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Everything posted by frankie

  1. Dexter season 2 started here about a month ago so I don't have to wait for that anymore Right now I'm eagerly waiting for Desperate housewives season 5 that will start in November. Oh, and must not forget: Britain's next top model season 1 will start in a couple of weeks.
  2. That's real nice of you, I'll keep it in mind :) It would be quite weird (in a good way!) to actually meet people from this forum, seeing as almost all of you live in a different country than I do, and some of you in Britain have already met each other.

  3. Okay, another possibly stupid question! What do you mean by asking if I'm okay? :)

  4. Phew, I don't feel stupid :D 5000 doesn't seem like a lot though :/

    Your brother seems like a typical brother, just like mine. Sometimes I wish I had a sister instead. Or at least a younger brother, so I would have some kind of authority...

  5. Hello friend :) I have a question, what do you mean by saying there's "Only 5,000 of me left :( " I hope it's not something really obvious cause then I'll feel stupid for asking!

  6. Then you will just have to come back for more some day, it's as simple as that! :) I have no doubt I'll love Britain, I've wanted to visit for so long. I'll just have to find a job there somewhere and sort things out. Scotland might be nice too, but I'm thinking it might be a bit too hard trying to understand their accent :/

  7. Anastasia-series by Lois Lowry anything by Astrid Lindgren Story Girl -series by L. M. Montgomery The Little Vampire -series by Angela Sommer-Bodenburg
  8. Thanks kb.marsh, I'm a bit better now Yesterday I managed to read for my exam that's on Friday so I felt better about that and didn't feel guilty about recreational reading. I finished Mister Pip last night. I don't really know what to make of that book. It was a good read, but I feel that there were so many levels to that book that I missed because I didn't take it seriously enough. Nursenblack, I really loved Me & Emma as well, although it was quite a disturbing book. But Inside I'm Screaming was also really good, it was very therapeutic and I almost read it in one sitting. Last night I started Neil Gaiman's Stardust.
  9. Oh you've actually been to Finland, great! Autumn's here and it's really pretty out there, with the tree leaves colouring. Soon they'll drop though and it'll get really dark. One either loves or hates the autumn here, there's no middle way :)


    I've never travelled much, I've only done the typical ship cruises from Helsinki to Stockholm, and two years ago I spent one month in Denmark. But next year I'm coming to Great-Britain for 2-3 months to work, I'm pretty excited about that! I can't wait to hit the secondhand book shops :D

  10. Wow Kylie, that's amazing! I love how organized your shelves are! And I love what you've done with the corner peace, making it a smooth link between the other two shelves. I also like the tiling on that wall, but maybe that was there to begin with I'm so envious of all you guys with open shelves, I'm allergic to dust and I hate dust anyways so I have to have bookshelves with glass doors.
  11. When I was in elementary school, probably in the 6th grade, our teacher tried to encourage us to read books and he gave us all little notebooks where to record the books we've read (author, title, date, number of pages and thoughts on that novel). I remember reading a lot, and I had to ask my teacher for another notebook because the first notebook was full. I've spent so many hours trying to find those notebooks but so far no success I also remember that during that 6th grade all of the girls in our class watched Twin Peaks on the telly and then one of us found The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer in the library! The book circulated among the girls, most of us read it. I remember when I was the next to get it and I just couldn't wait for my friend to finish it and give it to me! It was important to read the book also because it was a grownup's book and it had 266 pages which was a huge deal for us those days The current notebook that I have dates from 14.6.1999, almost 10 years ago
  12. Oh, okay :) Nice avatar anyway!

  13. Hello my first BFC friend :)

  14. Hey Talisman, I wanted to ask you about your avatar but Ceinwenn beat me to it :) I also thought about the Swedish flag immediately.

