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Everything posted by Chrissy

  1. 'Gone To Soldiers' by Marge Piercy. She is considered a Woman's writer, but this has got to be an all-time favourite book of mine. It is many stories told from many perspectives, a very good read. 'Band Of Brothers' by Stephen E Ambrose is also a very good read. I can thoroughly recommend it. I have read two of Sebastian Faulkes France Trilogy; 'Birdsong' and 'Charlotte Gray'. They were both fascinating reads. 'The Girl at the Lion d'Or' is the third book of the trilogy. Hope these help.
  2. Drusilla was brilliant. A great character, and so well played by Juliet Landau. She sure put the whack into whacko!
  3. I want to see 'Up', it looks so cute.
  4. Chrissy


    Hello mollie!
  5. I refuse to even consider what I spend on books, new or otherwise each year! That path leads to gulping, coughing and sudden hot flushes! It's truly better that I don't know.
  6. Jacket potatoes, peppered mackerel and salad.
  7. We have just had fish 'n' chips, and I don't care who knows it!
  8. I love Whitby, and I love books.....MMmmmm I feel a road trip coming on!
  9. Is it the same Christopher Golden that has writen some 'approved' Buffy and Angel stories? If it is then he is quite a flowing writer. I have enjoyed some of his stuff.
  10. I'm a forensic anthropologist who has been called out of a tedious meeting to hear difficult news about a case, I'm about to attend to a police matter at what is likely to be a gruesome scene - bones and bad smells.
  11. Having a comfort food meal tonight - sausage and mash!
  12. Oh I'm sure I look it - and then some!
  13. Is this the Toni Morrison novel 'Beloved'? I have no idea what this book could possibly be!
  14. Homemade chilli con carne lasagne with garlic bread.
  15. Chrissy


    Hello Tikkititi! You have an unusual user name!
  16. I just fell in love with words at an early age both the written and the spoken, they became a part of me. Books and reading have always been my constant. They were my friends in a friendless school and my companions away from tormenting siblings. They showed me worlds and people and situations that I could never have experienced without them. My moral compass developed under their tutelage, as did my vocabulary and my curiosity. As an adult they became my way of making sense of a chaotic world. They hug me at my loneliest, comfort me when my heart aches and make me laugh when I am caught at my bleakest. There are many things I could live without, reading isn't one of them!
  17. Congratulations lopeanha! Next stop 1000!
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