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Posts posted by Inver

  1. Good stuff.... :doowapstart:


    No game for the U'17's this weekend and Glendale actually won 2-1...! Not that Andy was involved....don't think he is talking to them at the moment...! :blink:

  2. As part of hubby's birthday we went to see this at His Majesty's Theatre in Aberdeen. It was excellent. Atticus Finch and Scout were both outstanding I thought...(Scout played by Rosie Boore).


    The production is currently on a UK tour from London's West End....Regent Park Theatre  and is well and truly worth seeing if it comes to a venue near you. If you love the book and the film definitely worth seeing this.


    Link here for where it is going to

    (click on the link)


  3. Hoorah...nice sunny day and a game played...U'17's were slow to get started and went down 2-0 before HT, lost another but with 10 minutes to go (leaving it too late) got one back....beaten 3-1. We have to play this team again and they are beatable, just need to come out the traps at a faster pace... :D  At least after weeks of no fixtures they remembered how to play. Glendale no game.

  4. 'The Husband's Secret' by Liane Moriarty


    As this book had mixed reviews I wasn't sure what to expect. On starting it I found there were a lot of characters to take on board and it was jumping around quite a lot, which was annoying, but on continuing something significant happened and it drew me in and the pace picked up and I was page turning.


    Cecilia and her family, she finds a letter only to be opened on the death of her husband, she tells him she has found it but not read it...what does the letter contain? Tess, who thinks she is in a happy marriage finds out her husband supposedly loves another. Rachel, has to come to terms that her beloved little grandson, with her son and daughter-in-law could be moving to New York.


    Eventually all the characters intermingle and we find out how they are linked, with secrets of the past and an unresolved murder of Janie...who did it?


    I'm glad I persevered with this book and I did enjoy the epilogue and all the 'if only'....I can't tell you anymore without giving something away.





  5. Oops...forgot to check in....no U'17's last weekend or this...becoming a bit of betting game as to when they will get to play again. Frozen pitches now soggy as the rain came.


    Glendale had a 1-0 victory last weekend....the goal being a total scrappy one due to the opposition goalie fumbling the ball and our man just being there to walk it in to the goal. Frustating for Andy again though....as he was available to play, told them he could, turned up and pre match talk saying he was one of their good technical players...then in the next breath he isn't there for much of the training sessions. They know his situation working until 7 and gets there as soon as he can albeit sometimes only for 30 minutes but turns up....outcome he didn't even get to strip up to be on the bench..yet again....totally pi...ss...ed off at the moment. No game for them this weekend either.

  6. I'm glad you liked this one :). Great review!


    I plan to read at least a few more of Diane Chamberlain's books this year, though I haven't yet decided which ones, out of the ones I own, exactly as they all sound good. I'll see how I feel when I'm picking one up, see which one intruiges me the most or such.

    Which ones  have you read?


    I'm so glad you enjoyed 'Secrets' Diane, how many of hers have you read now? I still have more to read but I'm DC'd out at the mo and need a change so I've not even put the titles in my Book Box. I may add a couple later in a few months.


    What books are next on your reading pile? :)

    I have read 5 now Hayley...and thanks to you for the introduction....and please let me know if you want 'Secrets' back to follow on from 'Storm...did you read it?


    Midwife's Confession

    Good Father

    Bay at Midnight

    Before the Storm

    Secrets She Left Behind.


    Can now get on with 'Cauldstane' and then will see what I have listed on my TBR pile here (at the beginning of the post) and Goodreads, and see what come in the First Book Club meeting, via The Bookshop Café on Goodreads...have you not signed up for that Hayley?

  7. 'Secrets She Left Behind' by Diane Chamberlain


    I always enjoy Diane Chamberlain and this didn't disappoint. This is the follow on from 'Before the Storm' which I loved. I always seem to read her books reasonably quickly. She writes such gripping storylines and great characters. It could probably be read on its own, but I think reading the first would help, understanding the plot and how the characters link.

    There are lots of truths and family relationships brought unexpectedly to the fore....I like when these kind of things pop up, and you go 'omg...wasn't expecting that'.

    This was a worthy follow on read and recommend it. Each chapter is narrated by one of the characters. Sometimes this can be annoying but never so with Diane Chamberlain's writing I find. There have been lots of mixed reviews for this book, but I think you just have to go ahead and read it and make up your own mind...especially if you have read the 'Before the Storm.

    And thank you Hayley again for sending this on to me... :)




  8. And nae game for Glendale either....Andy having to listen to Aberdeen v Dundee Utd in the Scottish League cup semi....and Aberdeen have just gone 2-1 down...4 mins to go...


    Dundee Utd win 2-1...so Aberdeen can't now retain the cup they won last year. Andy was hoping the would win and get a free meal again....that is what happened when Aberdeen won cup last year....all the staff were invited out.

  9. Early call off for the 17's tonight....no games being played on council pitches tomorrow....have to wait and see if Glendale manage a game, which means Andy will be available to play if needed. If on will be their semi-final game they are still in. Rainy here at the moment.

  10. Did my supermarket shop at Sainsbury's today and suddenly remembered... there was a 50 bonus point when you bought  'Before you die' ~ Samantha Hayes book...trotted of to the book section and there they were on the shelf...only about 1/2 dozen left, so hopefully they are selling well. Adding it to my TBR pile. Have like all her other books so hopefully this one will be another good read.

  11. I'm on to the follow up from 'Before the Storm'....'Secrets She Left Behind'...hoping it will a good follow on...disappointing when they don't meet expectations.


    Glad to hear 'The Silent Sister' was enjoyable Athena....probably another to add to the list then.. ;)

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