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Everything posted by Chrissy

  1. chesilbeach, your shelves look great! The wall colour is just wonderful - such taste!
  2. I have read 'Green Dolphin Street', and I enjoyed it. It was some time ago, so my memories of it are vague, but I had that "Oh yes, I liked that!" thought when I read your query!
  3. I'm so jealous Kylie! You have such a cosy corner for reading.
  4. I loved 'Soul Music', I found it a typical quirky and funny Pratchett.
  5. I'd go for the cheapest one, and spend the change on another book. Hang what the bookshelves look like! It's the affording another book by getting the cheapy that does it for me!
  6. I use Yorkshire tea bags for a 'normal' cup - strong with milk (and a hint of sugar sometimes). I also hate Earl Grey it smells like medicine. I love Rooibos tea, it is really refreshing, and can be taken with or without milk. But I do enjoy the herbals too, the fennel and peachy ones I already mentioned, plus berry ones and strong peppermint.
  7. Fennel tea is lovely and apparently great for the digestion. I also have a peach and raspberry tea that I love.
  8. I like that they are flawed. You don't get the feeling that Ms Slaughter worked her way down a character list, ticking character traits off as she went. They are troubled and unreasonable, they have petty conflicts and doubts. These aren't placed in the books as plot devices, they don't forward the story in any way. Yet because of these negatives, and funny bits we have real characters, not ones gathered from a central character shop!
  9. I think it's Karin Slaughter ability to immediately hand you an impression of a character or scene, that reading on only confirms and develops. Great writing.
  10. Totally agree. He is so complex, so endearing, so vulnerable. I tread the line between wanting to give him a long overdue maternal hug, and wanting him to investigate if I'm ever murdered!
  11. The whole book is a series of O.M.G's! Prepare for brain ache and emotional responses as it all comes together.
  12. You HAVE to read the book. It's written along different (but close) time lines. You MUST read it!
  13. 'Skin Privilege' is an absolute dynamite read, brilliantly written. If you like Karin Slaughter you will really appreciate this one. As far as I know 'Genesis' is supposed to be a Will Trent/Grant County cross over book. I adore the character of Will Trent, so actually did a little happy dance when i heard this!
  14. 'Brief Encounter' was originally a Noel Coward play and I think he wrote the screenplay for the film. Great choice Inver! It's been years since I've seen that film!
  15. I was going to vote '...and don't intend to', but I thought I should be honest with myself. I dread the time when I will read it, as it has inflamed passions on this forum that are frankly quite scary! But I reckon the day will arrive when I'm pootling in a charity shop book section, and there the first books of the the series will be sitting, with a price that cries out to me. Yes that day will come, but hopefully not for a while yet.
  16. Tonight I think I want a rice dish! I'm thinking chicken and veg and rice.
  17. Non indicating drivers get a "Don't worry sunshine, I'll guess!" mutter from me!
  18. I had a fab lunch at Pizza Express today. It was a warm chicken salad, with roasted mediteranean veggies sitting on a bed of rocket and spinach with a drizzle of honey & balsamic dressing. It was delish. Therefore, dinner will be very little!
  19. I think a coffee table sized one like that would be gorgeous!
  20. I really appreciated this change, rather than it being . I found it was apt and poignant the way it was done, and was a heartfelt , rather than the event it became in the book.
  21. I'm going again tomorrow - I'm taking my Mum and sister! I hadn't been to the cinema in years, and now I'm seeing the same film twice in 10 days! I am looking forward to experiencing the film again, and seeing if my opinion of it shifts at all.
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