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Everything posted by Raven

  1. The first books I can remember were made of cloth, but past that I don't have much detail I can add! The first printed book I can remember was about a mouse, but I have no idea what it was called (a shame really, as I would love to find a copy of it and read it again!). The first book I can remember the story and title of is The Iron Man, by Ted Hughes.
  2. I'm one of those people who can read a paperback and not leave a mark on it (in fact, I have several paperbacks that I have read multiple times, and apart from some yellowing of their pages due to age, they are practically pristine). My biggest fear is getting a girlfriend who breaks spines! (books, obviously, I don't know many shot-putters!).
  3. The first few chapters of Dracula spooked me when I tried reading it a couple of years back (I really must give that another try!).
  4. I don't get rid of the books I have read, as I like to keep them to hand in case I want to be reminded of some plot point down the road, but I do get rid of books I know I will never read, and books I've ended up with duplicate copies of.
  5. I think I will have to go with Microserfs by Douglas Coupland, as I really enjoyed it. If I had to go for a book that was published in 2008 then it would have to be Doctor Who: The Writer's Tale by Russell T. Davis and Benjamin Cook.
  6. 2008 has been pretty good for me. I've managed to read a lot more than I normally do (26 books this year, as opposed to just 8 in 2007), I've read several books that I have been meaning to for years (The Stainless Steel Rat, Chocky, The Time Machine and Slaughterhouse 5), and also discovered a couple of new authors (Douglas Coupland and Haruki Murakami).
  7. Bad news for anyone looking forward to the Hobbit, there is a rumour doing the rounds that it is being bumped back to 2012 . . .
  8. I think you will find the film and the book to be very different beasts, Asimov wasn't renown for his characterisation, so I suspect you will find the book to be a pretty dry read (I must admit to not having read it myself though!).
  9. I've just started reading Making Money - it was slightly surreal reading Pratchett quoting Mia's signature!
  10. Doctor Who books, now where do I begin?! I've got a pile of the old Target novelisations, from the original series, but I didn't start reading Doctor Who in earnest until Virgin started publishing their original novels in the early nineties (these were of a much more adult nature than the current incarnations, and featured novels by some now familiar names - Mark Gatiss, for example. They also featured the story by Paul Cornell that was later adapted him into the excellent third series two-parter Human Nature and The Family of Blood). Of the current range I have only read Sting of the Zygons, which was okay, but I felt the Doctor was a bit OTT! I like the hardback format as well, but if you just want to read the books, keep your eye on The Book People catalogue, as they often sell ten of the stories for
  11. There are two I know of, Christmas at Cold Comfort Farm (a collection of short stories) and Conference at Cold Comfort Farm.
  12. Wasn't that about one of Dibbler's "meat" pies?! I really enjoyed Equal Rites and Mort, but the book that really sealed it for me was Guards! Guards! It's just occured to me that I have been reading Terry Pratchett books for over 20 years. Ouch!
  13. *Looks at Kylie's reading lists* Yeah, but you've read everything anyway!
  14. There's a chap here who says he like's reading, but I'm not sure, I think he may have an ulterior motive . . . (scroll down!).
  15. Hello. My name is Raven, and I read books . . .
  16. What rot! By the way, have I told you that I've just started A Brief History of Time and Emma?
  17. I'd have to say Nightwatch is mine, but if you intend on reading them in order KB, that is a long way off!
  18. I have no books on my Christmas list, because I've had too many books over the years with creases in the spines, or they are the wrong editions so they don't look right on the shelf next to the others in the series, etc. OCD? Me?! Nah . . .
  19. They are very good books. Leaving aside all the fantasy trappings, they are very well written and observed novels (the dragons just give them some added flair!)
  20. Once again, a big thank you for the warm welcome! (and please accept my apologies for my tardiness in replying!). Oh, if only you knew the pain and misery of the IT competent . . . There is a very good Dilbert cartoon where a colleague is pestering him to come round and fix his computer. Dilbert says something like, "Sure, and whilst I do that you can re-grout my bathroom." The colleague asks why – that pretty much sums things up for those With The Knowledge, really! Have you turned it off and on yet?! You see that green thing in the corner of your screen with "Start" written on it . . . That’s not my obsession, that’s Lucy’s . . . Good to hear it! Does he know there is a new expansion out for Warcraft?! I did like it, yes! I read it after reading a particularly hard-going Phillip K. Dick novel (Ubik) and it was a very refreshing change of pace! It is a pity the rest of the series is out of print . . . Gasp! Go. Buy. Now! (you won’t regret it!). I think so too, unless I’ve just been subjected to World War Three or The Voyage of the Damned – neither his finest hour (but he has redeemed himself this year with the brilliantly tense Midnight). I’ve only read one of the novels – I’m not much into the lore of the game because it’s been made up as they went along and it’s pretty ropey in places! If it get’s him reading though, all the better! (I started with Star Trek novels, many moons ago . . .). No, and I’ve just suffered the ignominy of having to buy The Clone Wars for my nephew for Christmas! Haha! Get ready for a life of pain! I have a friend who has five (or is it six?) level 70 characters, and one level 80, now the expansion is out . . . Only two level 70 characters is strictly small-time! Cheers!
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