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Everything posted by jewell

  1. I don't pay attention to the Twillight stuff as i'm not a big fan of the Vampire, supernatural thing. But i do think there is enough other stuff here to hold my interest here on the forum. Then again i have no-were near as many posts as some others do that joined the forum around the same time as me. But i must admit i find the worlds obsession with the occult and supernatural annoys me. I hate when i'm in the middle of a book that does not need to go into that type of thing, goes into it and then ruins the whole book for me. I know again this is just me opinion as others would proberbly find mushy romance might spoil a book they where reading. But sometimes i think a author writes this stuff in to crowd please! And that annoys me!
  2. I'm also looking forward to The waters of Mars. The best Doctor who episodes are the spooky ones and this one looks set to send chills down my spine!
  3. Oh that sounds so nice. You've prompted me to search my cuboards and look for one for me!
  4. I lile trying different types. I suppose apart from the regular tea, my favourite is peppermint. Has anyone tried rooibos tea?
  5. jewell

    Hi Mac. Thanks i'm very well. You?

    I may read douglas adams books next. I don't actually put the books in reading order on my TBR list, as it always depends what mood i'm in when i choose my next book. I'm in the mood for a laugh though so i may take your advice.

  6. I see you've read John Grisham. I have read only one of his books before, but it was a readers disgest condensed version. I plan to read it again, but i can't remember the name of it. It's the one where a white man represents a black man that is responsible for attacking, or killing (can't remember which one) two men who attacked and raped his little girl. Really enjoyed it. I have The client and Pelican Brief on my list.
  7. Those of you that used to read all the books you had on your TBR list and have whittled down to just trying a few chapters, i wonder if it happened since joining book forums! I have personally been avoiding putting up a TBR list on the forum, because if i'm not enjoying a book i stop reading it, so i didn't know how many books would end up just getting scrubbed back off the list in the end anyway! I used to find it agony when i was asked to read something in my own time (as a study, or a friend recommended and wanted my ideas.). So i'm afraid if i ever do do a bad review, it may be to a 'couple of pages' read book!
  8. I did read Alice in wonderland when i was very young. But i can't remember much about that either! I have got "Anna and the King" on video and i love it. It's one of my favourite movies of all time. I started reading the first few pages of the book when i got it (a bad habbit i can't seem to shake from!), and from what i could tell the feel is totally different from either of the film adaptations. She writes a lot about the feel and situations of siam. I think i will also read Anna and the king of Siam. But i will keep it off my list (otherwise i can say goodbye to my goal of finishing the list this year!) until i have read these books! It's good. Not only is the book good to read, and good to get an idea of what it must of been like for them, but there's something interesting about Anne herself aswell. At times she's just a little girl going through the typical changes of a teenage girl (although going through it in very strange circumstances), and then she manages to write something that is a interesting, deep subject that i felt she nailed on the head and was very mature. It's also more sobering i think than any other books i've read on the subject of the war and the treatment of the Jews, because you get to hear about an individuals loves, interests, aspirations and even a glimpse into what she could have become. Definatley a good book to have on your list.
  9. I read the trilogy. The film was based on the first of the trilogy. From a phycological point of view it's very interesting. I personally love that kind of stuff. I loved it because it had this phycological side to it and a fantasy side to it, of a story of the planet and the alien, prot himself. The book is written from the point of view of the doctor Gene. Brilliant. Highly recommend it!
  10. This is my reading list i have made for the remainder of 2009: Books I haven't got Books i've got Books i've read Alice's adventures in wonderland - Louis Caroll Through the looking glass - Louis Caroll Far from the madding crowd - Thomas Hardy All Creatures Great and Small - James Herriot The boy in the striped Pyjamas - John Boyne The curious incident of the dog in the night time - Mark Haddon Anne Franks Diary Pride & Prejudice - Jane Austen (for the second time) Northanger Abbey - Jane Austen Our Mutual Friend - Charles Dickens The Importance Of Being Earnest - Oscar Wilde Much Ado About Nothing - William Shakespere Taming Of The Shrew - William Shakespere K-Pax - Gene Brewer The English Goveness At The Siamese Court - Anna H. Leonowens. To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck Wartership Down - Richard Adams Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy - Douglas Adams Noughts and Crosses - Malorie Blackman Mostly Harmless - Douglas Adams The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe - Douglas Adams Life, The Universe And Everything - Douglas Adams So Long And Thanks For All The Fish - Douglas Adams Long Dark Tea Time Of The Soul - Douglas Adams The Book Theif - Markus Zusak Rebecca - Daphne Dumaurier Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Roald Dahl Vanity Fair - William Makepeace Thackery My sisters keeper - Jodi Picoult The client - John Grisham The pelican Brief - John Grisham Things I want my daughters to know - Elizabeth Noble In the Heart of The Canyon - Elizabeth Hyde Grey Lady - Jenny Maxwell A Room With A View - E.M.Forster Howards End - E.M.Forster Hunting Unicorns - Bella Pollen Running with Scissors - Augusten Burroughs The Horse Boy - Rupert Issacson Endal - Allen & Sandra Parton I Know This Much Is True - Wally Lamb Marley & Me - John Grogan Asbergers Syndrome, A love Story - Sarah Hendrickx & Keith Newton The Time Travellers wife - Audrey Niffenegger A Thousand Splendid Suns - Khaled Hosseini The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini The Feelings Unmutual - Will Hadcroft Anne Droyd And Century Lodge - Will Hadcroft Anne Droyd And The House Of Shadows - Will Hadcroft David Copperfield - Charles Dickens Martin Chuzzlewit - Charles Dickens
  11. I have just finished the book and i absolutley loved it. I'm a massive animal fan and i have been especially bugging my husband recently because i want a dog (actually i want two!). Due to this book making me laugh so many times and it being the sort of book i knew my OH would enjoy i read most of it to him, and he has since started looking up advertisments for the type of dogs we would like! I found the book so endearing and i really do love the way he writes about Marley. It was so obvious how much he was loved and i am sure if i could tell from the pages of a book, he knew he was special to them. Dogs just seem to know things! Definatley a favorite. I also expect the film wont be as good, but as a suppliment to reading this book, i will watch the film as soon as i can get my mits on it! It has also encouraged me to seek out more stories involving animals, and i have heard of a book i hope to be getting, along with some others on my wish list for my anniversary. Endal. I will write more on that as soon as i have read it. For now i think i have to say that this book Marley & me is definatley one of the best books i have ever read. 10/10
  12. jewell


