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Book Wyrm
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Everything posted by poppy

  1. sincerely hoped, to darken our door again. 'You're just a nasty grey sprinkle on a rainbow cupcake!' shouted Rosie to Flora's retreating back, which was the harshest criticism I'd ever heard her use. She was very upset, so I gave her a big hug and told her ...
  2. A Holly Jolly Christmas ~ Burl Ives (I'm listening to Christmas songs while I cook tea, 20° C (nearly 70°F) not a lot of snow about 😁)
  3. “I adore iced fancies but they have one drawback,” proclaimed Mrs Churchill to her assistant, Miss Pemberley, as they sat in a corner of the tea rooms." The Poisoned Peer (Churchill and Pemberley Series Book 6) by Emily Organ
  4. unflowerlike. She was dressed in builders overalls and turned down wellies, she sported several sailor tattooes including an anchor, skull and crossbones and a cutlass, and she smoked a particularly odiferous pipe of Turkish Shag ( I believe there was a hint of something from Amsterdam in there, as well, but don't quote me). 'Ahoy!' she bellowed. 'I'm here for Rosie, got no time for the male of the species.' She glared at me in a menacing manner. Rosie looked stunned. 'I'm Rosie and I'm afraid that ...
  5. I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas ~ Gayla Peevey
  6. you think you might find something else to do while she's here. I don't want to upset her on our first meeting.' 'Rosie,' I said, 'I'm not leaving you alone with that woman! You do realise she's got designs on you, don't you?' 'What do you mean designs? Like she wants to steal stuff or something? She wouldn't be wanting to steal a cat, would she?? I'd be very angry if she tried to steal one of our pussies!' Rosie is so innocent. She was incredulous when I explained that some women are attracted to other women. She didn't believe me. 'Oh Flora would never be like that. Why she ...
  7. (There's No Place Like) Home for the Holidays ~ Perry Como
  8. putting that pleasure aside for the moment, I bit the proverbial bullet, or in this case more like a stick of jelly, and phoned Clothilde. 'Hi Clothilde,' I said, 'I'm just ringing to enquire how you feel about dissolving our marital partnership and splitting the spoils, so to speak.' 'Get knotted,' was the reply and she hung up. If it hadn't been a mobile she would have slammed it, I'm sure. So much for ...
  9. and you can meet my sweetie.' 'Errkkk,' said Flora which Rosie took to be acquiescence. 'See you at 11 a.m then,' said Rosie, 'Can't wait to meet you!' and she hung up. 'Well, I better crack on,' I headed for the office to get away from Daddy. I'd decided, as reluctant as I was about the whole thing, to contact Clothilde and see how our marital status stood. Perhaps she ...
  10. will temporarily kerb your enthusiasm for sprogs ... I mean progeny, I will do my best to acquire the readies to keep your daughter in the manner to which she is accustomed ( and in the manner I wish I was accustomed!)' I muttered under my breath. The Major seemed slightly mollified but said I'd better festina lente, which sounded like he wanted me to fester plenty, but I pretended not to hear. I decided, to be on the safe side, it wouldn't hurt to ...
  11. approve of children born out of wedlock, of course. But there's nothing to stop an immediate marriage, I trust, now that you're united in both business and passion. I'd like to think there were little Flowers to carry on the family name after I'm gone and inherit my not inconsiderable fortune.' 'Ohhh Daddy, you'll be around for years yet! There's plenty of time for you to enjoy the pitty pitty patter of little biddy feet, and watch our little munchkins grow.' I'd be quite happy for him to pop his clogs immediately but that wasn't my biggest present concern. I hadn't actually told Rosie that I was married and ...
  12. ascertain the level of particulate matter, a large alarming looking monitor was wheeled in. Ms Grimbutt donned a pair of airmuffs, plugged in the machine and a loud high pitched humming ensued. While she was thus engaged, Mr Dartboard whipped out his retractable measuring tape and started calculating square meterage per cat ratios. Rosie and I were mostly unaware of all this, and frankly didn't give a flying fudge monkey, we were too busy gazing adorably into each others eyes. However, after several hours( so much for a few minutes of our time!), Messrs Grimbutt and Dartboard had reached their conclusions. Our cat cafe was ...
  13. Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer ~ Randy Brooks (someone had to post it 😂)
  14. 'Too right! You keep your grubby little hands off her. She's mine! And you can tell your mates the same. I'm like 'this' with her Daddy and one word from me and ...' I hadn't heard Rosie coming up behind me, she'd heard every word. 'Is it true, Johnny? Am I really truly yours?' She was looking at me with ...
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