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Book Wyrm
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Everything posted by poppy

  1. brought it to earth on the corner of Twiddle and Twaddle Streets, narrowly avoiding being struck by a young lout on an e-scooter and wrenching my ankle into the bargain. I yelled a few choice words at his retreating back and was rewarded with a one finger salute. I jammed the hat back on my head with a stern warning to STAY! and limped back home, clutching the now rather bedraggled bunch of roses. I handed them to Rosie saying, 'Roses for a lovely rose. Sorry they're a bit worse for wear, I had a spot of bother with the bus and the wind and my hat and an idiot on a scooter.' 'Oh Johnny!' Rosie gasped, 'You ...
  2. simply marvellous time they'd all have together, sipping their favourite teas, getting to know each other, chatting about peach infused fizzy water, tiddlywinks and other exciting things. 'Oh, you'll just LOVE Johnny! He's such a sweetie, so kind, so intelligent, he adores kitties ... and Daddy. And...' Rosie giggled, 'quite muscly in all the right places. He doesn't know it yet, dont say anything, but I'm rather smitten with him.' 'Erkkkk,' said Flora, 'he's a MAN! I don't like men. Avoid them at all costs. Nasty smelly creatures!' 'Johnny's not smelly!' Rosie was quite indignant, 'Why he showers every day. And he uses this lovely cologne, it smells like limes with a smidgen of mint and strawberries. I could sniff him all day. You'll adore him!' said Rosie, and with that ...
  3. 'May I bring a friend?' asked Rosie, who was online savvy enough to not go meeting complete strangers alone. 'Ummmm .... I suppose so,' replied Flora, who sounded none too pleased. 'Oh goodie! Shall we meet at 'Oh, What a Brew-tiful Morning Cafe'? They do a lovely Japanese Cherry tea and my friend loves a good Chai Skinny Latte, low fat, soy milk, sugar free, sweetened with organic honey and topped with whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles.'(yes, Sean I had to go back and copy that 🤣) 'Okayyyy ...' Flora looked a little dazed, 'shall we ...
  4. likes me or only considers me a friend ... but she did say I was a nice guy ... and rather sweet ... there might be hope still. Now what do girls like? Flowers! I'll get her some flowers! Roses, her namesake. And maybe a new kitten. I felt more cheerful and went off in search of ...
  5. along the Lesser Twaddle River, taking a much needed break from obnoxious workmen, catawauling and skirmishing tabbies who appeared to be largely unhousetrained, Major Daddy who had far too much to say for himself and ruminating on the trajectory my life had taken. The only bright spot, I felt, was ...
  6. That's absolutely wonderful news, Luna! Big relief! Hope you can just concentrate on making a full recovery after your op now xx
  7. cat sanctuary for stray moggies was closing, due to the nonagenarian, who had devoted her whole life to their welfare, departing this earthly plane. No doubt her reward in heaven would be an endless supply of Friskies Finest on which to feed her feline friends thus releasing her from the constant worry of 'what ever shall I feed them today.' 'Johnny, it's a Godsend! Let's go and pick them all up now!' 'How many are there exactly?' I enquired a little nervously. 'Oh, don't worry about little things like that! We'll ...
  8. Don't Let The Sun Catch You Crying ~ Gerry and the Pacemakers
  9. the nice men, they've worked so hard!' pleaded Rosie. 'You'll get paid when you've finished the job, not before! Now jog on!' I'd dealt with bozzos like this before and felt I had a good handle on the situation. Unfortunately...
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