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Everything posted by BookBee8

  1. Hello, thank you :). Hope you had a nice Christmas and New Year?

  2. BookBee8


    Both those pictures are beautiful Nellie! I love photographs of the sunset I don't really have many hobbies apart from reading and writing. I do enjoy ice skating and swimming but don't do it often enough to be classed as a 'hobby'. I also love rollercoasters and would love to go to all the major theme parks around the world...but then that's not really a hobby either. I need to do more with my life!
  3. Ohh no, I hate Nicholas Cage (sorry ). **** endings? Breaking Dawn and Deathly Hallows. Happy endings are lovely but c'mon!! When you've followed the series through, you expect a decent ending.
  4. Yeah, same for me as well. I remember reading somewhere that Stephenie recommends people read New Moon twice. Because the first time people read it, they rush it to see if Edward comes back so if they read it a second time, they'll enjoy the Jacob/Bella bit more. But I read it the second time and I still rushed it Yeah, I hope she does too. I'm intrigued to know what happens, from her perspective
  5. Yeah I'm the same. I like the Cullens! And I also got a bit irritated with Bella (and Stephenie for doing it) when the whole Jacob thing was going on. I could understand why it happened but I still didn't like it very much!
  6. Hey. I'm going to assume you like Twilight? :) Come and join the Twilight group if you like? Welcome to the forum!

  7. Seriously, I came here and expected everyone to be raving about it because in my mind, it's just an incredible series. I have no idea why it isn't more popular, maybe it hasn't had the right promotion? I'm not sure! Thanks kb.marsh for selling the story so much better than I could . Yay, I'm glad you guys have added it to your wishlist. Let me know what you think!!
  8. Hey :) Just thought I'd thank you because I saw your review for A Certain Slant of Light and it sounds really good so I added it to my wishlist! I saw that Noughts and Crosses was on your most wanted too - Very good choice, I love that series!

  9. Haha, yes, just a little bit . Especially when it comes to my books!
  10. I can't cook . But, I do have to post here that crisp sandwiches are amazing, especially salt and vinegar ones! Hehe
  11. Yes, I also agree! . I find them cringeworthy to watch either on TV or in the cinema. I went and watched Mamma Mia! with my sisters and mum, and was cringing all the way through it. However, I do love Grease and The Sound of Music
  12. I can go in a bookshop and come out empty handed but it takes a lot of conscious effort. My boyfriend is always dragging me away and complaining that I take 'hours', which is clearly just an exaggeration ....
  13. I don't like lending books out after the bad experiences I've had with some of my favourites (getting lost, food stains and spines being completely ripped off!! ) but I think I still would let a friend borrow one if they really wanted to. I do have one funny story though. My boyfriend doesn't read, he just isn't interested in it at all. But, last night, he asked if he could read Twilight, probably as a result of my near obsession. Once I'd got over the shock, I agreed. After about ten minutes, I looked over and stared in horror when I saw he was holding the book with a grip that was denting the pages and bending the spine :motz:haha! He saw my face and then went on to ask "How do you hold a book then?". I explained and demonstrated . To which he replied "Yeah but you're reading a hardback...how am I supposed to hold a softback?". How cute is that?!
  14. I've never set myself a challenge before but I like the idea. One aim I do have for 2009 is to read a few classics as I really don't think I've ever read one. I have Wuthering Heights, 1984 and The picture of Dorian Gray on my wishlist, they're classics, right? I also like the idea of reading 100+. As I've never kept a diary of the books I've read before, I wouldn't know what the most I've read in a year is! But, thanks to this forum, I've started a 'Book I have read' list so I'll be able to keep count. Wish me luck for 2009
  15. Charm, I'm the same. I love reading on the sofa. I don't usually mind if the TV is on, it only bothers me when the TV is more interesting than the book and then I get distracted. Haha, I do read in bed a lot but I get frustrated too easily and I can never get comfortable, especially with hardbacks! That doesn't stop me though One place I can't read is the beach. Actually, saying that, I struggle outside wherever I am. I don't know why though
  16. I keep all books that I love and like. If I really wasn't bothered by a book I do let my mum sell them when she goes to her boot sales .
  17. Usually only one chance. If I read a book by an author and I dislike their style and the novel doesn't appeal to me, then it's rare that I'd go out and buy another one by them.
  18. Hey, thank you :blush:. I love purple so I thought I'd just cover my profile in it, hehe. This place is becoming a little bit of an obsession, I come here every day :D. Happy New Year (well...soon!)

  19. My TBR pile begins to shrink slightly and then I go out and buy more. I'll never have less than ten books waiting, hehe.
  20. I like the idea of a bookmark being a little sentimental and have used photographs and stuff in the past. I was searching for a new one in Waterstones on Saturday because I had
  21. I watched The Green Mile and then I read the book and I can't decide which I prefer. The film is fantastic and although there are differences, which there always will be, I still feel it's on par with the book. I read A Walk To Remember by Nicholas Sparks and preferred the movie. I find his writing style very simplistic and I felt that the movie actually gave more insight into the characters, which I think is so rare. Although it is slightly different to the book. Same with The Notebook, I prefer the movie. I have to comment on Twilight, sorry. I think the book is a lot better but the movie is an ok version of it. I don't feel it captures the magic of the book very well and Kristen is wayy off as Bella, not how I imagined her. But many of the other characters are amazing and some of the scenes are brilliant (baseball scene, love it!).
  22. I've become less and less excited about the Harry Potters. I'm assuming it's because I've got older and they just don't appeal the same way the used to. I'm going to read them all again soon though because I feel like I've totally forgotten the story from book 5-7! I wasn't really bothered that the film was postponed to be honest. In my opinion, the people who play Harry and Hermoine are terrible actors, really wooden. So I can never take it seriously. I will probably go and see it in the cinema but more due to loyalty and because my bf has become more interested in them (even though he hasn't read the books) rather than excitement or whatever. I realise this all sounded horrible and I'm sorry! I do like the Harry Potters despite all of what I just said
  23. I have to agree with most of the above. I love the Twilight covers and refused to buy the one with the actors on the front. Not because I dislike either of them but because I feel that you should be able to make your own 'image' of the characters. And if these representations of the characters are on the front, then you'll be forced to think of their faces. (And Kristen is NOT Bella. Sorry, I had to add that.) That goes for all covers. I don't like if they have pictures of people, even if it's cartoon (like the child Harry Potter ones) because it's TOO visual. I like simplistic . I agree, Jodi Picoults are really nice. I also like two of Alice Sebold's (if that's right?) covers, although I haven't actually read them. That just's me being drawn in by the pretty images..
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