    Hello and Welcome to the Book Club forum.
  13. jewell


    I enjoy card crafts and usually make quite a few. At the moment though i don't seem to have musc inspiration and i gave up feeling pretty fed up. I'll may have another go later, but i only really feel like reading at the moment.
  14. jewell


    Hi mollie and welcome. Trust me now that you have joined here, that TBR pile is just going to get higher and higher. It's great though!
  15. Welcome to the forum Page turner.
  16. I can think of a lot of films Johnny Depp has been in where he looked odd! I get the impression he likes to 'play it up' (if that makes any sense.). Thats what i love about him in Tim Burton movies. There is a definate style Tim has, and he seems to use and require it in all of his films. Johnny Depp isn't afraid of performing it, (he must be a fan of his work, as he has been in so many of his films!) which makes it even better. Tim Burton also seems to choose a lot of other favorites like Christopher Lee, Albert Finney, Micheal Gough, etc. Not to mention his fantastic wife (Brilliant Actress) Helena Bonham Carter.
  17. Ok so i've had a look to see if this has been discussed before because i'm curious, if you find the book your reading just isn't your thing, or in fact you actually feel like you can't wait till it's over, do you still finish it? I remember reading the last book that was part of a trilogy. That is the only time i have ever finished a book i hated, and i felt totally disappointed in. It was a real waste of my time and i hate to waste time, and i've noticed a few of you say you feel the same. There is so little time as it is to read the books we have waiting in our TBR pile, that i can not be bothered reading ones i dislike. But once you have started it do you feel like you can't put it down? I'd be interested to know what keeps you motivated?
  18. Hello catwomam and to thre forum
  19. I find it extremely distracting from the flow of the book if it's a story i'm reading. Especially when it's a really important part or intense part of the story. I do like it when a book looks well apreciated and loved, but to me that doesn't just mean it should look used and read, but that it should look well respected and taken care of. A book with ripped pages is not well taken care of! I think it's important in a study book to have markings because that's the only way, (i find) to get the best out of it, but i would never do it to a liabary book, or indeed any book that didn't belong to me. Athough again, as i metioned before, getting the best out of a book doesn't include ripped pages!
  20. Hi Gyre. Hope your well. I've been keeping up to date with your thread and i hope all is well and gets sorted out.

  21. Hi michelle. Just thought i'd come and check out your profile, and i couldn't pass by without a posting a quick hello and letting you know i hope you are well. Take care.

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