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Posts posted by bethany725

  1. I did expect it to be better than it was. I'm still willing to give EWK a go though, especially as it was a Christmas present and I'd feel awful not reading it. I doubt it will beat TDWP though.

    I enjoyed EWK MUCH better than the start I had to CHW.. I hope you do, too. :) Sounds like you've been reading some great things! Thanks for all your reviews.. I love to see what you've been reading lately.

  2. Hey. I have no hair (I shave it every other day along with me beard!), so where do I go in the line when I'm in NY?


    I definitely go with Peace.. you can just walk around saying how pretty our new hair-dos look. :lol: That's AFTER Kylie makes you all shiny of course!


    If expert spiking assistance is required, I used to have mine bright pink and punk-looking a few years back...


    Ben, you're in good hands!


    Don't forget to pack your guitar, and some extra coffee! Oh and you should probably bring Beth some decaf she's invited us to stay and all :D.

    Aww.. Thanks, Peace! Very sweet of you :)


    I'll bring my guitar as well, we can jam? :lol:

    Absolutely.. we can tell all my neighbors to shove it when they complain. :D

  3. Hi guys!

    Surprised to see me here in this section?? :D

    So I have a friend who need some author suggestions, so she asked me.. but her favorite books are all books that don't really intersect with the genres I read the most, so I come to you humbly! :smile2:


    Lords of the Rings is her favorite.. and she loved Chronicles of Narnia. She tried Harry Potter books and thought they were okay, but a TOUCH too child-like for her taste.


    If anyone can think of any authors/books that are sort in this escapism/fantasy realm that could be good for her, it'd be so helpful if you'd reply and give me a few suggestions for her. Thanks so much, everyone! :hug:

  4. Hey... can't blame me for aiming high. :jump: Now even though it APPEARS that I didn't get what I wanted (read: all of BCF moving to NYC), I'm still faring well because I may get to have visitors if anyone actually visits NYC for vaca. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! :D:D

  5. It's mine, and I love it! :D I do not mind one tiny bit that we're WAY off-topic. I'm fairly certain now that after all this that not one of you would ever visit NYC without letting me know you're coming. And that's what's important. :D

  6. Communal grooming?! I'm so there!


    Oh.... you want to read books, too?


    ...and Salem?


    Oh I suppose we could do those things... if we must....


    ( :D )


    See? Nollaig's got her priorities straight. Take a cue, people!

  7. Kylie, I am GREAT at hairstyling.. I've practiced on MULTIPLE Barbies, and Skipper, too. My speci-ality is drying curly hair stick straight. Line up, people!


    I did express a BIG interest in heading to Salem after reading The Lost Book of Salem, so I'm in! I'm not sure about the communal grooming, though!


    Oh, you're in, Janet.. Don't act like you're too good for some good ol' hair brushin'! :lol:


    That makes it sound scary! :)

    Shh.. not scary.. not scary.. there there. See, Janet?! You've riled her up!


    Me too! When I was a little girl I had really long hair and after I'd had a bath and washed it, my Dad used to sit me on his knee and gently brush out the tangles and keep brushing until it was dry. Half the time I fell asleep and he had to put me to bed! It was wonderful :lol:

    Aww that is sweet.. My dad didn't know how to do a thing with my hair. I always looked like such a puffball if Mom wasn't there to fix my hair and Dad had to do it. One side wet and curly, one side dry and frizzy.. he didn't even know to MOVE the hairdryer around my head. Nice.


    Edit: Sorry, nothing whatsoever to do with your book reading Beth :(


    Don't care. Nope. :blush:


    Hmm, I'm a bit worried. I'm presuming your invitation was extended to all the other BCF members as well? :D Well, I don't think anyone would have any luck trying to brush my hair.

    ABSOLUTELY it's extended to all.. But you do have to go at the back of the line of the hair-brushing chain since you can brush but not really BE brushed... You understand. If you bring some other boys along, you don't have to sit at the very back.


    We clearly need to have a BCF shindig out on the east coast so we can all bond . Will your pad hold everyone, Bethany? And how far are you from the ginormous B&N? OMG I hope they sell Starbucks!

    It's not only the GINORMOUS one, it's the ORIGINAL Barnes & Noble. Fancy, eh??? Have I tempted you enough?? If not, I have a whole slew of bookstores (new AND used) with which to ploy you. Yes, there's room for one and all. Grab your hairbrushes (Ben, you too) and bookbags, move the cat and the Raja out of your way, and laydown your pallets, people!

  8. I was so pleased to see they had a few of hers. You just never know until you check; I was already dreading coming up empty, but I came out lucky! :roll: I'll be sure to let you know when I get to her in the wishlist.. Let me know if you read any of her others, too!

  9. I have to add that your wishlist contains some fantastic books. Let me know what you think of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime. I absolutely loved it.

    Why, thank you! I am VERY excited about my wishlist.. So fun! I've had this Mark Haddon book on my list for so long now.. I am DEFINITELY going to get it this year.


    Wahey! Unfortunately, I didn't like The Graveyard Book OR The Curious Incident, so maybe I should mosey quietly away... :roll::lol:

    Oh you can stay, Nolls.. You can stay! Just because I like you that much! :lol:


    Frankie, Peace, & Charm -- I will eagerly await each of your arrivals! Anyone else want to come to the good ol' Northeast? We can read books and brush each other's hair... :D:lol:

  10. I've read and loved all of these! The Graveyard Book I thought was a beautiful book (given to me by Nollaig)


    Happy Reading Bethany! Hope you enjoy many good books :roll:

    Thank ya! I hope I enjoy, too! heehee

    I have to say, I usually check most books out from the library, but I think The Graveyard Book could be worth having on my bookshelf.. Very pretty!


    I loved The Eyre Affair - very funny. And THe Graveyard Book was one of my favourites from last year. Happy reading! :(

    We are all in agreement on this Graveyard Book I see.. I really must get it soon. I can ask for it for my anniversary or something, I bet! Thanks, Kell!


    No it does ring a bell all right, I at least read it! :D

    Thank goodness.. I thought I was going crazy! You are still welcome to dance on my bookshelf though!


    Nice to see you back on the forum again Bethany, where have you been hiding? I see you're in NY now, how's it treating you? I'm so jealous... :D


    I also have these books on my TBR/wishlist, I've heard great things about these books and I'm expecting them to be quite good. Let's hope we'll enjoy them.

    Glad to see we are sharing some common books, too, Frankie! I'll be following your thread to see how you like the ones we both will be reading.


    And thanks for the welcome back -- between moving, working again, and trying to strike a work vs home balance, it's been a bit hectic! We're definitely enjoying NYC so far, and I'm loving having winter back! Don't be jealous.. Come live here too so I'll have a fellow BCF-er here. I'm trying to talk everyone into it! :lol:



    Thanks everyone for all your comments.. I feel so wuv-ed!! :D

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