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Everything posted by kernow_reader

  1. No. But I've often thought about giving it a go.
  2. I just picked up "Keeeping Faith". Sadly I've had to push it quite far under my bed where my TBR pile is teetering towards an avalanche.
  3. Ha! It gets us all, doesn't it! Shucks! I'm just glad to be amongst people who empathise, fully comprehend and share my compulsion and addiction.
  4. I'm not an audio book fan. I like the visual and tactile acts of holding a book and reading it in my head. I get easily lost when someone reads to me. I just cannot process all that verbal information. Then I shut down and nod off. Once I was ill and bed bound. My daughter very thoughtfully tried to keep my spirits up by reading aloud from my current book. I was asleep by paragraph two! Poor child. Having said this, I am sometimes rather partial to the reads on Radio 4. Short bursts see.
  5. Oh, I adore Vanity Fair!! To me it's a veritable feast of words to gorge upon. I also like Becky Sharp the protagonist. And Dobbin rocks!!!
  6. I read this too and loved it. Found it a charming little tale. Aren't the sisters called after months of the year eg April, May and June? Or something like that.
  7. Picked up a copy of The Flanders Panel today for £1 in a charity shop. Another to add to my TBR mountain. . .
  8. I am very fortunate to live in a tiny wee fishing village in Mousehole (pronounced Mowsal) Cornwall. It is so called because the harbour entrance is the size of a mousehole. Fishermen abound and can be found at least three times a day down by the quay discussing all important issues like neep tides, mackerel catches (which incidentally are abundant where basking sharks do their basking) crabs, lobsters and who's not tied their boat up properly. The land lies steep and twisted. Narrow, winding lanes suddenly become a sharp chicane then another vehicle comes in the opposite direction. Also, watch out for the pretty hedgerows whereunder lies a Cornish granite brick wall. . . Ouch! Our delicacies include Clotted Cream, Ice Cream made from Clotted Cream topped with Clotted Cream, scones topped with jam and Clotted cream, mackerel, john dory, pilchards, porbeagle shark without Clotted cream, Hevva cake, Saffron buns and of course Cornish Pasties which apparantly remain intact if dropped down a mine shaft. The natives are reasonably friendly but don't be alarmed if they greet you with calls of "A'rrrighttt my luvverrrr?" when enquiring after your welfare. Our main crime is pilfering which is controlled by the local gang of seagulls who descend from nowhere on the least suspecting suspects. It's a super place to live in!
  9. Alan Bennet said that one of his readers told him that reading the hardback version of Untold Stories in bed was like being trapped under a cupboard! Bwah-ha! What a great cupboard to be trapped under though.
  10. Ohhh, well, , why Thank You Kindly Louise and PP.
  11. Thanks for the input louise and sophia. So it's Plain Truth, Perfect Match then Vanishing Acts. . .
  12. Awwhhhh, *cute*! I *love* hardbacks! To me they are a real book. Love the feel of them resting in my hands or tucked under one arm. The weight of them being lugged around in my bag. (Bliss!!) Makes me feel so special and important when I hold one. Sadly I am not, my head is full of dreams and grandiose notions and my bookshelves of paperbacks!! I own but few hardbacks. ps: I know an elderly lady, an avid reader whose hands are twisted with arthritis. For Christmas a friend bought her a reading rest. It's a little striped canvas deck chair which holds her book in place whilst she reads.
  13. First Jodi Picoult I ever read was The Pact. Found it started off okay but got bogged down with the legal side of it all. Also found characters a bit insipid for me. Did finish it though. Next I read My Sister's Keeper. Loved this one. Great ending! Also liked all of the characters in it. . . especially the dog! Now want to read Plain Truth. Is that one good? Also have Vanishing Acts and Perfect Match tbr.
  14. Wow! That's some hefty TBR pile, Angel! Better sign yourself up for some night shifts.
  15. I once gave my daughter an Enid Blyton book to read and she laughed uncontrollably at "Uncle Peter and his nephew going twigging". Ingrate! If I found her and the two boys in front of Nintendo's Mario Bros I used to read the riot act and tell them they should be reading Arthur Ransome's "Swallows and Amazons". This story never impressed them either. They all loved Grimm's and Anderson's fairy tales and The Narnia stories but poked fun at Dick, Jane and Spot. Even now I return to some of my old favourite books from childhood.
  16. Read this ages ago but as I recall it's a great book and a fascinating insight into Geisha-Japanese culture. Enjoy!
  17. I've been a member of two live reading groups in the past. The best was the first one I joined as it was small, homely and intimate. The second started off that way but expanded beyond my coping mechanisms. I found both of them through local libraries. Both have been all female members and we read an interesting selection eg: Snow Falling On Cedars. Larkrise to Candleford. Ethan Frome. Brokeback Mountain. We Need to Talk about Kevin. Never Let Me Go. We rotated around member's homes each month which worked well. I've also followed newspaper magazine reading group reads and this is the third on-line group I've joined. Without trying to gain favour this is by far the best on-line group. It's all very laid back and friendly with no heated debate or flaming plus you can pretty much post or read what you like. I probably favour on-line groups as I'm inherently lazy and more cerebral than verbal so it's pretty effortless to lie on the couch and tap a few computer keys to discuss a storyline. I must say though, I do like those novels where you get a reading guide on the back pages. Hope this is of some interest top you, Kell!
  18. This one is on my tbr pile. Has been since August but I keep overlooking it for something else. Here, look. . it's now third in line. . oh, hang on. . I mean fourth. . Must just read this one before I start G&P. .
  19. I am glad they change the covers otherwise I wouldn't own Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with Johnny Depp on the front. Otherwise, I dislike books with those "now a major motion picture" covers so am glad they change those. . . unless they have Johnny Depp on them of course!!
  20. . . .I lost the one I was reading........it's somewhere in the house though! I love this list. It's like reading about myself
  21. I thought I stood alone in this. Anyone else dislike Tolkein's works:an8: ?
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