/BCF :)

    Good luck w/your business proposal by the way.. that is VERY exciting!

  13. You are so right.. It would NEVER make it to me. Thanks for the offer, anyway! :)

    I'm going to keep my eyes open.. It's on my list and I really want to see if I can find it here, so I'll keep looking.

    Will let you know once I find it! :)

  14. So sad.. I tried to find some Tess Gerritsen (sp? whatever.. I'm too tired to look it up at this point. ;) books at the book stall here today, and had no luck. It's hit or miss here w/these used books stalls, but I'm going to keep trying, as I'm really excited to read her after all of your recommendations. I'll keep you updated on the search.... ;)

  15. I'm glad to hear it :) I loved it.. then they made it into a movie which was dreadful, but the book was so fun!

  16. I see you're reading "Skipping Christmas" by John Grisham? I read this book a couple of years ago and looooved it. I laughed so much during that book! How are you enjoying it?

  17. Thanks also for the Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary reference.. I will DEFINITELY look this up, as my husband has been mentioning lately that he'd like to see a wildlife sanctuary while we're there. It's good to have a recommendation of one someone actually liked. :)

  18. Isn't it hard to tell what we want to do when we grow up? ;) It's such a tough decision. At least you have until August, at the very least! I did HR / Recruiting for the last 5 years, right after I grad'd from undergrad, so if you ever decide to look into that and there's any questions I can answer or anything, just let me know! I'm sure my level after undergrad would be a lot diff than your level after grad, but I'm happy to help if you decide on that or have any questions while you're deciding. If I don't know the answer, I'll be honest and tell you that. :)

  19. Just realized it's your Profile Pic and not your avatar.. just to clear up any confusion :)

  20. Thanks, Inver! I just google really random things.. like for this one, I think I googled "funky tree" or something like that -- I tried a couple of things first and this is what I finally found. :) Yours is so cute, too! Is that Matilda from the children's books? I cannot place who she is exactly, but I KNOW I've seen her cute little character self somewhere before! :)

  21. As you can tell from my lack of activity on BCF, we did NOT end up taking it easy or relaxing at ALL! ;) But we had a good weekend and got to hang out w/friends a lot, so no complaining from me. :x :) How was yours?


    And guess it wasn't you that mentioned Psych :) Sorry about that! My husband just finished up grad school a year ago, and he loooved grad school. He said he learned so much and is able to use a lot of the skills he learned at work all the time. What kind of work will you hope to do?

    I'm sure the end being so close is a bit scary, but I bet you'll be just fine! Do companies come to your school to recruit towards the end?

  22. The NGO I'm working for is called "CHIP," which stands for Supporting Children in Pain. It basically adopts schools in the area and works to better the existing infrastructure through provision of sanitation, installing running water, cleaning the school grounds, remedial classes / special programs, and creating education standards. The school they work with most closely is a school for 1st-4th grades, but CHIP has now created a kindergarten program as well. I do a lot of the PR and Community Communications work, and we're currently working on putting together a charity function to fundraise. It's a great experience, and I love that I can work sort of when I want, how much I want, and it can be flexible around our schedule. I've been pretty busy with it lately, though!


    Were you the one that is studying Psychology in school? I can't remember if that was you or someone else. :) If not, what ARE you studying, and how far through the program are you?

  23. Apparently we're taking it easy today, as husband is still snoozing away here.. ;) Nah, we need a break.. I don't have regular working hours so I can nap and catch up during the days, but Thursday night signals the start of the weekend for us, so he's exhausted from working all day Friday, then doing it all again Friday night. I hope to get some reading done, also! Then tonight we'll go out and do something with friends.. just not sure what yet.

  24. FOUND YOU! I added you :)

  25. omg.. how did i end up posting on my own wall? seriously..

    so it tells me i need to search by email address. what's your email address?

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