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Everything posted by Chrissy

  1. Oh Raven, a fabulous photo. Thank you for posting it!
  2. SG isn't lightweight! If you don't get an award, it can only be because they haven't read the book!
  3. I am a specialist in PTSD, and have just moved to the country with my young daughter. A local murder is about to become my problem!
  4. Chrissy

    Fresh Meat.

    Hello Rina and welcome to the forum! If you want to know the age distribution, we actually have that info available on this thread! (Ta-da!) In the meantime, what are you currently reading?
  5. I found 'Lord Of The Flies' a tricky but thought provoking read. I'd suggest sticking with it. It isn't enjoyable as such, but it is good.
  6. I can second this fact! I make a fairly ok Flemish Stew (beef stew made with Belgian beer!), but leaving it overnight really makes it lovely! Does MacDonald's constitute a meal? Tonight we are having Pizza. OH's request!
  7. I think the Basingstoke, 'nothing to be ashamed of' running joke is just the thought that one provincial town is much like another. Therefore places such as Swindon, Reading and Basingstoke are so similar as to render them almost identical in terms of social strata, cultural considerations, outlook, amenities etc. I also wondered whether this also hinted at comedians on tour who will always make a disparaging joke about the next town over.
  8. *whistles tunelessly* Maaaaaybe!
  9. I am a police investiagtor, currently on the run in a swampland area of North Carolina, accompanied by an odd young man who is accused of many crimes, including murder. I almost believe him to be innocent, but as yet I am unsure.
  10. I'm sure I saw this episode recently (they have just finished the entire re showing ). It may have been 'funny' milks that she was complaining about, by that I mean lactose intolerant type ones. I'll have to check now!
  11. I love this book. It would be so easy for an author to merely rest his/her advancement on a clever idea, but what Jasper Fforde has done with his original idea is to expand it into a credible read. Aside from the obvious and constant nursery rhyme references this is also a well plotted and balanced, good detective story. I know many of referred to characters and scenes from childhood, but I'm hoping to discover ones I may have missed. Jack Spratt is my favourite in this book, he is a well drawn character and I spent my initial read of the text hoping he'd get published, but later realised that he didn't need publishing to be a great detective! This was the first Jasper Fforde that I had read. Because of my thorough enjoment of it I got hold of all his others. 'The Fourth Bear', is another NCD case involving Jack, but I additionally went on to read JF's Thursday Next series.
  12. Hello future_pefect!
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