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Everything posted by Chrissy

  1. Indeeed it was! I haven't finished all of the stories, but I adore her style. She has descriptive skill that shifts your personal sands somewhat! Just great.
  2. *whispers* I've just had scampi and chips!. We had just had a long walk with the dog, and OH suggested a "saves you having to cook" treat!
  3. This sounds like a really good book chesilbeach. It's going on my should-be-a-wish-list-but-is-really-an-actual-shopping-list list!
  4. I can definitely second Sarah Salway! 'Leading The Dance' is a wonderful read.
  5. I just love 'A Maiden's Grave', it's a favourite Deaver of mine.
  6. I am a demoted FBI agent acting as 'point' for a motley team of professionals and semi retired pros that is searching for a serial killer.
  7. May the spirit of BCF guide you at the book fair! Girl, I like your logic!
  8. Book first I think. I can usually get more from a film if I've read the book first.
  9. Are you going to be sharing your thoughts on the books? I would love to know more about them, especially as you are reading / have read a number of 'classics', so you have that additional comparision factor!
  10. Is it the Gunter Grass novel you are talking about here?
  11. I really want to see this movie, and I'm not sure why! I am yet to read the book, but I reeeeaaaallly want to see the film. It has grabbed me!
  12. Chicken smoothed with korma paste, wrapped in ham /bacon and baked. Served with steamed leeks and new potatoes.
  13. After the chapel, the Moorish bell tower. Pender took advantage of the elevation to call Dorie's number; he tried it again as they strolled though the gardens behind the church. 'Fear Itself' Jonathan Nasaw
  14. Wayne Summers opened his eyes to find himself in the dark, surrounded by the chirring and rustling of unseen birds. 'Fear Itself' by Jonathan Nasaw
  15. Who does? :lol: * *runs away and hides!
  16. That is just so lovely! I know what you mean. The flashy 'namey' ones haven't necessarily written a better book.
  17. I will try as far as I can to finish a book that I start. If it's a mood driven decision not to continue then I will try again at a later date, but if it is just that no matter what frame of mind I am in I will hate the book, then I will give it a miss. Some readers are not meant to finish some books!
  18. It wasn't difficult, but my brain wasn't working properly - I got three wrong that I KNEW!
  19. The door was the first thing. 'The Safe House' by Nicci French
  20. 'Hello...' 'It's Lucy, Lucy Myers.' 'Hello...' 'The Safe House' by Nicci French'
  21. Jacket Potatoes with chicken, coleslaw and salad.
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