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Everything posted by frankie

  1. Aww, thanks :) I can't say yours is pretty, but I can say that it is pretty handsome! That's a new one of Ian Rankin isn't it, this picture is so much better. In the other one he looked older, this one shows he's actually quite young and not bad to look at :P

  2. I've read a couple of Scarpetta books before but it was so many years ago that I don't remember anything about them - just that they were good! I'm so glad I've managed to find those books and can start reading them in chronological order I haven't tried Cornwell's other fiction either and probably won't even try. I've heard so many great things about Kathy Reichs's books too that I'm checking them out as soon as possible! I'm next in line for "Deja Dead" in our local library so it won't be long until I get the chance. Actually I've been quite anxious these few weeks to get it! Why won't the current borrower hurry with the reading
  3. I sensed there was another Scarpetta collector when I noticed your purchases in Which books came to your home today -thread! I've been collecting those books too, which has been quite tricky at times, but last Monday I found the missing four books from the beginning of the series. Goody! Enjoy your collection!
  4. Definitely chips (as in crisps in British English). That's a nasty, fattening addiction
  5. I just read The Little Prince by Antoine De Saint-Exup
  6. I agree Kylie, Ignatius was a wonderful character. Even though he was appalling, self-righteous and whatnot, I still couldn't help but feel sympathy towards him when his mother attacked him verbally (even though she sure had reason to do it!). There were also other juicy characters, but I just didn't enjoy the storyline, it was quite boring at times.
  7. I read that conversation, too. When I began reading the book I thought I'd belong to the group that loves the book but that changed when I read further. I didn't hate the book, but couldn't really understand what the fuzz was about. I also remember that there was someone in here who didn't like the book and who shared their thoughts in that conversation. That was probably you, Roland Butter
  8. I finished A Confederacy of Dunces last night. It was a bit of a disappointment because there was so much hype around this book and I expected a lot from it. But I'm glad I finished it, as it was both on Rory's book list and 1001 books you must read before you die -list. Now I just can't decide what to read next, there are just too many options and nothing seems to hold my interest long enough
  9. It says in Wikipedia that "The only published biography of him is by his granddaughter, Jessica Carney (real name Judith). Who's There? refers to many of the difficulties in his life and makes it clear that a great deal of research has been done, drawing from primary sources, as well as Hartnell's family's own extensive archive."
  10. Suzanne123's suggestion Moab Is My Washpot is on my TBR and on my bookshelf as well
  11. Joensuu is in the East and it's quite close to Savonlinna, maybe a two hour's drive away from it to the North.
  12. I've read them all about 3-4 times in my teens, and I just bought the first three volumes cause I found them cheap and read them again. They're wonderful and make me laugh every time
  13. "A green hunting cap squeezed the top of the fleshy balloon of a head." John Kennedy Toole: A Confederacy of Dunces
  14. I finished Stardust last night. The book was a bit disappointing as it started off quite nicely. It didn't manage to keep me interested all the way through And the ending was predictable. However, I will not be discouraged: BF told me that Stardust is the worst of Gaiman's books and the others are amazing. I'm eagerly waiting to get a chance to read American Gods and Anansi Boys. I started A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole last night.
  15. Small Island is also on my TBR (my Rory's list of books TBR to be accurate, Rory being the bookworm in Gilmore Girls). I didn't know anything about the book before I read this thread, but it seems like worth reading!
  16. Hello Zeta and welcome! I hope your plan with the bulldog works out
  17. I didn't know what chutney is so I googled it. Sounds yummy
  18. Hi! I'm glad to hear you're enjoying LITTOC, I happened to stumble upon that book in a bookshop today and was wondering if it would be worth a read. I'll probably give it a try. Have you read anything other by Dennis Lehane? A Drink Before the War sounds good, too.
  19. Bookwormmum I love you organized shelves too! They make me wanna come over and take a closer look
  20. Season 4 is absolutely amazing and so exciting, just you wait!
  21. Wherever I can find a suitable job :)

  22. We were utterly shocked as well by what happened yesterday, I can't even begin to describe it. What's more, it was only about 11 months ago when the last school shooting in Finland took place. It just doesn't seem possible that something like this could happen in Finland, which has supposedly been a safe country to live in so far.


    I live in the Eastern part of Finland and the shooting happened in Kauhajoki which is in the West, so it wasn't close to where I live. I'm also lucky that I don't have any relatives or friends in that area.

  23. Well you never know, I'm coming to Breat-Britain next year to work for a couple of months so I might be able to visit the place ;)

  24. I'll turn 27 by the end of the year...
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