  15. Currently I am reading Lloyd Jones's Mister Pip, but I'm really struggling with it. Not that the book is bad, but I'm kinda stressed out with school at the moment.
  16. So here are the books that I've read so far 2008 January Bret Easton Ellis: Lunar Park Tuija Lehtinen: Mies taskussa Alain de Botton: How Proust Can Change Your Life Cornelia Funke: Inkheart Helen Fielding: Bridget Jones's Diary Helen Fielding: Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason Elizabeth Flock: Me & Emma Virpi Hämeen-Anttila: Suden vuosi February Tuula-Liina Varis: Kilpikonna ja olkimarsalkka Ronald Hayman: The Death and Life of Sylvia Plath Stephen King: It Marie Hermanson: Hembiträdet March L. M. Montgomery: Anne of Green Gables Patricia Cornwell: Portrait of a Killer: Jack the Ripper - Case Closed Carol Shields: Jane Austen L. M. Montgomery:Anne of Avonlea April Sue Townsend: The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13 3/4 Sue Townsend: The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole Sue Townsend: True Confessions of Adrian Albert Mole Sue Townsend: Adrian Mole and the Small Amphibians Sue Townsend: Adrian Mole: The Cappuccino Years L. M. Montgomery: Anne of the Island Joanne Harris: Gentlemen & Players Sue Townsend: Adrian Mole and the Weapons of Mass Destruction Emma Tenant: Pemberley Diane Setterfield: The Thirteenth Tale May Leo Tolstoy: Anna Karenina Wilkie Collins: The Woman in White June Pentti Saarikoski: Toipilaan päiväkirjat Virginia Ironside: No! I Don’t Want to Join a Bookclub Amelie Nothomb: Antichrista Douglas Adams: The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul Amelie Nothomb: Fear and Trembling Susanna Clarke: Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell Charles Bukowski: Post Office July Marina Lewycka: A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian Sarah Waters: Fingersmith Mary Shelley: Frankenstein Annikki Alexandersson: Ruokahirviö Sean Stewart: Perfect Circle Kathleen Tessaro: Elegance August Mark Twain: A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court Virginia Woolf: To the Lighthouse Augusten Burroughs: Dry Terry Pratchett: Feet of Clay Ken Kesey: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest N. V. Gogol: The Nose Anja Snellman: Lemmikkikaupan tytöt Markus Zusak: The Book Thief Carol Shields: Unless September Augusten Burroughs: A Wolf at the Table Mark Haddon: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time Ben Elton: Dead Famous Elizabeth Flock: But Inside I'm Screaming Lloyd Jones: Mister Pip October Neil Gaiman: Stardust John Kennedy Toole: A Confederacy of Dunces Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: The Little Prince Stephen King: The Shining Roald Dahl: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory John Grogan: Marley and Me Sophie Kinsella: Shopaholic & Baby Jeff Lindsay: Dearly Devoted Dexter November Kathy Reichs: Deja Dead Alan Bennett: The Uncommon Reader Kathy Reichs: Death du Jour Stephen King: Lisey's Story Cormac McCarthy: No Country for Old Men Stephenie Meyer: Twilight December Stephenie Meyer: New Moon D. H. Lawrence: Lady Chatterley's Lover Philip Roth: Portnoy's Complaint Gaetan Soucy: The Little Girl Who Was Too Fond of Matches Diane Wynne Jones: Fire and Hemlock Sarah Dunant: Birth Marks Terry Pratchett: Johnny and the Dead Kathy Reichs: Deadly Decisions
  17. Bones the TV-series aired here in Finland some years ago and I tried watching it, but it was so boring and I didn't like the characters. Only after that did I find out that the show was based on Kathy Reichs's novels. Last weekend I visited a friend who had read some of her books and she really liked them, almost better than Patricia Cornwell's Scarpetta-novels which I really like. So I have to give these a try I hope the local library has those books. I forgot: Thank you Maureen for the list in which order the books should preferably be read I just checked out the local library and they have one copy of Deja Dead, goody!
  18. frankie


    Hello Sisse, hvordan g
  19. I have never met a person who likes the book either
  20. I cannot say about movies, but Dexter the TV series definitely outshines the novel. Sex and the City is also better as a TV series, the book was awful.
  21. Janet, I can't blame you at all. I read A Room with a View maybe a year ago, I bought it because it was cheap and it was a classic and it sounded interesting and I thought I'd enjoy it. But it was so booooring, I really had to struggle to finish it. If I were you I'd bin it and choose something else, there must be loads of better reads written in the 1900s!
  22. "Sam Vimes sighed when he heard the scream, but he finished shaving before he did anything about it." Terry Pratchett: Night Watch
  23. Welcome Wordsgood, glad you found us and at the same time found out that you're not alone
  24. I was very disappointed with Librarything when I'd spent a couple of hours cataloging my books and when I reached 200 books, it said that free memberships are limited to 200 books
  25. Augusten Burroughs's A Wolf at the Table, which isn't surprising given that it is his darkest novel.
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