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Everything posted by lexiepiper

  1. Well being that it's your last meal, I'm guessing it's your last one because you die of being so stuffed with lovely food!
  2. Hmm, I've seen the film of that but never gotten around to the book. The film was pretty good though I agree
  3. Ohhh you rock! Put me down for it, I'm definitely interested! Can you tell?
  4. Yeah I agree with the Twilight one, probably with Harry Potter too, as I didn't want to appear to like it because everyone else did, and it took me years before I would even pick one up, but when my best friend was obsessed I decided to try them to see what she was on about, and really loved them, and another overly popular one would be Da Vinci Code, I was curious but tend to avoid really hyped books, but my BF's aunt insisted it was brilliant and lent it to me, and I enjoyed that too
  5. I hope to get mine down to under 50 this year, although having looked through them yesterday, a lot of them seem to be chick lit from a phase I went through at the beginning of 08, so I hope I manage to get back into it and manage to read them all
  6. I have Die For Me, on my TBR pile, and I'm looking forward to it I must say, it's a massive book though!
  7. Thank you Inver! I'm looking forward to reading both books :D

  8. I think that's a given tbh, unless they don't get to outright vote again, because he's annoying everyone But I agree, I hope he goes too, he's getting on my nerves!
  9. Yep, have to say, I definitely think Jensen is the sexier one I've liked him ever since he was in Dark Angel years ago
  10. All of my books are in boxes atm, but I'm getting my first bookshelf in a few days! Can't wait
  11. I like just focusing on one story at a time, giving it my complete concentration
  12. I too thought Plain Truth was one of the better ones, though I have most of her books, and still have Nineteen Minutes to read sometime soon
  13. I'm the same with Cider, it was my first drinking experience, and it didn't end well I do like wine though, particularly a rose
  14. Ditto, chicken is the only meat I really couldn't live without!
  15. It sounds interesting, if I can get hold of a cheap copy I'll give it a read
  16. Brendan struggled to stay awake. No Humans Involved - Kelley Armstrong
  17. Ohh Tokyo! I bet that was amazing, I'd love to go there
  18. Oh wow, I read Shadow Of The Wind last year, and although I found it a little hard to get into, it ended up being a great read. Didn't realise it was becoming a trilogy though! I'll be sure to pick up the new one, still a few months yet though!
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