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Everything posted by BookBee8

  1. Yeah, I said earlier on in this post about that book. I'm the same, that series is one of my favourites but it's so disturbing! Have you read the rest of the books in that series?
  2. Hehe, I know! I just discovered all the other little animations and I can't help but use them. I thought that one summed up my feeling towards my TBR pile.
  3. Wow, you have a lot!! I think I've said this a few times but I'll say it again anyway, . I've got about 40 on my TBR pile and 50 on my wishlist. Can't wait to get through them all. It will only keep getting bigger though (my TBR pile).
  4. That's a good point actually. I suppose you would read books that you would never consider usually. I did Philosophy and I hated it! I was terrible at it, I have no idea how I passed. I'm doing Psychology at Uni now so I read some pretty interesting textbooks .
  5. All the time! Anytime, everywhere! Pretty much sums it up.
  6. Exactly! There was an exam on the whole 'find the true meaning' with loads of poems. And urgh. It would have been Ok if we got to choose the books and poems ourselves
  7. I thought about taking English Lit/Lang at college but decided against it because I didn't like the thought of reading a book for work rather than pleasure. I didn't like the breaking down part at GCSE.
  8. I think I read Double Cross by Malorie Blackman (Fourth in the Noughts and Crosses series) in one sitting. I started it at about 8pm ish and literally stayed up all night reading it. I read the Harry Potters and the Twilight books almost in one sitting too. I think I tend to read them quicker if the book is highly anticipated or part of a series
  9. Yep, ditto. For example, if I really love a book then I can read it in two days. But if I'm finding it harder to get into a book and am not enjoying it as much then I can take up to 2 weeks or so. It totally depends on the book and what I have planned next. I'll rush it if the next book appeals to me more
  10. Hey :). I am good thanks, yourself? Yeah, I am finding it much the same. I'm struggling to get into it. But I'm going to stick with it!

  11. I thought about buying this but changed my mind at the last minute. I can't remember why. Would you say its definitely worth buying?
  12. That's true. I watched the movie first and then read the book and they're very similar. They evoke the same emotion and are both very intense (obviously). I would say the movie is definitely on par with the book which is quite rare (I think).
  13. Tell me about it! Lee Evans made a joke about that once - how you're just leaving the room once the adverts come on and suddenly they're shouting at you. So true. I hate that! :motz:Hehe.
  14. Pretty much exactly the same for me. The top one being my main reason probably. I love to be able to open the pages and escape to someone elses world for a few hours (or days...).
  15. I liked that one about Hovis with the little boy running home and he's going through the years and all the major events that happened. Other than that, I hate all adverts, hehe. I usually switch over because they irritate me. Especially when you're watching a film on ITV and it suddenly goes to adverts in the middle of an important plot point .
  16. Yep, I wouldn't mind seeing them either. I wanna see that My Bloody Valentine 3D thing too
  17. Oh my gosh, I love that play, it's amazing! The only time I've ever tried to read a play was for school and that was in preparation for acting a part so I read it from a different perspective. I wouldn't mind trying to read one but I think I would struggle tbh.
  18. I love Dorothy Koomson. True, they are quite sad but they had me hooked!
  19. I read 'An offer you can't refuse' by Jill Mansell. It was ok, very easy to read but too predictable. But then most chick lit books are I suppose. Well, have you read any by Melissa Hill? Hers are less predictable. I've read two by her and really enjoyed them, lots of twists and turns
  20. Yep, same as everyone else. Google
  21. I can't make up my mind with magazines. I used to buy New every week for about six months but stopped for some reason. I liked More and Cosmopolitan. I went through a stage of buying Psychologies (I'm a Psychology student) but stopped that pretty quickly, they were
  22. BookBee8


    Hehe I could've written that! I'm so lazy...I really should do more! All I do is read, write, watch TV and sit on my laptop! I forgot to add in my post that Uni does take up time for me too, so I don't just sit at home all day ...hehe.
  23. Hey . I would recommend Dorothy Koomson, Adele Parks and Ceceilia Ahern if you haven't already come across those? I have all of their books and I found them all very easy, enjoyable reads.
  24. Hey :) Welcome to the forum! Come join the Twilight group if you like?

  25. Hey . Welcome to the forum!
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