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Posts posted by Inver

  1. That is great Kay...well done to your nephew and the fact he is enjoying it.


    That was so close Sedge...shame it had to come to end :blush2:


    U'17's game was called off this morning, call at 8.15am this morning to say council pitches all unplayable. The weather didn't seem that bad this week, so no points won or lost today. There is going to be such a backlog to catch up on and difficult with the 17's coming up for exams after Easter. Lots of juggling and putting in for free dates to cancel etc.


    Glendale lost 3-0 in a cup 1/4 final today (not that Andy cares very much at the moment, has tried talking to a couple of folk, but to no avail...!..watch this space).

  2. When is the return game Sedge....hope you can get a 3-0 victory then...is it possible?


    Andy is going to Hampden on Sunday to watch Scotland v Gibraltar..hope they get their win. It was a reasonable performance during the week in the friendly v NI.

  3.  I went to see 'Still Alice' today....excellent film....it made me feel the same way as I did after I read the book....Julianne Moore is well worthy of her Oscar for her role as Alice. It still answers a lot of questions that we went through with dad and his dementia....definitely makes you think and appreciate live for the moment and appreciate and love those that are nearest and dearest to you... you never know what lies ahead :blush2:

  4. Glendale won 2-1. (Andy still having issues with them unfortunately!) U'17's were awarded 3pts despite losing 2-1, as the other team the were playing (Culter Boys 17's) had not paid an outstanding fine. The played it as a friendly. Through nothing sinister, but was to do with some paperwork that was sent to the old manager of the team who had since moved from that address and the new manager had received.

  5. Was a bit cloudy here in Aberdeen....but folk still managed to see it. This is what I got on my phone camera. Took it over my shoulder...think this is when the sun started to appear again.


  6. 'Love Anthony' by Lisa Genova


    Having read 'Still Alice', which I loved, and 'Left Neglected', I thought this would be on a par with them, but I was slightly disappointed. Given the subject matter to be about Anthony who is autistic I felt the story was definitely concentrating more on the two women, Olivia and Beth. Whereas her other two books focused more on the individual with the medical condition.


    However it was a good read. Olivia and Beth don't know each other but are eventually brought together by the photographs Olivia takes of Beth and her girls. Olivia is asked by Beth if she would read over her manuscript for a novel she is writing...this brings them together in a way neither would have at all expected.


    I did like how Lisa wrote about a possible theory of how Anthony's mind would work and sectioned into little rooms. That too may made quite a lot of sense of how autism could/may work. The final chapter was the best and totally written with sensitivity.





  7. Hubby went along to watch U'17's today. Andy was in Glasgow doing some more SFA badge work. Unfortunately he missed them winning 3-0 away from home...hoorah. Glendale had a semi final today...lost 1-0 in ET. They couldn't even win against a team whose goalie was sent off after 30 minutes and they played with 10 men...!!!!

  8. I was naughty and bought books today....!... I don't need more...! One I had on my Christmas list and didn't get but saw in on the shelf and it still had a sticker on buy one get one half price.


    'The Great Christmas Knit Off' by Alexandra Brown (I will keep this for a Christmas read this year)

    'The Legacy of Elizabeth Pringle' by Kirsty Wark (the journalist, newscaster on BBC)


    Kenny asked me yesterday 'Mum do you have a list of books you want?'.....Mother's Day is coming up so I gave him 5 titles to choose from....he went down town today....wonder which one he got me ? :D 

  9. 'The Girl Who Couldn't Smile' by Shane Dunphy


    Shane Dunphy writes about his experiences as a child protection officer. He is asked to go and help manage 'Little Scamps' crèche, who have children with emotional and physical disabilities. The book is about how he works with the staff to try and bring the children together and make it a better environment for them all to be in. Each child presents him with a different challenge, but slowly things improve thanks to an idea given to him by 'Gus' and his 'magic blue crayon'.


    Very easy to read book and certainly gives you an incite into children with special additional needs.





  10. Who would you prefer?


    Good result for St Johnstone last night....they beat Celtic 1-0 away from home and stopped their unbeaten run....Andy is happy.

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