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Everything posted by Nollaig

  1. No problem! I wrote this before Lexie and I went mad with our aspirations but hopefully you'll join us! =D
  2. http://www.librarything.com/groups/readinggloballyficti#forums Courtesy of Ceinwenn heres a list of global books for you to have a look through if you like. If anyone sees anything interesting be sure to give it a mention! Kaye: If you know of any particularly good, well-known Romanian books, you could suggest them all the same and we could look for translations. *Also list is updated now. I also added two more Irish books, one a traditional culture/society one (figure since we're reading countries we might as well have some culture =P) I also added two detective fiction books from a bestselling Icelandic author, which my Icelandic friend suggested ^__^ I also have a friend in Denmark, I'll ask her for suggestions too.
  3. Done! Tell me if you think it needs any editing! And that site for foreign books is great, Ernie, if you're about the place!
  4. *This thread is dedicated to a particular reading challenge which involves is reading (at least) one book by an author from each of the 198 countries in the world. *This post contains the list of 198 countries, everybody is welcome to participate and everybody is actively encouraged to suggest books from any country to add to the list! *I'll update the countries as we receive suggestions, up to a maximum of five books per country. Good luck! 1. Afghanistan - [" A thousand Splendid Suns" by Khaled Hosseini] ["The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini] ["A Thousand Rooms of Dream and Fear" - Atiq Rahimi] 2. Albania - ["Chronical in Stone" by Ismail Kadare] 3. Algeria - [ "The Attack" - Yasmina Khadra] ["The Last Summer Of Reason" - Tahar Djaout] ["The Outsider" - Albert Camus] 4. Andorra - ["Andorra" - Mich
  5. Yeah that sounds like a good idea - 5 is a good limit even if people end up reading the same books. As it is theres only 3 or 4 of us going doing this. I have no idea how Ceinweinn found these books though haha, I'm having no such luck! Do you want to make the thread or shall I? I don't mind.
  6. Exactly. I'm going to get Ceinweinn's list of countries and start working on accumulating titles now. How should we go about making a thread? The thread should at least contain the list of countries, and mark them off as books are suggested for them. And then in posts I guess people could pick a country, check it out, pick a few books and post them as suggestions maybe? It'll get very confusing if people start joining in at random times though.
  7. Yeah I've heard about it, but I doubt I'd be willing to swap anything anybody would want - I'd only swap books that were a load of rubbish
  8. I'm rediscovering second hand bookshops when I get back to cork I think.
  9. I would have thought it would be the author's nationality - whatever they consider themselves to be, although I suppose we could include both? And theres a list of authors by country on wikipedia, it probably wouldn't take long to pick our books out. Buying and reading is another matter entirely
  10. Thats true.... well we could always help each other find books from countries and if theres a selection, try to pick ones of different genre or something to cover a variety. Then when there is only one book for all of us, at least there will be three perspectives you know? I'm definately going to give the challenge a go one way or another, I'll integrate it with my A-Z challenge. I'll check what countries I have with those and then add on new books for the other countries. This is way too complex for something so simple as reading.
  11. It would take foreverrrrrrrr =P
  12. I highly doubt anybody here has read this book, and its a Young Adult book which I haven't read in a while, so it may not make for the best reading, but I loved it and just rediscovered it, so I wanted to mention it. Its a book about a house. The house is the physical connection between two boys in two very different lifetimes, one at war decades ago, and one present day (2002.) One's family lived in it, the other is photographing the burnt-out ruins of it 50 years later. Both are discovering feelings for members of the same sex - one boy is required by his family to provide an heir, to match up to certain set standards, to be a tough soldier, and the other, despite the world becoming more acceptant of homosexuality, struggles with the idea when he meets a devoutly religious catholic girl. The book explores the ideas of sexuality, obligations, religion, and the reconciliation of the idea of true love with them all across the years. Anyone who enjoys reading young adult fiction - this is moderately heavy stuff by teen standards, its a worthwhile read and I have a feeling I'd love it as much today as I did 5 years ago.
  13. Is that the one Ceinweinn is doing, reading a book by an author from each of the nearly 200 countries in the world? I want to do that too! A real challenge would be to read 600 different books between us, (3 books per country, 1 each) rather than the same 200
  14. Can I recommend some Irish books? =P Ignore this if you already have some, or whatever. Theres the obvious ones which you may have read anyway - "Dracula" by Bram Stoker for horror/classic Anything by Cecelia Ahern for romantic type things "The Picture Of Dorian Gray" - Oscar Wilde for classic/sheer genius Maeve Binchy is another very popular Irish author, though I've never read her books. "The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas" - John Boyne, which you've probably read. For an Irish book set within the changing 1990's in Ireland, check out 'The Blackwater Lightship' by Colm Tob
  15. Me too haha. My best friend is a guy who doesn't understand the vampire fandom at all, it cracks him up. His girlfriend introduced me to Twilight, and the poor guy was fit to kill his two best girls as a result! Theres no escaping the vampires!
  16. O_O Woah!! Awesome!!! I haven't read any of them! The Perks Of Being A Wallflower - Keep meaning to read this, and keep forgetting. Definately going on the list! Stephen King: Only read Salem's Lot so far, but loved it and have many of his books. Phantom: Thought that might make an appearance! Its a definate must. And lots of books that have movie adapations - excellent! And some Young Adult books - I have a soft spot for those Thats a great list, thank you!!
  17. Awwhhh lol. I liked it so much I bought the dvd. I think the best part is the very end when the Guns N Roses version of Sympathy For The Devil starts playing. I adore that song and I adore Guns N Roses, and its just so surreal its wonderful!
  18. I was wondering about the Spirit - my brother compared it to Sin City but he didn't like Sin City so I dunno what to think... Also the new Underworld movie... rise of the lycans? or something? Looks quite good. Saw it advertised at the Twilight Premiere.
  19. Its the book cover I'm going delibrately buying because I saw it in the shop yesterday and like an idiot left it there =[
  20. Ohhh I simply adore the idea of this! I've never read a Charles Dickens book (*shame* ) but I planned to this year - I want to read A Christmas Carol, The Old Curiosity Shop and David Copperfield, as all three have caught my eye repeatedly over the years. I think I'll get this book first, read it and THEN start reading Dickens =D
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