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Everything posted by Raven

  1. I like Stargate Atlantis, Rodney McKay is an excellent character. I don't tend to have any specific film or TV program I watch when I'm ill, but I once remember watching Enigma when I had a bad cold, and was dosed up with happy-make-feel-nice pills, and not being able to shift John Barry's score for it from my head for days . . .
  2. Raven


    Yes, sorry - to answer your original question, I've not read it!
  3. Funny you should say that, I started reading it last night! (and didn't make it to bed until 2.30 because of it!).
  4. Thank you! I've only read three of his books - including the above - but I'd say give him a try, he really is very good.
  5. What I Talk About When I Talk About Running, by Haruki Murakami Japanese author Haruki Murakami writes about running, writing and life in general. There's something about Murakami I can't quite put my finger on. His writing style is very lyrical - almost poetic - and to a point it doesn't seem to matter what he is writing about, it is just a joy to read his prose. Perhaps that explains how I came to read a book about running, something I have personally detested since I was forced to do cross country at school. The book covers a two year period in Murakami's life, and mainly details his preparations for the 2005 New York Marathon, and then a triathlon in 2006. During the course of the book he also looks back over his running history and how it has affected his life and his writing. Throughout, the book has a gentle, self deprecating sense of humour, and Murakami himself is incredibly modest when talking about his works, but the thing I liked most is that it has given me an insight into the mind of an author whose works I am only just beginning to discover, but am thoroughly enjoying.
  6. Raven


    I seem to remember an interview with Russell T Davis from the time this was screened where he said they deliberately played down the 'saucy' aspect of the story to emphasise the personal story. I think I can also remember him being quite proud that there was little or no nudity in it.
  7. So what you are really saying is intelligent people read Terry Pratchett? I can carry that cross . . .
  8. Coz there's nothing like a Reaver to make you feel all warm and fuzzy!
  9. I've always had the impression that the Dragonflight books are a bit twee, and that has put me off reading them, is that justified?!
  10. Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus - and they are on Earth, that should get them royally confused!
  11. I can still remember the horror that was Red Dwarf VIII, I'll watch, but I'm not holding my breath!
  12. If you watch Doctor Who Confidential, or listen to the podcasts they post on the internet (or the commentaries that are on the DVD box sets), then you will probably already have a pretty good insight into why things have been scripted as they have been in Doctor Who (at least from the "artistic" point of view!). What this book tells you is how that process happens. To add to what Michelle has said, the book doesn't just include snippets of the scripts, it contains the full first drafts of Voyage of the Damned, Partner's in Crime, The Stolen Earth and Journey's End, as RTD wrote them - hot off the keyboard! I found the book to be very interesting; I'm interested in Doctor Who anyway, but I'm also interested in story development and writing generally, and this was a very good marriage of both. I would say that if you are an aspiring script writer - regardless of whether you like Doctor Who or not - this will make an interesting read. If you are interested in Doctor Who as well, this is a must-read. And, for those who don't yet have a copy but want one, check out The Book People's web site, as they were selling it for just
  13. Will Smith and Linda Fiorentino are sparking off each other all the way through that, and leaving that to one side, TLJ gives up the job at the end of the film to go back to his wife.
  14. I thought that, but isn't there a hint that there is something going on between Lambert and Brett? It is a very long time since I watched it, so I may well be wrong!
  15. I've been trawling my mind for examples, thinking that science fiction films would be pretty devoid of romance, but it's actually a lot harder than it seems! Terminator 2 and Star Trek: First Contact are the only two that spring to mind immediately! I will have to give this more thought!
  16. I bought the first series on DVD a while back, but haven't got around to watching it yet. I'll have to give it a go!
  17. I never seem to get around to reading The Name of the Rose, there always seems to be another book in front of it in the queue.
  18. Fixed! (I made the mistake of trying to read it after reading The Lord of the Rings - too much singing!).
  19. It's actually just the one customer, but he is known to be a repeat buyer . . .
  20. ICmE is a much better acronym; you could set up a company then, and sell explosives to incompetent Coyotes!
  21. A Fellow of the ICE?! Excellent! Do you get to have parties where you throw snowballs at each other?!
  22. BBC Two are advertising a program about Terry Pratchett living with Alzheimer's
  23. But everytime you say that, a bridesmaid dies!
  24. I've never been able to watch this film, because of my phobia of Samuel L. Jacksons.
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