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Everything posted by Mia

  1. Mia

    Dr Who

    Ooh, thank you. I will check it out.
  2. Mia


    I used to hate him, but suddenly found myself warming to him and started to quite fancy him. Of course, he got killed as soon as I started to like him! Regarding Lexi, I think she's so desperate to have a child that she doesn't let herself acknowledge Carl's reluctance, even though deep down she knows he doesn't want to have more kids. I can't stand Carl, I think he's a selfish, nasty piece of work. Plus a double murderer too, if I remember correctly? Grr. Why did they keep him and get rid of Matthew?! I'm sick of it too! At first it was interesting, and I always felt sorry for Faye as she has been very badly treated by Mark. I thought Natasha was particularly nasty when she confronted her, as if Faye was "the mistress" when actually it's Natasha herself! But now I'm losing patience, and I thought it was wrong of Faye to take the money and then move into the village! Have some self-respect woman, you're beginning to turn into a bunny boiler.
  3. Mia

    Dr Who

    Have you all seen trailers for The Waters of Mars, then? I haven't seen anything about it!
  4. I did have a look on Imdb, but I still don't know him from anything I've seen! So I'll have to rely on you all to tell me if you think he's a good actor, and if you think he's right for the role of Moist. Bookjumper, just read Going Postal, from the beginning, as soon as possible. It's brilliant!
  5. I hope I'm remembering the right character then, as there seems to be a lot of love for good old Tom! Was he the one that was always singing and prancing about? At one point, I remember actually shouting out loud, "For God's sake, will you stop singing!"
  6. Gah, I knew it! That'll teach me to try and make logical assumptions! (Out of interest, where exactly is Chesil Beach?)
  7. I haven't, but I would hazard a guess that Chesilbeach has! (You watch, I'll be completely wrong.)
  8. I must spring once again to a (partial) defence of Buffy! Regarding the first part, yes of course her friends didn't know what had happened to her and were trying to help her, so couldn't really be blamed, but still... Buffy is not a saint, she is a person who happens to have some extraordinary powers. I think everyone expects her to be perfect just because she is the "good" slayer who takes her duties very seriously, unlike Faith who uses her abilities to have fun. She is going to make bad decisions or whine just like anyone else does. Which brings me to: I do agree with you about how Buffy treats Spike. She does use and abuse him and treat him like dirt, even though she knows how he feels about her. I could say it's because she is very aware of all the evil things he has done, so she sees him as just an animal, but that's a bit hypocritical considering Angel was just the same in his time but she didn't let that bother her! As I said, she's not perfect!
  9. Panic not, Charles Dance is going to be Vetinari! And he is my favourite character too (well, joint favourite with Vimes). SO HE'D BETTER DO A GOOD JOB! As for Richard Coyle, I haven't seen Coupling or Strange, so I'm still none the wiser. I'll have to pop over to Imdb. He wasn't in Neverwhere, was he?
  10. I read LOTR just before the films came out, because, like Chesilbeach, I like to have read the books before seeing the films (chiefly so I can get cross about what's been left out). I remember really struggling to get into the first book. I think it was Tom Bombadil that just about made me give up. I kept saying I would stop, but for some reason (stubborness?) I carried on and suddenly I realised I was totally engrossed! After that, there was no stopping me and I read all three in quick succession and loved them. At the end, I was so immersed in the whole Middle Earth world that I even read the histories etc in the back of the book. I was desperate to read more Tolkien and thought I would read The Silmarillion, but I don't know what happened because I never did, and now I don't really want to. It's like I was besotted and then fell out of love with it all. Regarding The Hobbit, I think I read it as a child. After reading LOTR, I bought The Hobbit but it has remained on my TBR pile for a good few years now, and I don't feel any inclination at the moment to read it.
  11. I can't place Richard Coyle... I feel like I know the name, but I can't picture him. What's he been in? I quite like the idea of Charles Dance as Vetinari! Should be good. A pretty good cast all round. I was slightly disappointed with The Hogfather too, but it's one of my least favourite novels. I haven't seen The Colour of Magic yet.
  12. Mia

    Dr Who

    Probably, though you can never be too sure in Doctor Who world. I'm looking forward to the specials now (however many are left).
  13. Mia

    Happy 16th Birthday, Ben! :balloons:

  14. Mia

    Dr Who

    Ha ha! Very true Michelle!
  15. Mia

    Dr Who

    Yes, you're soppy! I do agree that it was nice for Rose to have a Doctor stay with her, but quite frankly she was annoying me so much by that point that I thought she was acting a bit like a petulant, spoilt brat. She was almost stamping her foot and saying "I don't want that Doctor, I want this one!" Stop being so ungrateful, you whining little girl! (I really had lost all patience with her by that point. Can you tell?)
  16. Mia

    Dr Who

    That's true! Those writers really know how to manipulate our feelings, don't they? I have to admit I cried when Rose went, but by the time she came back I couldn't really care less about her! I just found her new, strange, lispy voice very annoying. And I'd got used to the far superior Catherine Tate by then.
  17. Mia

    Dr Who

    Chesilbeach - good point, well made! But that would mean I went through all that heartbreak at the end of the series for nothing.
  18. Mia

    Dr Who

    I'll spoiler this anyway, just in case...
  19. Mia

    Dr Who

    Don't know how true it is (and sorry if it's already been mentioned), but there was a little bit in today's paper which said that in the next series! Not completely unexpected.
  20. Happy Birthday! :balloons:

  21. Happy Birthday! :balloons:

  22. I'm not up to these episodes on my re-watch, but from what I remember, I thought exactly the same thing at the time. She certainly had no right to turn up and act like she did. But then again, Faith had done a lot of bad stuff to her (including trying to kill her) so I can understand where she's coming from in a way. I like Buffy, so I'm gonna defend her!
  23. I agree! I do have three bookcases, two of which are in my lounge. One is pretty neat, with books grouped together by author. The other is shared with DVDs, but all my Pratchetts are on the top two shelves! Hardbacks always go on the bottom shelf, as they are heavy and my bookcases are Argos specials and not that sturdy! The shelves tend to bend if piled up with too many books... So really, I tend to group books by author, and will try and put them in order of publication. It annoys me that I have the odd hardback and these have to be separate from the rest of that author's books. Size matters! I try and keep the same size books on each shelf, as this makes a nice level surface to cram more books horizontally on top of them.
  24. Here in the UK The Mentalist is on a Thursday too, at 9pm, which clashes with Reaper on E4! Seeing as I can't tape digital TV, I watch Reaper and tape The Mentalist. Funnily enough, I haven't enjoyed The Mentalist as much since I started having to tape it. Weird. That's not to say it isn't still great though, and Simon Baker isn't still gorgeous!
  25. Haven't read it, and don't intend to! The vampire genre doesn't interest me at all (says the girl whose favourite TV show of all time is Buffy the Vampire Slayer, closely followed by Angel). And I'm not joking. Work that one out, I can't.
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